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Student, single, and a net-head
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Yeah, sure. 
Started second year of college, made deans' list, joined the honor society, got job!
Anime Fan Since
Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. 
Favorite Anime
Trinity Blood, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, and the Advent Children movie!
Travel the world, become a published author, and experiance life.
Watching anime, reading manga, writing, and being annoying 
Piano-playing, writing fantasy, and tuning out jackasses
| Purifying Goddess
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
I'm not going to my group today for three reasons:
1) I can't get a ride there, since my parents are going to a Christmas party before then;
2) I have a cold/allergies, and I don't want to get my friends sick;
3) We go to nursing homes, and there is no way in hell I'm going to be responsible for killing off a bunch of old people because I was sick.
I finished my poetry test!! *cheers and dances wildly* Now all I have to do is type it up - I'll either do it this week or put it off till after the holidays. Tomorrow I'm going out with my dad for Christmas shopping for my mom. A while ago (for her B-day in July....) she gave me a card that has a code on it. Apparently, she went to the jeweler's in town and picked out something, and he wrote the code on it so he could find it easily. So we'll probably get her that for Christmas. And then I want to go up to the mall (maybe) and get something for my friends. On Christmas Eve (or technically Christmas morning, maybe) I'll post my gift to all of you guys!!
My parents went Christmas shopping yesterday and day before, so it's all done for them. *whew* I accidently broke my lava lamp a few days ago when I tripped - the one my bro gave me for Christmas last year - and I was really pissed and kinda upset, ya know? So they bought me another (bigger) one and didn't make me wait for Christmas. It's got a black top and bottom, the liquid is a blue, and the gel stuff is a light blue/white. It's so cool - the light makes me think I'm in an aquarium or something! ^_^ I love it! Since I'm still sleeping on the pull-out couch in the basement, I have it on the floor near it. And then my dad's stero is on a little table at the foot of the bed, and I play my Inuyasha soundtrack at night, since the basement is too quiet for comfort........I listen to my FFX soundtrack (four discs!!) while I do schoolwork - mainly for the poetry test, because I find it hard to concentrate on the poetry when I have other lyrics in my head, ya know? But I always have to play music period when I work - I hate silence.
Wow, I dunno how I managed to go off like that.....O_o Ah well. Last night I watched the original "Yours, Mine, and Ours" movie with my mom and bro. I really like it! My parents bought "The Brothers Grimm" yesterday, so we'll probably watch it tonight. It's supposed to be really good, so I'll let you guys know what I think of it!
I handed out Christmas baskets (for the poor in the parish) yesterday. It's really fulfilling, at the risk of sounding corny. After everyone left, my bro and guy friend (the one who told off my stalker) went to the Daily Grind. I treated, so my bro had a hot cocoa and we ahd mocha java coolers. Then we all had smoothies, too. ^_^ Apparently, my stalker's mother has been saying stuff to people insinuating that I'm a slut and chaser. What a shock.
I had a sore throat yesterday and I've got one today, as well as congestion. I think it's mainly allergies, but since my dad was sick before, I'm not taking any chances. I'm drinking plenty of orange juice and taking meds for allergies and cold - there is NO WAY in hell I'm getting sick on Christmas!! One year everyone was sick but my mom - she gives it to everyone, and then gets better quick. -_- What a year.....that was ridiculous! ^_^
I'm trying to think of what to get my friend(s). I'm debating whether to go my friend's B-day party in January - the one that's pissing me off. Maybe for a little bit, but I'm not sleeping over, that's for sure. I got my one friend earrings already and a poster for her B-day this month, and I'm not sure what to get my other friend...............NOOOOOOO!!!!!!! I hate getting gift cards - I feel like it's cop-out. (sp??) I think I might get my one friend, the punk, a funky bracelet or something............maybe I'll get the other one a gift card? I don't know!!
I'll go wander off into the not-so-great unknown now. Hope to hear from you guys!
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