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Student, single, and a net-head
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Yeah, sure. 
Started second year of college, made deans' list, joined the honor society, got job!
Anime Fan Since
Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. 
Favorite Anime
Trinity Blood, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, and the Advent Children movie!
Travel the world, become a published author, and experiance life.
Watching anime, reading manga, writing, and being annoying 
Piano-playing, writing fantasy, and tuning out jackasses
| Purifying Goddess
Saturday, October 14, 2006
written at: 12:39 pm
listening to: Good Charlotte
CD: Chronicles of Life and Death
mood: I'm not an effin' kitty!
Bishonen: Gaara from Naruto
Yep, more Gaara! He's just such a badass! ^_^
Awright, who else wants to call me a friggin' kitty?! I'll go all 'kitty' on your asses - you know who I'm talking about! -_- You guys....argh, I give up.
I don't really care. Anyway, email me! I have email, so yes, feel free to click the little link and make me feel wanted. ^_^' I have a piano lesson at 2pm, so I figured I'd drop in and see what's up. I'm totally excited about FFXII coming out - I keep having dreams with it in them. Like, it'll be on the cover of one of my gaming magazines, or I'll have the box, or SOMETHING. I don't think I've looked forward to a game this much since the two Xenosagas came out. Sweet.
Haven't been up to much. Family's going to church today - my bro's an altar server. I'm going to confession, maybe.
Eh, if I go, whatever. But I'm not going to church. My dad keeps thinking it's because of the assholes in church, and my mom thinks it's because of what my dad thinks (I'm not a clone! Geez!). But I've got my own feelings and problems, and I have a lot of shit to deal with. All in all, I think going to church and doing lip service is a lot worse than just not going and praying by myself. Which I DO, for your information! I'm sure God knows what's in my heart, so who gives a fuck if I go to church or not?
I'm so going to hell for that, I just know it. But, I don't know - I still believe in what I'm taught. I just have some issues with....issues that I need to straighten out before I can go to church and mean it. My parents think it's just an excuse to skip it, and it really pisses me off. I'm always being told I'm more mature than most people my age, and I'm certainly at an age where I can have my own friggin' opinions and feelings, ya know? And my parents stopped going WAY before they were my age anyway. -_- I keep telling them, I'm not gonna go to some other religion or anything like that. It's not like that, ya know?
*sigh* It's hard to explain, even when I'm talking. Writing it down makes it even MORE difficult.
Ah, sorry about going off on all that shit. Didn't mean to. ^_^' My dad mentioned going to confession while I was typing - that's what did it. I'm sure most of you skipped all that anyway, so no biggie.
Thanks for still coming by my site! I'm rank like 486, or something like that. And I love you guys - not like THAT!! But you guys really are good friends, even if we'll never meet. And 'specally one person - they know who I mean. ^_^
I'll stop while I'm ahead, or you're all gonna think I'm fruity. Catch ya all later!
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