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Student, single, and a net-head
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Yeah, sure. 
Started second year of college, made deans' list, joined the honor society, got job!
Anime Fan Since
Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. 
Favorite Anime
Trinity Blood, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, and the Advent Children movie!
Travel the world, become a published author, and experiance life.
Watching anime, reading manga, writing, and being annoying 
Piano-playing, writing fantasy, and tuning out jackasses
| Purifying Goddess
Sunday, December 18, 2005
It's 1:31 am now. I was helping my mom with her Xbox game, Syberia, so I missed IGPX, FMA, and Samurai Champloo. IGPX isn't repeated to my knowledge, but I'm waiting up for the other two to repeat. I am NOT going to miss them!!
I slept late, went on the computer, and basically did nothing Saturday. Ah, the weekend bliss......^_^ Tonight (technically) I'm going to the Daily Grind again with a few friends, and then I have a pizza party at Youth Group, instead of class. (We're off next week!)And Dad'll come (he promised - I'll make 'em!) and "talk" to my stalker to make sure the message from last week got across. I thanked the guy who baited him for me, and he was surprised. He actually thought I was going to be pissed off at him!! ^_^
A lot of kids stand outside smoking before and after classes, and it really pisses me off, especially after having so many relatives die from lung cancer. So I'm going to bring a picture of my uncle back when he was healthy, and a pic of him two weeks before he died, and Mrs. S - our "leader" - is going to show them all the pics and let them see what smoking does to you. I think it's disgusting and I'm never going to do it - and I really hope none of my friends on here do it either!! If you do, don't even tell me and/or try to defend it, because it will only piss me off having watched my only uncle die from it.
We were thinking of going up to NJ this week to visit my grandma (is Christmas really only a week away?! My God!!) but decided against it, since my dad has a doc's appointment Tues afternoon, and then they're going to a party Weds. I'm glad, because I hate riding to NJ with cramps like these.....
Speaking of my dad, he's doing great! ^_^ I'm really happy about it, obviously. The doctor was amazed at how fast my dad's gotten back onto his feet. As of this past Thurs, my dad can lift any weight object again, but he can't go back to work until Jan. 3. He was going to go back the 2, but since it's a Mon after a holiday, everyone has off. ^_^ Dad doesn't even care.
Hrm.......nothin' much else to type. I'll probably check up on you all later today, so have a good one!
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