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Thursday, October 25, 2007

I Tis Posting... AGAIN!

Yeah..... if you didn't read the last post, DO IT! I have big news in there and crap. If you don't, I'll pull out my bazooka. -stares-

Well, I found a SOMEWHAT good picture of me on face book and so I'm gonna stick it up here at the end of my post. This pictures was taken about 4 months ago when I was waiting to do my french exam. -nods-

In any case, I scanned that scene in and it looked HORIBBLE! So, now I'm gonna do it all on the computer. As well, I drew an ACTION pose. Yeah... I have this girl with a gun and she's being shot at and she dodging it while shooting back. ^^ It took me an hour. Though, I'm doing it all on the net so I'll post the line art when I'm done with it. Though, for the next little while I'll be busy since I have two projects due on monday and I have another party this weekend. -shot- Too much!

Well, about my crush, Josh. Remember? Well, before I left for a week, I would walk with him to the buses because that was like the only time i got to see him but then when I came back we started to stop at Laura's locker and I was noticing that he was hanging with Laura more. Then today, when everyone was talking and ignoring the football game even though we got let out an hour early to watch it, Josh and Laura said they were going out. I kinda guessed a few days back but somehow I feel a little sad. I mean, I knew Josh for 2 years and now he's going out with Laura who he's known for less than a month. I feel alone.

On another note, we're having out first masquerade ball dance-thing at our school on the day of the academic awards and i was thinking of going..... Though I need a dress or something. I tis poor and I'm not allowed a job until after Christmas because I'll be gone for a whole month. So... yeah.

Well, here is me; laughing and not craming 1/2 an hour before a french exam. (Which I passed with flying colors XD)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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Thursday, October 18, 2007

An insight into the life of Paige

Yeah...... -shifty eyes-
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. See, I have a VERY good reason for such. I've also noticed not alot of people are updating as well.

Well, last week I was in the Bahamas. Yes, it was my first time on an airplane AND a boat, but, well that's what happens when your parents drag you around the world. I was stuck on a Disney Cruise. Now, see, if I'm an OTAKU, why would I want to be stuck with a bunch of strange people dressed in costumes who come up and hug you when you least expect it? I WOULDN'T! God... and, I didn't talk to anyone while i was there. Why? Because they were all losers, but I rocked at Karaoke. -nods- I tis good at singing. I can also sing low! I'm proud, last month I couldn't.

Also, while we were there, our luggage didn't arrive on the first day! So, I had to sleep in sweaty clothes. (EWWWW!)Yeah, it arrived the next day though.

Between last week and my last post, I've been busy with school. I've also been drawing. I drew this SCENE and I'm going to color it in Paint Shop Pro, even though I prefer Photo Impact XL. The reason, Paint Shop Pro has layers and I REALLY need them for this picture.

I've also been drawing people, without my body book beside me. So, I've been improving. I also drew a dude, named Alexander, and he's probably the second due ever. -glomps Alexander- I love him, he's sooo cool. ^^

Now then, about my grades....
If you've seen my accomplishments, you know what I'm about to say.


Yeah, big news there. I checked today and I'm so proud. ^^ I did like nothing all last year and somehow I came out on honor roll. So, that means I have an 86% average as of last year. Now then, for math (which I found out yesterday) I have a 94%. -nods- ^^ That's 3% higher than my final mark as of last year. I'm so proud.

Back to drawings for a moment though, if you haven't looked already, I put a few up a while ago. Some people that I might end up using in a little while. -nods-

Yep, there's my life.

Ps. I was going to be Lacus in her commander uniform for Halloween, but I couldn't (stupid me for forgetting I can't sow). So, I'm being a geisha. Thing is, the last one at the store was an xtra-large and I'm a friggin small/medium. So, if i put pictures up, they're in an over sized costume (which might have a pink wig. XD)

Pss. I'm going to be away from a month in December because I'll be living in Australia. Think of all the homework!

