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Student, single, and a net-head
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Yeah, sure. 
Started second year of college, made deans' list, joined the honor society, got job!
Anime Fan Since
Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. 
Favorite Anime
Trinity Blood, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, and the Advent Children movie!
Travel the world, become a published author, and experiance life.
Watching anime, reading manga, writing, and being annoying 
Piano-playing, writing fantasy, and tuning out jackasses
| Purifying Goddess
Thursday, June 8, 2006
written at: 11:17 pm
listening to: Green Day/Martina McBride (I like her voice!)
CD: American Idiot/Wild Angels
mood: lonely
Bishonen: Tokaki from Fushigi Yugi
I know, I'm on another Fushigi Yugi fix. Ah least I found more pics. ^_^'
I'm really lonely one friend always has to babysit her siblings, and we never get to hang out - and she lives literally right down the street!! How pathetic is that?!?! My other female friend is always busy with school and siblings as well - they all have a whole load. -_- My one guy friend has like, three jobs, and my other is just busy with.....whatever he does. I don't ask. >_< But, I don't have anyone to hang out with at all. And I wonder why I have CTS....I'm on the comp because there's nothing else for me to do. I mean, it's one thing to hang with your bro and dad and mom - but I'm still a normal teenager in some respects. And I want someone my own age to hang out with, that has the same interests that I do and that I'd get along with. And I just don't have anyone. -_- I asked my mom if she knew any good way for me to meet some people (decent, which gets rid of all high school extra courses immediately), and she said she'd have to think about it. But I'm getting more and more depressed dad bought vols. 6&7 of Fushigi Yugi a while ago, but he hasn't even watched all of vol. 4. And the two box sets came in, and we were supposed to get them this weekend (remember??) but now he's working Saturday, and they're going over a friend's house on Sunday. So I'm screwed over yet again. I betcha anything we don't go. So God knows when I'll be able to watch any anime with my dad.
It's a very lonely feeling, knowing there's no one I can just go and hang with, you know? I mean, not even to DO something with, but just BE with. Ya know? Ah well..........
So, I'm lonely. Other than that.....basically finished religion for the year. Just have to type the test up. That leaves just that and American Lit for the year - besides Spanish. THAT I'm getting a friggin' tutor, screw it.
Working on a Fushigi Yugi fan site with a friend from She's done the main work so far, but I'm doing bios for everyone. I'm enjoying it, even though I'm going nuts trying to make sure everything's correct. ^_^' But at least it gives me something to do, ya know?
My mom and grandma had a fight today with my dad there - a nice big one with lots of swearing, apparently. Mom found a dirty knife in the drawer, a dirty mug in the cabinet, and a dirty glass on the porch outside my brother's room. -_- See, my grandma thinks just rinsing something out - no matter what was in it - is good enough. Eww...............Anyway, grandma blamed us (me) and mom told her to shut up, and that she was a liar and mom didn't want to hear it. Grandma (my mom told me this, I didn't even hear anything) screamed at her and threw her napkins at her - mom said it was a good thing they were napkins and didn't even touch her, since she doesn't know what she would've done if it had been anything else - and mom got REALLY pissed.
And see, you DO NOT piss my mom off.
So after a bit (my dad waded in and talked to grandma alone) grandma came out and apologized to mom (with an excuse), which mom didn't acknowledge. She's still pissed off, since grandma does it deliberately. Grandma still isn't talking to me - I said hey this afternoon, and she blew me off. That makes me sad, to be honest. I mean, she's my grandma! And the only one I've got.........
This is early for me to be writing, huh? I'm pretty tired (didn't sleep well) but I'm stil taking the ExcedrinPM. Last time I didn't when I was really tired, I didn't get to sleep until about five in the morning. Mom thinks it was 'cause I was overtired. -_- It sucks....I don't know what's the matter with my body lately, but it's really screwed up. And I've been keeping a decent schedual for the most part, honest!
Ah......that felt a lot better. Whew. See ya all later.
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