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Student, single, and a net-head
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Yeah, sure. 
Started second year of college, made deans' list, joined the honor society, got job!
Anime Fan Since
Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. 
Favorite Anime
Trinity Blood, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, and the Advent Children movie!
Travel the world, become a published author, and experiance life.
Watching anime, reading manga, writing, and being annoying 
Piano-playing, writing fantasy, and tuning out jackasses
| Purifying Goddess
Friday, May 19, 2006
Well, I finished up my geography for the year! I tried to work on religion, but I got pissed off WAAY too quick. -_-
Finished readin the prequel to "The Wheel of Time" series, by Robert Jordan. At 3 in the morning......but I HAD to know the ending! It's one of the few normal series I read now - I can't tolerate most stuff. I like manga. ^_^ I'm gonna try to get to the bookstore this weekend, especially since it's a sale! ^_~ Wish me luck!
Been getting LOADS of writing done. I've reached 17 chapters on my Fushigi Yugi fic, and I'm working on chapter 18 now. ^_^ My other FY fic reached 7 chapters......the current one is my record. ^_^ I love to write.....and twilightladystars has a profile on too! Know what's weird? I've never really seen Naruto on TV - a few episodes (though I'd like to try the manga) - but I've currently read two or three Naruto fics with Kakashi in 'em. ^_^' Ah well.
I'm planning on going to Teen Group Sunday and picking a fight with a bitch I know. She's bragging about going to Paris - well, my dad found out from her dad (our parents are friends) that she'll only be in Paris itself for about half-a-day - and the only reasons she's going is that it's some pilgrimage that's her parents' last attempt to stop her from being such a whore. >_< Whee!! Dad told her dad that she'll just corrupt all the kids. ^_^ And what's funny is all the OTHER kids are going because they've got problems too, so what makes her dad think they'll be such good company? And FORGET about chaperoning. So when she starts to brag about it on Sunday, I'll just tell it to her face. ^_^
"I understood that you'll only be in Paris for half-a-day, at most, and that you're only going because your parents are trying to stop you from being such a whore here."
Sound good? Still working on it, but you get the jist of it. I can't wait......(laughs evilly) I really, really hate her. REALLY.
A rainy, cool day out. Yea!! I hate humid days. Sunny is all right, but it gets so hot this time of month.....I melt! Okay, not really, but....I hate the heat. -_- At least, really hot. Indoor heating is fine - to a point - but I'm hot-blooded. I like it cold!! dad's the same way. And my mom........we can't figure out. One moment she'll be complaning about how hot it is, and next thing we know she's cranking the heat up with the windows open. O_o Go figure.
Well, haven't been up to much that would interest you guys. (I doubt this did...) Just school, writing, and the occasional evil planning. Oh yeah! My dad bought me the new Shinedown CD "Us and Them". Awesome. I highly reccomend it! And we're going to a Def Leppord/Journey concert in July.....Whee!! And at the end of June the Teen Group is going to Kings Dominion, and dad's taking a day off to drive. ^_^
We watched more Rurouni Kenshin last night. It's weird - I've seen the entire first season, and either the last of the second or beginning of the third, but we're currently working our way through the second season box set, and I haven't seen any of the episodes. I just saw the one where he had to kill his master.....the guy doesn't really die, right? >_< That sucked - me and my dad were pissed off. >:( KILL!!!!!
Ah well. I'll stop for now and see you all later. I'm trying to visit all your sites, so forgive me if I don't get around to it! ^_^' So much......oi. Hey, anyone seen Mel Brooks' movies? "Robin Hood: Men in Tights"? "History of the World: Part I"? "Spaceballs;" "Blazing Saddles"? C'MON, people! They're friggin' HILARIOUS! In "History of the World: Part I," the Inquisition part is my bro and I fav scene. We have the song memorized! Sad, no?
Hey, my friend just called and said she can come over today! ^_^ I don't know if she's sleeping over....probably. Hey, wait, I was supposed to be finished by now! -_-' Whatever.
Okay, NOW I'm done! I'll catch you guys when I can!
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