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Thursday, September 20, 2007


Hello all. I'm sorry I haven't been around of late. (or been checking out your sites). -bows- Sorry, Sorry, Sorry.

School, Life (as surprising as that is) and anime has been getting in the way. I'm so tired too. Tomorrow Polititians (ASH would know) are coming to my school to talk to us. The reason? Simple, to make us get our parents to vote for them. Psshhhh.... I'm going to be out of the country then.

In new news, today, an acquaintance of mine's mom died. She was really young too, like 40-50 years old. 10-20 people left school to go home with her because... well.... you know...

About a year ago Kim died. (Girl with Leukemia) Its so strange. Lately we've been talking about death, and then this happens. I think that this world is messed up. Everything is happening so close together. For example: We talk about one thing in class and only a few hours later, something related to it happens. Its such a pain.

As well, I've thought of my halloween costume. I'm either going to be a witch, like last year, or I'm gonna be Lacus Cylne in her Commander Uniform from Gundam Seed Destiny. Damn! I want to see the OVA at the end! ><

Anyways, there's my life. Short sweet, and I'm dead. I still have to do my homework too. Procrastination, my friend, and my enemy.

1.Have you read my last two posts?
2. Am I depressing?
3. Should i visit your site?
4. Are you dead?

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

1 week into school...

Well, here's an update. I'm slowly getting back into posting each day... kinda. Grade 10 has been hectic and the fact that I have new limits on the computer makes it worse. I know for sure though that my dad won't be taking away me computer. -huggles computer-

Anyways, I finished Gundam Seed Destiny about two days ago and I want to see more Kira! >< 50 episodes is not enough! More bad assery please! Anyways, the ending was cool. -nods- Now I'm trying to finish Naruto. 3 more episodes until I'm out of fillers!

On the weekend I went to a monster truck show with a few of my friends for my other friend's birthday party. On Friday I'm gonna go to another friend's b-day party.

Anyways, during the sleepover afterwards (only two of us could attend) I asked why no guys have liked me. I mean, they could at least ask me out right? I haven't been asked out for about 4 years.... T_T Anyways, Steph (the friend who had the party) was out of the room at the time but supported Chelsea's (the girl who also stayed with me) idea of why.

Apparently I love anime too much. Apparently I talk about it alot. I don't mind that. Steph said that I really don't talk about it all that much now though so we can scratch that off I guess.

The second idea was that I don't hate. I don't get angry, I don't yell or fight back or anything. Chelsea said that could be a good thing sometimes but she finds it rather annoying. ^^; She also said it might annoy some guys. If you've been around me at school and blah, you'd know what I mean. Anyways, Steph said that was completely true. She said i get irritated, annoyed, but I'm angry for like one second then..... neutral again.

1. Do you think I hate?
2. Should I have a boy friend? (Or have a guy ask me out after 4 years?)
3. Anime. Bad to love or good?

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Monday, September 3, 2007

How long has it been? 2 months? And I tis alive! O.o

So, how long HAS it been? Probably a month and a half or something like that. I kept telling myself i would post but I never got to it. My procrastination has gone to a new level, no?

Well, over the summer I hung out with my friends a few times, went shopping twice. (One time I spent 300 dollars) I roleplayed like hell, I got an MMORPG, Guild wars: Nightfall, and ANIME!!!! Yes, I love the anime. Oh! And like last week I started to draw again. I uploaded about 5 new pictures. 4 yesterday and 1 last week. Check them out, okay? I also got a DA account. I'm gonna list the naime I've watched this summer for ya all. Be prepared, it tis long....

