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Student, single, and a net-head
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Yeah, sure. 
Started second year of college, made deans' list, joined the honor society, got job!
Anime Fan Since
Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. 
Favorite Anime
Trinity Blood, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, and the Advent Children movie!
Travel the world, become a published author, and experiance life.
Watching anime, reading manga, writing, and being annoying 
Piano-playing, writing fantasy, and tuning out jackasses
| Purifying Goddess
Thursday, September 7, 2006
written at: 1:33 am
listening to: Fushigi Yugi soundtrack
CD: TV Series song complete collection
mood: eh
Bishonen: Reno/Rude from FF
Hey, sorry it's been so long. I started school this week, so I've been getting used to that again. I also got Xenosaga III, so a lot of extra time is going in that direction again.....*cough*
Anyways, things have been up and down for me. My bro and other friend are coming to the group I belong to now, so we have more members again! Yay!! ^_^
Went to the bookstore....a while ago now, yipes! Bought all the Naruto up to vol. 11, and got the first three vols of Bleach. Not bad, I liked it. Then got some CDs - Foo Fighters, Lit....maybe another, but if I did I can't remember. -_-
Speaking of music.....went to another concert Saturday! Saw Shinedown, Rob Zombie, and Godsmack, in that order. I wish Rob Zombie had been last, so we could've just left. Good God - holy Christ, I was offended! All he did was have hentai (literally, anime porn scenes), sex, and nasty gore stuff on the screens behind him. And they hooked more screens up for him, so it was EVERYWHERE. But the two main screes weren't on, thank God. They put 'em on for Godsmack - and Shinedown doesn't seem to like Zombie, since they didn't introduce him. But I was so appalled at the show for that guy - I think if I understood the music, I'd be even more pissed off. I kept my eyes closed, as did my bro. And he's not even 14! There were a lot of little kids around, ya know? The Pavillion's a good place to go - but people next to me were smoking joint after joint - which is illegal! And yet the cops there were ball-less wonders and didn't pop 'em, even though they were right there. -_-
I was utterly disgusted - still am, I guess. Never going to another show with him in it again. Boy, was my dad pissed. A lot of people were, actually. But Godsmack was FRIGGIN' AWESOME!! And Shinedown rocked too. ^_^ Totally awesome. I'm going with Dad to see Roger Waters - the creater and writer for Pink Floyd - later in the month, and then Aerosmith, Motely Crue, and....dang, can't remember. But two more concerts for this month. And then on Oct. 1 we're going to Kings Dominion - my dad's group has them shut down the park for the public so only people who have certain tickets can get it. Totally awesome. ^_^
Trying to think of new anime's been so long since I wrote! Finished the next two-DVD set for the Zeta Gundam series, and the Naruto uncut first season. Oh! Got a Naruto hoodie, with the Leaf symbol on the front and a pic of the four on the back. I wanted to get a Gaara shirt, but they didn't have it in my size this time. Damn them. ^_^'
Hmm.....can't think of anything else at the moment. I should be getting to bed anyway. Gotta get up and work, ya know! Mom and dad are going away for the weekend, so I'll have the house to myself - well, with my bro. We're planning on watching all six Star Wars movies in a row on Friday night. ^_^ Wish me luck!
Catch ya all later. Just had to let ya know I'm still alive!
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