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Student, single, and a net-head
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Yeah, sure. 
Started second year of college, made deans' list, joined the honor society, got job!
Anime Fan Since
Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. 
Favorite Anime
Trinity Blood, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, and the Advent Children movie!
Travel the world, become a published author, and experiance life.
Watching anime, reading manga, writing, and being annoying 
Piano-playing, writing fantasy, and tuning out jackasses
| Purifying Goddess
Friday, February 2, 2007
written at: 1:19 pm
listening to: Journey
CD: Trial By Fire
Fav song: Can't Tame The Lion
mood: beyond a nervous breakdown
Bishonen: Havoc from Fullmetal Alchemist
Hey, all. Thanks, alteregochick, for your comment. ^_^' And it wasn't preaching, trust me.
I shall start with Friday night. I went to bed real late, and opened up the top drawer of my dresser to put some clothes away. Guess what I found?? Rat feces. -_- So, I had a fit, and then went to bed. I figured I'd wake dad up in the morning about it. So, then I hear something MOVING in my room. I thought I was being paranoid at first - but it was something. So, pissed off, I went and slept on the couch downstairs.
That was bad enough. But guess what - there's more!! I wake up late Saturday morning, and anyone wanna guess what I found?? The parrot we've had for about 13 years (we have two), and the dog - gone. Apparently, the dog had been put down, and the bird given away. And no one could WAKE ME UP to let me know anything. Nope. GOD FORBID THE BASTARDS LET ME KNOW WHAT WAS GOING ON!!! So, after I finished having hysterics, we proceeded to the problem of my room. (I'd rather not go into details about the animals.) Well, I was in for a pleasent suprise. The fucking little rodents destroyed my dresser, chewed the clothes inside, and were all over the room. THEY WERE MAKING A GODDAMN NEST IN THE DRAWER. What fun! So, all Saturday was spent taking apart my room. I had several nervous breakdowns - seriously. I got so mad I couldn't even swear anymore. But if the other parrot doesn't know how to say 'fuck me' before, he certainly does now.
My bed is in my mom's sewing room, what's left of my clothing is in two garbage bags in my mom's closet, my plastic closet-thing with jackets and few other stuff is in the living room, in front of the big picture window, and my items and stuff are in two boxes are the floor.
Oh boy, I'm having such fun!
And if anyone thinks I'm seriously having fun, I'm going to reach into the internet and kill you.
I spent the night at one of the teachers from the edu. center's house - they're all really trying to help me. ^_^' She said if I want to go back over whenever, let her know. I'll take her up on the offer again soon.
I have no privacy, despite my mom's best efforts, and I have no room anymore. My desk, with my stereo and computer, is in the rec room, so people are always going back and forth, and all my manga is still in that room. Which has about sixteen traps, so it smells like anything. Apparently, there is no way for the rats to get in, so sayeth the exterminator, so they must be a figment of our fucking imaginations.
At least I get a new dresser, and clothes. Eventually. If I EVER move back downstairs.
Life sucks. I knew this year was going to be worse - they get worse every year. And I was so mad on Saturday. Just in general. I was upset, hysterical, angry, and pissed off. One minute my brother would have me laughing (he's been pretty good), and the next I'd be swearing like a sailor. Luckily, my mom wasn't home, so I could.
I'm just so disgusted. It's not fair, and if anyone tries to tell me it could be worse, I'll slug 'em. I am in no mood for people pointing out the upside (THERE IS NONE). I WANT to be miserable and pissed off. I have every fucking RIGHT to be, in my opinion. What is good about all this, huh?? And all in ONE fucking day. AAAAAALL at once! Kick me in the teeth, why don't you?!
I probably won't be around much, except for PM replies. I just don't feel like it, to be honest. I don't want to do anything at all. I just figured I'd update and let you all know how fucked up my life has become, so you can compare and go 'wow! I'm glad I'm not her!' or something like that.
So, I'm going to go and have another nervous breakdown again - I feel it coming on. Catch you all later.
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