written at: 6:47 am
listening to: HIM
CD: Razorblade Romance
Fav song: Razorblade Kiss
mood: I want to cry - I am crying!
Hot guy: Chichiri from Fushigi Yugi
Well, I'm at my nerve's end. I'm sitting up at this God-forsaken time SOBBING. Anyone want to take a guess WHY?!!?
All right, let me take a DEEP breath........Sunday evening I went to the ER because I was having trouble breathing, and I've had this really bad cough for at least a month. They decided after a while that I have bronchitis with allergies, which was making it worse. So, they gave me some medication there, a prescription, and an inhaler with albuterol in it. I was fine and dandy.
I toook the inhaler several times, and late Monday afternoon, I had to go to the ER a second time. This time, I was breaking out in hives all over. The last time I did that - I really don't want to talk about it. Let's just say the sight of hives sent me into a blind panic. I'm serious, and nothing does. Not EVER. And these did.
We finally get to the hospital - ah, I'll break here. For two of mom's friends have been down here since last Friday. Dad had a meeting in another town, so he had the van, and mom's one friend (man and woman, this one the woman) is a crontrol freak. So, she wouldn't let MOM drive the goddamn car, but she did. So, I'm in there not able to breath or anything, and she's taking five fucking minutes backing out of the driveway. And then she's going BELOW THE GODDAMN SPEED LIMIT. I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO DIE IN HER FUCKING BACKSEAT.
About halfway there, mom almost had a stroke when she told her to flag down a cop car, she SLOWED DOWN, and then didn't beep her horn. So mom started beeping the horn - and as the first car dissapeared, another just appeared coming towards us. And let me tell you, HE stopped! So he took us to the hospital, lights and no sirens, and must've been doing 80. Damn!
All right, so we spent about two hours in the ER, and they doped me up so well I couldn't even see straight. I was seeing double! ^_^' They decided I was either allergic to the antibiotic they had given me the night before, or the albuteral I had been taking. Thank God I didn't take anymore of the antibiotic, because the doc thinks that was it. So, now I'm taking Zantax or something, a steroid for the swelling, benedryl for itching, and something else for the hives. -_- Shitload of meds.
So, why am I up at this time, crying? Well, about two hours ago, around 4, I started itching and put anti-itch cream on my belly and arms, where it's been starting. I wake up NOW, and my chest is tight, and I have hives ALL OVER. All over my belly, chest, arms, wrists, neck - and my fucking FACE. My lips and eyes are swollen, my ears hurt - it's SCARY. I almost had a stroke. So I woke mom up and took two more benedryl, and am waiting for wonder-drugs to kick in. Please God, let it happen soon.
Unless you've have had hives and know what they're about, you can't imagine how terrified I was when I woke up a little ago. It sounds dramatic, but I really, truly was.
As for mom's friend - I feel bad, since it's kinda my fault, but my parents were so pissed. She called the hospital and after bitching at mom about 'poor her' and how mom hated her and all this crap, she finally asked how I was doing. Oh, I'm fine. -_- I was just suffocating in your car while you did 15 mph, that's all. ACROSS TOWN. When Dad took me on Sunday, he musta done 60 the entire way! O_o So, they left yesterday morning while I was sleeping, and mom wants nothing else to do with her. She couldn't believe - because they've known each other for YEAERS - that her 'friend' put herself before me.
There went down the tubes.
I just needed to get that out. I feel absolute miserable, and I remember what happened last time I got a case of the hives, and - ow! Ow! My chest just keeps getting tighter. I KNEW they should've kept me at the goddamn hospital....with my luck I'm having a reaction to the fucking steroids. I just really, really needed to get this all out. T_T
I'll check back in later, when (if) I feel better. Hope everyone else had a better weekend! (What a load of shit, honestly....always something....)
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