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Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. 
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| Purifying Goddess
Friday, January 26, 2007
Fuck me
written at: 11:55 pm
listening to: Breaking Benjamin
CD: We Are Not Alone
Fav song: Sooner or Later
mood: pissed OFF
Bishonen: Fai and Kurogane from Tsubasa
After much looking, Fai is how it's spelled in the manga, so it's staying FAI, damnit!!
There. Got that outta my system
Anyway, got some really sucky news today. Our dog, who's a purebred Chocolate Lab (we adopted him from the Customs agency: FBI, people!), apparently has something called 'cushion disease'. Don't know if I spelled it right. Anyway, the pituitary gland in the brain (so my dad explained it to me...) produces too much of a steriod, telling him he's thirsty, so he drinks a lot....and then goes to the bathroom a lot. As it progresses, he drinks more, pees more, until it's a never-ended cycle. And so, he has to be put down. I don't know WHEN - they're taking a pee sample tomorrow, since the clarity will tell them how far it's progressed - but it doesn't look good. We've had him for....almost nine years, since I was nine a month after we moved, and I'll be eighteen in June.....that's how I figure it all out. ^_^' So, a long time. I really, really hate it. And the worst part? It's TREATABLE!!!
Wanna know the reason we can't do anything?
It's $1000 for the initial treatment, and $4-$5 a pop for a pill - and he'd have to take 4-5 a day. So, do that math. We just don't have that kind of money. It pisses me off. There's medication out there for owners, but the only people who can afford them are the prissy little sonofabitches who have their fucking purebred little rat-ass bastards. Not people who adopt animals, and love them, and love them because of them, not because of their goddamn breed.
GOD, I'm pissed!
And I still haven't heard from my friend. As a side thing, I'm still going through a lot right now, and my mom keeps telling me about the 'power of prayer'. Now, she isn't a religious nut, so she's not just being ridiculous. (I should know....) But I don't believe in it. Maybe it works for other people, but it's never worked for me. If it did, I would've been able to see my grandfather or uncle before they dropped dead. Or another elderly man I visited for years, before he died. So, I don't think prayer does shit. You either get lucky, or you don't. I'm going through some major religious issues - I haven't even been goign to mass. Or recieving communion, which is a big thing for Catholics, believe me. My mom says that you have to stop trying to do it all on your own, and just tell God you're tired, and that you need help before you break. Well, guess what - I already broke. I broke a long time ago, and I stopped praying for help years ago. He doesn't do shit for me. I'm not saying nothing good ever happens, but there's always something majorly bad going on that's bigger. I basically told my mom I don't think it means anything for me. I don't know what to do - I really don't. I mean, does God wanna kick my teeth out too, while he's at it?
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