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Student, single, and a net-head
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Yeah, sure. 
Started second year of college, made deans' list, joined the honor society, got job!
Anime Fan Since
Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. 
Favorite Anime
Trinity Blood, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, and the Advent Children movie!
Travel the world, become a published author, and experiance life.
Watching anime, reading manga, writing, and being annoying 
Piano-playing, writing fantasy, and tuning out jackasses
| Purifying Goddess
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Hey there! The PM system is still messed up, of course. -_- But I messaged twilightladystar a few days ago, and it seemed I dunno.
Anyway, haven't done much. Caught up on sleep, got some school done, and brainstorming with a pal on fanfiction. I really do love to write. ^_^
It's a rainy day here, but I like rainy days. I just don't like it so HUMID, which it is.....-_- We were finally able to close the windows, but ealier I was coming up the stairs from the basement, and halfway up the banister was all sticky and stuff. THAT'S bad. -_- Ah well.
Going to a wedding Saturday. I'm looking forward to it - hardly get to go anywhere to being with where I get to dress up, and big stuff NEVER. I admit - I like jeans and T-shirts, but I do enjoy getting to dress up every once in a while, ya know? So that'll be fun.
Eh.......more fighting. Whee.......I'm just ignoring it, that's all. That's why I like computers better than people 99.99% of the time, ya know? Urk.
My dad got the new Godsmack CD - I like it. Also got Linkin Park's Hybrid Theory - now I have that and the enhanced Meteora CD. I think I like Hybrid a little better, though. ^_^' I have an odd system of getting CD's - I'll listen to songs I like, and then find out what band or CD it's on, and get it. So a few nights ago, I went on Amazon and made a list of the bands and their CD's that I want to get eventually - so now when I go out and can get one, I know what I want to get, ya know? ^_^
My B-day's next month - oh boy! June 19 - my guy friend's is May 19. Weird! We think it's creepy. ^_^ So I'm exactly a year and one month older than he is. But I'm shorter than any of my friends, at 5'3". My bro's almost six feet, and he's only thirteen! Good gosh! Oh well - at least I can wear heels. ^_^ I'm never wearing flats around my friends again, though. Shorty.....yeesh, I popped him one.
I'm kinda just babbling so I can tune out the arguing, ya know? So just ignore it all if ya want.
Hey, anyone else having problems reading my text? I thought it was just my comp, but maybe it's the site somehow. If so, I'll find a code to make it "bigger" and return it to normal size. At least.....I'll try it! ^_^
Like the Otaku pride banner? It's from lordsesshomaru's site. I like stuff like that, ya know?
I keep typing like Chichiri - blame the fanfictions! Writing Tasuki's lines are rubbing off on me too - I keep having to remember to write 'you' instead of 'ya' and stuff like that. -_- I'm so weird.
Yea, what a fun family.
Anyway, I beat another side quest in Shadow Hearts III - now I have all four fusions. That disappointed me. At least with Yuri in the first two games, you got a whole load of fusions and abilities to choose from. I mean, I think these are really cool looking and powerful (La Sirene is my fav) but I like having a whole lot to gain and fight with, ya know? Oh well.
KHII does feel like it's dumbed down a little in some ways - the worlds feel like little side-quests instead of WORLDS to me. But the synthesizing (sp....) and Drive system is pretty cool, ya know? So, it's got its ups and downs. At least the Shadow Hearts series retains it's level of skill, ya know? If not getting a little harder in certain areas....^_^' I can't play them without a guide, or else I'm screwed. I haven't even beaten the first Shadow Hearts because I keep getting lost and dying.......I need to go on Gamefaqs and find a guide, ya know? I mean, I know the ending and all since I played the second one, but it's the PRINCIPLE of the thing!! THE PRINCIPLE!!!!!!!
There, I'm fine. Relatively. ^_^
Wow....this was just supposed to be a short note! Yeesh....I'll shut up now. Lemme know about the font and all! And if anyone has any suggestions for my wallpaper (which still won't work) lemme know! And I don't have photobucket or anything, so don't even go there.......
See ya later! I'll try to check all your sites, too - I go on the ones who've updated that day, so if I miss a day, it's cause I didn't get on or whatever. ^_^
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