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Student, single, and a net-head
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Yeah, sure. 
Started second year of college, made deans' list, joined the honor society, got job!
Anime Fan Since
Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. 
Favorite Anime
Trinity Blood, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, and the Advent Children movie!
Travel the world, become a published author, and experiance life.
Watching anime, reading manga, writing, and being annoying 
Piano-playing, writing fantasy, and tuning out jackasses
| Purifying Goddess
Monday, April 9, 2007
written at: 6:04 pm
listening to: Shania Twain
CD: Greatest Hits
Fav song: That Don't Impress Me Much
mood: rushed
Hot Guy: Shigure again
Shigure's repeated because I've been having a LOT of trouble with Otaku lately, so I don't know if it's going to close out on me. >_< I don't want to waste time.
Yeah, I haven't been on in so long because of the stupid site. It usually will tell me that it can't connect/find server, or just close out on me in the middle of loading a page, or just freeze. Friggin' site. So, sorry!
Hope everyone had a good Easter! (If you celebrate it, I do.) I had a good one. Slept late, ate candy (of course!), all that stuff. Went to the vigil Mass the night before, and didn't get home until midnight. And it started at 8:30. O_o Longest. Mass. Ever!
Okay, Banshee (dog) is doing great. Puppy stuff to deal with, like chewing, but that's also a Lab trait. Oh boy. He's so cute, and he's already growing. He's supposed to double in size, at least 90 lbs. (That's big, trust me.) We have pics of him, and I want to get them on my comp so I can show you all what he looks like. So CUTE!!!! LOTS of energy - he wears us out before we can wear him out!! Yeesh, we haven't had a puppy in over 23 years, so we're not used to it.
Lessee.....had the flu two weeks ago, and didn't get over it until last week. Then had a stomach virus at the same time, so I was dead. Icky. Already behind school, so I'm working my ass off to catch up so I can graduate on time, instead of stretching out my year into the summer. I have so many PAPERS to do!!! T_T
Been doing writing, though, still keeps me busy. Haven't really gone anywhere, how sad. My friend wants to take me to the prom with her this year, next month, so that'll be fun if we can go. Got up to vol. 5 of Ouran now - I love it!!! It's so funny. And Mori is my fav, with the twins a smidgen behind, and Kyoya in third. I don't know why, Kyoya's just awesome. I think I like Mori because he's always so serious, even when they're doing something funny. (Something like that......)
I can't think of anything else. I'm sorry I haven't been around! No one's messaged me except nurika, so haven't talked to any of you for a long time. If the Otaku EVER stops being a bitch (it's NOT my computer this time!!!!!!!), I'll be back on regularly. For now, don't expect me around too much. I'm also busy as hell with all the work, puppy, and just stressing out, so there.
Ah! Was supposed to get two fillings last week, since I have two tiny cavaties in the top and bottom molars on my left side. And I can't figure how I got them, either - honestly! I don't eat sugar a whole lot ('cept chocolate....), and don't do soda, or gum. I don't think the dentist believed me - bitch. Anyway, made the appointment and got there, waited for the guy to show up, and he decided to make an 'educated gamble'. I don't have fillings!! He said my mouth was really clean and nice, and he didn't want to put the fillings in. He thinks I got the things by grinding my teeth while I sleep - he said girls in their late teens and early twenties are the majority of people who do it, since we stress out about more stuff in general, and starting college and all. So, I bought a mouthguard, and hate it. I actually woke up the morning before and realized it wasn't in my mouth. It was on the floor, nice and neat. O_o Ooookaaaaaay. So, we're gonna remold it for my bottom jaw. (It's one of the ones you boil, stick in your mouth....go look at your store and find it.)
What fun. Damn, had something else, but forget it. Ah well, don't think it was very important. I know, this post is all over the place, but I'm trying to be quick. Oh! Been driving, and getting the hang of it. Not learning stick, since I'm stressing out too much. Sticking with the van and automatic until I'm REALLY good. That's going well. Hopefully I can get my license by summer, but I'm not holding my breath. I can't go and get a license from DMV until I'm 19 - before then, you still have to take the test. Here's hoping!
Okay, I think THAT'S it. Honestly! I'll catch everyone....eventually.
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