.hack//Legend of the Twilight Bracelet (3 episodes)
Ah! My Goddess (Finished season 1)
Azumanga Daioh (1 episode)
Black Cat (Finished)
Bleach (Caught up to Japan)
Chrono Crusade (finished)
Elfin Lied (Finished)
Ergo Proxy (15 episodes in)
Escaflowne (Again. Finished)
Eureka Seven (Finished)
Fafner Of Azure (finished)
Fruits Basket (20 episodes)
Gravitation (Again. Finished)
Gundam Seed Destiny (29 episodes in)
Gunslinger Girl (1 episode)
Kaleido Star (47 episodes in)
Karin (finished)
Kyo Kara Maoh! (Finished)
Last Exile (15 episodes in)
Loveless (finished)
Mar (6 episodes)
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (Finished season 1)
My-Hime (7 episodes)
Naruto (170 episodes)
Ouran High School Host Club (Finished)
Paranoia Agent (3 episodes in)
Pretear (Finished)
Princess Tutu (3 episodes in)
Rozen Maiden (7 episodes in)
Serial Experiments Lain (4 episodes)
Shakugan no Shana (Season 1)
Tales of Symphonia (2 episodes)
Texhonolyze (3 episodes)
Yumeria (finished)

Yep, that about sums up all the anime I've watched. I could have missed one or two though... I've been busy, no?

Well, school starts for me tomorrow. -nods- Its sad. Oh! And tomorrow my friends have their b-day. In any case, I'll be posting a lot more now. -nods- So, I might check out your site today. If not, tomorrow.

T.alk. T.o. Y.a. L.ater.

Ps. I'm wearing a skirt to school tomorrow. The first one in nearly a decade. Wish me luck.

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Thursday, July 19, 2007

NEW PICTURE! (Again...)

Yes, I have (another) New picture. For you people who didn't come to my site that last time I posted... GO SEE MY PICTURES! ><

Okay, on another note....

I'm sorry I haven't been to your sites recently. T_T Yes, bad me. I've been kinda busy and my parents keep coming home... -.-

On Tuesday I hung out my little brother all day and I left the house. OMG! (At least that's what my friend said when I told her yesterday.) It was the best day of my summer vaca so far. (Yes, that's sad isn't it? -.-)

Anyways, I'm kinda getting bored of anime. Yes, My friends thinks it's the end of the world. I still love it but that's about all I've been doing for 2 weeks... anime, Anime, ANIME! -.- It's too much of a good thing. As well... I can't play flyff 'cause my dad's home today and I've got nothing else to do. (Someone save me! T_T)

So yeah. As well, none of my friends are calling me or anything. I mean, I know some of them are busy but I have 10 best friends and 20 good friends, honestly. One should at least call! I called my friend Steph yesterday, We talked for like 16 mins before she had to leave. Her mom booked the entire summer.

My parents won't let me hang out with Josh because they think something bad is going to happen. They don't trust me with one of my best friends! (Even though they've never met him 'cause he ditches everytime my parents are around and/or coming. (Including my b-day)) -sighs- And then Chelsea is probably off in Sudbury or hanging out with her boy friend. I'm all alone! T_T And Chris is pretty much avoiding me. (Even though I know where he lives...)

Yep, my life for ya.

Well... I just remembered (yes, this is a miracle) that I promised you guys I'd tell you whether or not I love every single anime I'e ever watched.

Answer: -Bump bu da DA!- Yep! ^^ I have. Even Lupin the Third...

Lupin the Third (since we're on the topic now) is over on G4. This is a Yay! moment but yet its not. Lupin the third has been running for about 3 months on there so I was hoping for a newer anime. Turns out they cancelled the anime block and put Code Monkeys on there.

Me: O.o WTF is Code Monkeys?

Tv: 8-bit comedy

Me: O.o Get Anime back up Here! ><

Yes, I'm sad and angry. -sighs- Well... I'm off to check peoples sites out... (since I've been bad...) Please check out my last two picks. Thank you! ^^

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Yay! I did another picture. ^^ It took me like 1 hour 15mins so please check it out. I shaded it all too. You'll be impressed. My sister's face was like : O.O! She starred at it and I laughed. She was sooo shocked. And i didn't get the lecture this time, my sister did. ^^ Yes, I'm very happy.

Currently listening to: Tonight Tonight Tonight by Beat Crusaders

That song is the theme song for season 4 in Bleach. ^^ I love it. I also have the theme song for season 2 and the theme song for season 3 is Pride by High and Mighty Color. Since I memorized that song, I got it in a second. It's in the middle of the song.... so yeah.

