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Student, single, and a net-head
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Started second year of college, made deans' list, joined the honor society, got job!
Anime Fan Since
Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. 
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Trinity Blood, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, and the Advent Children movie!
Travel the world, become a published author, and experiance life.
Watching anime, reading manga, writing, and being annoying 
Piano-playing, writing fantasy, and tuning out jackasses
| Purifying Goddess
Friday, December 29, 2006
Not again.....
written at: 1:29 pm
listening to: Bon Jovi
CD: Slippery When Wet
mood: all right
Bishonen: Kakashi from Naruto
Well, I hope you all had a good Christmas!! Ours was interesting, to say the least. We stayed up for the first time, and opened our stuff at midnight instead of waking up the next morning. Dad figured that way we'd have more time to hang out on Christmas itself, ya know? Well, I made out - got a bunch of CDs and manga, yes! I now have the complete Alice 19th series, as well as all the vols. of Naruto, Fruits Basket, and Fushigi Yugi: Genbu Kaiden that have been released over here. More Bleach too. ^_^ Got some perfume and stuff from my mom, which smells really nice. My brother got me two Bon Jovi CDs, which I'm listening to now.
Well, Monday went pretty good except that Dad ate some vegetables or whatever and he started having really bad stomach pains. He went to the hospital at 7pm, and he's been in there ever since. -_- It's really depressing - I visited him yesterday, and I hate seeing him in the hospital. It scares me! So, his intestines kinked up and got blocked, so nothing could pass through. And now he has a respiratory virus from a family whose house he worked at. -_- And his intestines are all swollen. So he's on meds, and he'll be in there until at least Sunday, to see if everything works. He can't really talk, but at least he's gonna be put on liquid food soon.
I slept over at my teacher's house on....Wednesday. I know, that sounds so weird. But a girl who I met is staying there for a visit, so I slept over. Very randomly, I might add - I didn't know I was until I did! >_< But I had fun, so it was good. ^_^ And my friend slept over last night to keep me company, and we exchanged gifts. I burned her two CDs she's wanted, and she got me little guitar earrings - red, black, and purple ones. So cute! ^_^ And she's gonna see if she can spend New Years over - and tonight again! So she might be here for a while.
My poor mom's stressing out, which is totally understandable, of course. What a mess. But I have to say that at least she isn't taking it out on us. Totally the opposite - we were messing with her so bad last night. ^_^'
Not much else. Please keep my dad in your thoughts - it seemed to work last time. Please? ^_^' I'll catch you guys all later - again, hope your holidays were awesome! Love you guys! C. out.
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