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Student, single, and a net-head
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Yeah, sure. 
Started second year of college, made deans' list, joined the honor society, got job!
Anime Fan Since
Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. 
Favorite Anime
Trinity Blood, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, and the Advent Children movie!
Travel the world, become a published author, and experiance life.
Watching anime, reading manga, writing, and being annoying 
Piano-playing, writing fantasy, and tuning out jackasses
| Purifying Goddess
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
I'm actually ON!!
written at: 9:51 pm
listening to: nothing
CD: nothing
mood: congested
Bishonen: Gaara from Naruto
Yo! I'm actually on....damn, where to start? Okay, I'll work my way up, I suppose.
Well, July 7 my dad, bro, and I went to see Journey and Def Leppord in concert. The lead singer for Journey wasn't there - something about a death in the family - so it wasn't as good, but still good. But Def Leppord - RAISED THE ROOF! Holy crap - we stood the entire time. It was totally awesome. ^_^ So then we decided not to buy suveniors, but instead by tickets for Aereosmith/Motely Crue concert (all three of us), and Roger Waters from Pink Floyd for me and my dad. I'm so pumped - September 23 and 30 - two weekends in a row! Totally sweet. >_< grandmother moved out on Sunday! ^_^ I have mixed feelings, but basically relieved and happy about the whole thing. It was hell, pure and simple. It was a big reason I haven't been able to get on in so long - which I apologize for! I feel like a jerk for not being on in a while. -_- But, she's gone. My dad's half-sister and her husband came to pick her up - she didn't even ask to say goodbye to my brother and I, which kind of hurts me a little, ya know? I mean, the woman IS the only grandmother I've ever known, and I love her!
Anyway, on to more stuff......finshed entirely for school, except for Spanish. What a pain.....I'm just going to skim through it, to be honest. I can retake it in college if I have to.
I got the first two Naruto manga - FINALLY - along with the newest Genbu Kaiden vol. ^_^ Also picked up 3 and 4 of Alice 19th...and maybe something else, but my brain's fuzzy from the allergy medication. -_- But, all in all, I'm expanding the manga quite nicely. ^_^ And managed to get another Train CD, along with Five for Fighting and Rhianna. I like it.
Haven't gotten a LOT of writing done, but a decent amount, considering all the shit that's been going on. Been getting tanned, too, since the weather's been good pool weather.
Played KHII up to the final boss - now I'm going through getting everything. I think I screwed up in Twlight Town in the very beginning and missed something, so I'm kind of pissed. But my bro will just get the secret ending, that's all. I'll see it either way! ^_~ Been beating the crap out of Soul Caliber II and III - I kick ass. Nice way to take stress out, let me tell you! Also beat KOTOR II - wait, that was a while ago. I probably said that already....
Finished the series Fushigi Yugi on DVD - all eight DVDs! ^_^ Now to get the OAVS.....we're moving onto Kenshin next - we have a shitload to get done. Whew. I want to see Pirates of the Caribbean II in theaters, though. Jack on big screen - oh boy!
My friend's older brother - he's three years older than I am - is apparently interested in me, from what he told her and their cousin. O_o Full circle...I used to have a crush on him! I still like him, just not that interested. But I think I could be, again. ^_^ So I think that's kind of cool.
Sadly, not that much else at this point. I'm not doing much of anything - I'm using my mom's comp because my internet jack in my room is still busted, and my dad won't get around to fixing it. -_-
Ah, and the 16th was my mom's birthday - the same day grandma moved out. Mom's been in an awesome mood since, to be's kind of scaring me!
Enough multi-tasking - I'm doing about four things at once. My mind is spinning. I'll talk to you all later - hopefully SOON later!
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