Anyways, I finished Elfin Lied. ^^ It was awesome! I cried at the end too... So sweet. T_T You should definitly watch it! Unless you can't get past the first few minutes. ^^ It was funny watching my sister's face. It didn't bother me too much... so yeah.

I watched Naruto after that. I'm on episode 109 or something. Sasuke-kun.... T_T -sighs- I want to tell you guys but... bleh.

Oh yeah! Before i forget (again) Elric! I have my oc done! (I just have to upload it....) Yeah...

Hmm... well. Here's a surprise, Josh was on msn yesterday. I guess he got some spare time off work. Anyways, we were talking about anime and he's watching Elfin Lied after. I wonder if he can survive???

Anyhoo, he says that I love every single type of anime. Every anime I've watched and blah. So, do you guys think I love every anime I've ever watched?

Tell you the answer next time I post. (If I can remember...)

T.alk. T.o. Y.a. L.ater.

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Saturday, July 7, 2007


Well... I decided to draw something today. -nods- I just put it on and then it popped up. Submitting things on TheO has gotten much better. In any case, here's the link to the picture. No, it's not clickly 'cause I'm lazy.


So copy and paste.

Last night (at like 11pm) I decided to work on my story. I was almost done the introduction to my character when my dad walks in at 11:21 and says : "It's 11:30pm. Go to bed!" -.- I'm gonna continue working on it later. Oh yeah, the main charcter is also Lidi. (Girl in picture.)

Hmmm.... that about sums it up.

Oh! Yeah, before I forget. I watched half of the first episode of Elfin lied in english. It's actually not that shaky. As well, my sister almost threw up with all the blood. ^^ I was laughing at her. Although graphic much for anyone who has ever seen it. I was like... O.o


T.alk. T.o. Y.a. L.ater.

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Thursday, July 5, 2007

Loveless and Blah

Hey ya! ^^ So I finished season 3 of Bleach today and got to season 4. I’m about 5 episodes into that… maybe more. I also watched Loveless. It’s so awesome. ^^ Although they only kissed like 4 times… T_T There was more in Gravitation and then that Yuri couple? They kissed 3 times.

My sister and I count when watching… its fun. But yeah she was like: “Why was –insert Loveless’ name here-‘s brother killed? What about the Seven Moons? Why did they want LOVELESS!” Sister’s face: ><

Lol it was funny. That was an interesting thing which I wanted to know but the main point of the show was about Loveless’ and Beloved’s Fighter’s relationship. (Did not pay close attention to names.) At first it was all leave me alone and at the end… ^//////^ Not telling any more.

Yeah... so I'm gonna watching something tomorrow. -sighs- My siter doesn't want to watch Pretear just yet. She's more interested in Elfin Lied right now. Hmmm... well ttly.

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Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July for my American Friends! ^^

Yeah.... so happy 4th of July for all my American friends! ^^

About my wonderful downloading streak.....

Well... Flyff was downloaded and blah but the problem was that there must be a glitch or something. Whenever I go and log on I always have to make a new character and everything. It get erased! >< So I went back to Lost Chaos (which I fixed). It's fun and the graphics are nice, only too many people are on my server so it goes all choppy and blah.

Over the past few days I've been glued to anime. (I've even stopped those sit ups) A;though I did clean the kitchen and blah today. With no help from my sister.... -.- She was SUPPOSED to help me! -sighs-

Well... I started and finished Chrno Crusade on Tuesday and i finished Eureka 7 today. (Still working on Bleach. Almost done season 3!) Chrno Crusade and Eureka 7 have such beautiful endings. T_T I cried... alot. Now I'm tired....

Hmmm.... few minutes and So you Think you Can Dance will be on.....

Oh! Yeah... hey doctermister... I'm watching Loveless tomorrow and after that Fourtuna I'm watching Pretear...

Gah! Parents.... ttyl

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