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Student, single, and a net-head
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Yeah, sure. 
Started second year of college, made deans' list, joined the honor society, got job!
Anime Fan Since
Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. 
Favorite Anime
Trinity Blood, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, and the Advent Children movie!
Travel the world, become a published author, and experiance life.
Watching anime, reading manga, writing, and being annoying 
Piano-playing, writing fantasy, and tuning out jackasses
| Purifying Goddess
Saturday, May 27, 2006
I Like!
written at: 2:27 am
listening to: Simple Plan
CD: Still Not Getting Any...
mood: tired but awake - huh?
Today's bishonen is Sasame from Pretear! The Knight of Sound as depicted in the manga - I like him better than in the anime. He's so....depressing in the anime. -_- Really annoying, too.....
Everyone seems to like the changes, so I'll keep 'em! Still like to know which you guys like best.....but then again, the two codes seem to look basically the same, so whatever. So, any ideas for the next bishonen? Doesn't have to be from any particular manga or anime - could be from a video game, too. ^_~ I'd love ideas.
Still sick, but lots of post-nasal drip too. Couple it with "that time" and I'm a real bitch today. I'm cranky, tired, tired of being sick, and BORED! I finished reading Ramona - thank god. Now I just have to write that damn be it......
Again, a reminder to anyone who drops in and never comments - if I comment frequently on your site, but you don't reciprocate at least once a month (unless circumstances prevent you from updating even longer) than I'm taking you off my friends list. I'm trying to visit everyone that's on my list and let them know if need be - some people I don't worry about, while others I'm reminding. It's not to get more attention, but what's the point of having someone on your friend list if you never go to their site??? Know what I mean?
Got some writing done.....not planning on doing anything tomorrow. Sleep ridiculously late, probably still be sick and cranky, and catch up on some reading. ^_^ Don't know if we're doin' anything for Memorial Day - I know dad's working tomorrow, but not Monday (I think......) and mom wants to have some friends over, but don't know how it's gonna all go down. Everytime my dad stays home an exta day or something like that, I get all screwed up on me week. -_- Don't you hate that? You get a rhythm going, a pattern, and then it gets all messed up. Damn it.
Ah well, what are you gonna do? Hey, some more wallpapers of mine are accepted - not my FFAC ones, but still good ones. (I think.) ^_^ Now I have five! And I'm trying to add more, too......What do you think? I'm trying to branch out in my artistic abilities. Not that there's much there to begin with, but whatever.
I figure if I insult myself first, no one'll get to me first. Something like's a habit I've developed over the years. Anti-social and not very many friends can make one do that, ya know.
Still trying to get more Genbu Kaiden. Trying to decide what other manga to start reading, too. Any suggestions?? I'm kinda looking for something along the lines of Fushigi Yugi or Fruits Basket - a little light comedy and romance, not too serious. Action is fine, though. Just not all mecha or killing or something like that. I think I'm more into fantasy at this point. I'm going to ask for the second Fushigi Yugi art book for my birthday. ^_^ It's next month.....I'm kinda in shock. The year seemed to go by fast. A year of ups and downs, and mostly crap. Yep, lots of crap this past year for me......whatever.
Hmmm....I think this is really all there is to it. Now I gotta go make sure this came out all right and submit more wallpapers! ^_^ See ya all later!
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