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Student, single, and a net-head
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Started second year of college, made deans' list, joined the honor society, got job!
Anime Fan Since
Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. 
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Trinity Blood, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, and the Advent Children movie!
Travel the world, become a published author, and experiance life.
Watching anime, reading manga, writing, and being annoying 
Piano-playing, writing fantasy, and tuning out jackasses
| Purifying Goddess
Monday, January 1, 2007
New Year
written at: 9:25 pm
listening to: Godsmack
mood: shit
Bishonen: Renji Abara from Bleach
Yeah, I'm only into the 6th vol. of Bleach, but he seems like someone I'm going to end up having as a fav. ^_^'
Well.....let's hope this year doesn't suck as hard as last year did. -_-'d have to be pretty bad. Which is what I'm afraid of. Lately, each year gets worse as I get older.....and it's not just me!! But whatever....guess I'm just in a sucky mood.
Had my friend sleep over last night. We watched Advent Children to herald in the new year. ^_^ She's never seen it, and we can never seem to find time to watch it. So we did last night - and the whole extra stuff too! She thought it was awesome. I think the scene she liked best was when Rude and Reno are trying to grab the kids when they're running from Bahamut. I like when they're running, and Reno goes "Is it following us?" and Rude says "I'm not looking!" >_< I just think that's hilarious!
Ah, that cheered me up a little. My dad's finally out of the hospital. We'll see how long that lasts. Every time he gets out, he always says "I have to change how I eat"; "I have to start doing things differently"; etc, etc. What a load of bullshit. I give it a week - two, at the most. Who wants to bet? Kinda makes me mad, you know? He has me, my bro, and mom, and he can't take better care of himself. It pisses me off, in fact! Do any of you know someone like that?
Now I'm mad again. I also got a lecture - my brother is the one who mouthed off at my mom - so I get a lecture about how this is a new year, and every time I talk back I'll be punished, and I have to show mom more that I appreciate her, blah blah. You know - I KNOW I don't do all that enough (it's not like I don't get punished enough, so gimmie a break). But I try really hard - I really, really do try. And it's hard for me, but I'm trying! Maybe that's not good enough, but I think I've been getting better lately. I just wish they wouldn't snap at me all the time just because they're in a bad mood - and then I'm not allowed to say anything if I'm in a lousy mood. What a lot of bullshit. And my brother is the one who gets away with a LOT of stuff - he's the youngest (there's only two of us!), the only boy, all that crap. What a spoiled little monster - he really is. He shows me absolute no respect, he shows mom absolute zero respect (unless he wants something), and he only pays attention to dad because he knows dad can and will beat the crap out of him if he's pushed far enough.
So, I just have this haunted feeling about the new year. Something bad is going to happen, I know it is. I'll be here waiting until something does. >_<
My friend and I are going to crash the teen group party on the 5th. ^_^ We're going totally goth - and all the people she's been trying to get me to meet are gonna show up, if all goes as planned. My mom already said I could go (I left out a few details.....), so she needs permission. And then she's gonna round up everyone. If everyone shows up, counting us, there'll be......nine or ten people. ^_^ I can't wait. It'll be nice to go and not feel like a total loser, ya know? So that's the plan - maybe that'll make some fun. Oh boy - 'specially 'cause my parents won't be there to keep an eye on me. Whoo! I'm SO gonna cause trouble there. ^_^
I played FFXII some more tonight - finally. My dad gets home yesterday, and what does he do? He plays Champions of Norrath: Return to Arms with my bro the entire day and night. That sucked. So I played a little before he went to watch TV with my mom, so I went on Phantasy Star Universe. That game sucks so hard, I have to play just to see what else they can do to it. ^_^' No offense to people who like it - maybe it's an acquired taste, or it's better online, or something.
Nothing much else, guys. I hope you all had fun on New Years Eve, and I wish you all a good year!! ^_^ Catch ya all around. C. out.
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