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Student, single, and a net-head
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Yeah, sure. 
Started second year of college, made deans' list, joined the honor society, got job!
Anime Fan Since
Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. 
Favorite Anime
Trinity Blood, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, and the Advent Children movie!
Travel the world, become a published author, and experiance life.
Watching anime, reading manga, writing, and being annoying 
Piano-playing, writing fantasy, and tuning out jackasses
| Purifying Goddess
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
written at: 11:03 pm
listening to: Black Sabbath
CD: We Sold Our Soul for Rock 'n Roll
mood: not bad
Bishonen: Kurogane from Tsubasa Chronicles
Yo, everyone! I've been sick since Tuesday evening - I had a cold AND the flu. -_- Poor me......I could hardly get outta bed until Saturday. I got to feeling better Sunday, Monday I could move - not really talk - and now I'm much better. ^_^ I'm still all congested and stuff, so I can't talk too much, but for some reason, everyone thinks that's a good thing......whatever.
Anyway, I'm finally updating. I hope a few people who I visit a lot will come by soon. It kinda irritates me - but we've been over that already.
Havin' a ball at the edu. center. The one guy, though, absolutely REEKED of smoke - cigarette or cigar, but it stunk. And I'm allergic - I started having an asthma attack. >_< So I get to tell him off when I work with him again - either he cuts the shit, or he doesn't work with me. Period. That's awesome. I think smoking is a DISGUSTING habit - I've had a least three relatives die from lung cancer from smoking - and there's no way in hell anyone is going to convince me it's all right. Never. But other than that, the pain in the ass is the same - I think he pisses me off just to see how long it takes before I start swearing at him and tell him to 'cut the shit and get the damn work done'. Humph. Whatever. The other guys are cool, so it's all good. ^_^
Haven't been up to much, actually. Since I'm just getting better, there's not much to say. Re-reading all my manga in anticipation of new volumes for Christmas - that's really all I really, really want. ^_^ That Axel figure is badass, though..........I just put some random stuff - my bro and I make a list and give it to my parents, but they know they don't have to get everything on it. Or at least, my dad does. -_- Hopefully my mom won't get a guilt trip going that she usually does this time of year......ah well.
I'm actually looking forward to Jan/Feb more, because.....I get to go to driver's ed for my license then!! Yeah, yeah, I know, I only have my permit and I'm almost 18, but it ain't my fault. -_- I can DRIVE, I just need the damn hours in. But my dad won't take me out - he keeps putting it off. So my mom promised after the holidays she'll sign me up. I'm totally stoked! I'm gonna take our Nova - it's almost 19, being almost exactly a year older than me - which is stick, but I'll just learn that, no biggie. Then I can take myself to work. ^_^ Awesome. Closer to the spring/summer I want to get a paying job. I think my mom will be more open to that, once I can drive myself places and get close to finishing up school. Especially since I'll start college in the fall....oh God, it makes me nervous! >_<
Can't think about.....must not hyperventilate.....there, all better. My bro, dad, and I watched Spaceballs the other night. Anyone ever seen that movie? It's a parody of Star Wars. Funny as hell - watch it!
Well, I think that's it. Plus, I'm getting tired. *yawn* I'll catch ya all later. C. out.
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