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Sunday, January 14, 2007

-_- Okay, My sis' fan comic is up and I STILL HAVEN'T FINISHED MY CPT!

Okay a cpt is a culminating performance task which is part of my exam but takes place before the exam period. Also my sister put up her fan comic which is very funny. Click Here. As for everything else I'm rushing to get it on. -sigh- Must hurry! TT TT

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Friday, January 12, 2007

   Homework, Homework, HOMEWORK!

I am very angry as you can see. I have to do my entire religion CPT tonight and tommorrow. That includes coloring it and inking it and putting it on theotaku. Followed by that I have math homework. Someone in my science group decided to write up our science homework so I'm good about that and i have to find cans for my art CPT. -_- -sigh- So much.

On the other side my science mark is an 86%. If I don't do the science CPT or the exam, I'll have a 60%. Yep. Okay, I've got work to do. Oh yeah, if you find pictures of Katana, let me know. I need them for my banner. My sister is working on a zelda comic now. It's funny. ^^ ttyl. I've got to plan for stuff.

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Thursday, January 11, 2007

My Religion CPT (In a nut shell)

My religion CPT will be a manga. (So obvious.....) And I'll be putting it on the otaku. So on monday it'll be on, I hope. If not I'm gonna screw theotaku. -sigh- It covers my entire unit and I hope I can get it all done on sunday so that it's on on monday. Not likely. Hmmmm.... they haven't found who called in with the bomb threat but whoever did better hope that they're under 18. Jail is the only punishment.

-sigh- Mr.Clark jumps out of nowhere. I was studying for my quiz today and just after I shut my books and lay on them (They're really sof and comfy to sleep on) he pops up and I had Josh's Ipod in my hand and my hand shoots out from under the table and Mr.Clark is all, 'You should be studying, not sleeping on your binders' or something like that. Josh notices his Ipod and I run out and stick it into my locker. He has math next and you can get bored so I hope he got tourchered. I gave it back to him just before 4th though.

Last night I got a lecture for an hour. 1 HOUR! It was because I keep forgetting to feed the cat and clean it's litter box but I had cleaned it the day before and not yesterday. So now, whenever I don't do it (My parents will be checking every night.... yay) I miss anime night. EVIL! EVIL I SAY! So one week = 1 month of no anime. TT TT Except for Gad Guard every night. -sigh- Life sucks. -_- Yep. That's it. Bye for now and this might be my longest post ever! Oh yeah, I'm at 196 hits. Better start to work on my banner.

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Don't quite know what to call this, but I'm under suspision.... .>

Yeah.... well today there was a bomb threat at school. The police came, then the swat team (I think) and they searched the whole school while we froze to death. -_- Uhhhh... yeah. ^^ The school's going to blow up tonight, or at least that's what I think and some people think I planted it which is i complete joke. ^^ Uhhh.... also I called my dad an Ass hole last night. My mom's eyes went like this: O.O when I told her. It was funny. ^^ But my dad was being one. You know those lectures you get when you don't apologize to your siblings and then you have to anyways? I gave that to my dad. Our roles were completly switched, it was weird. Uhhhh.... Gad Guard was all about Katana last night. ^^ And somehow the good guys helped him, I don't get that, he's the villian! He even amitted that himself. ^^ Yeah, ttyl I have to work on my Religion CPT tomorrow. (I'm doing a comic)

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Tuesday, January 9, 2007

I still hungry by the way but thanks for the food

I've been doing charrie designs for mangas and whatnot. Anyways, school is bleh. I have exams in less than 3 maybe 2 weeks. TT TT I have my art exam on the 25, before the exam period and then my religion exam on the 26. On the 29 in the morning I have my science exam. Isn't that a great way to wake up? The next day I have my math exam in the morning as well. Life sucks. TT TT I have EQAO this year too. -sigh- Teachers are EVIL! Besides that I have tons of homework so if you'd excuse me...... oh yeah, my dad is really mean. Last night my sis dropped the pan on my foot by accident and my dad said that we shouldn't fool around (we were so not!) and that there are no accidents. -_- What kind of crap is that? AND he didn't even see what happened. I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind cause he won't listen to my mom. >(

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Monday, January 8, 2007

-_- Food! -goes into your fridges-

I'm hungry as you can see but I have homework. TT TT -sigh- So I still can't upload backgrounds. >( I'm angry & hungry. You don't mind if I go into your fridges, do you? I'm out of food. TT TT Anyways, that seems to be it. There was snow this morning, now there is none. -_- What's with this anyways? -sigh- Well, I have homework to do, bye.

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Sunday, January 7, 2007

-_- -sigh- School is horrible....

I still have homework. I cry. School's tomorrow, I have a project, I cry. I seem to be crying alot. Like right now, when I can't put up my Katana background when I worked hard on it last night! >( I'm very angry. But yet, I'm still crying. TT TT -sigh- I have so much to do today. Clean my room, (That means my drawers too where i put everything on the florr) do my homework and do it well, work on layouts, sleep, eat, breath, paint, research, sleep, breath...... -sigh- so much. (Yes, I forget to breath sometimes. That results in me nearly passing out and getting headacks, like now.) -groans- I don't know, maybe I should just roleplay. But no one's replying. I cry, so much. TT TT Breath, breath, breath..... I must remember to breath!

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Saturday, January 6, 2007

I'm tired and I have homework....

Yeah.... that's about my day today. Doing homework. -sigh- But besides that 5 people asked me to make layouts and they need them by today. They didn't even tell me what they wanted so, >P to them. I went shopping yesterday. I spent over $100 at my fav store and now i have clothes! Most of them are black though. ^^ I like black..... -dreams of dark world- Ahem. No snow, just rain and school starts on monday. I cry, deeply. I missed Naruto last night because I got home at 8:30 but I know what happened. I saw the very end although I wonder what everyone's reaction was to Naruto's secret weapon? -yawns- Homework, so much homework. TT TT Apparently I bought 9 shirts but I only found 8. I think they made me pay more money. I'm going to go ask my mom. Yep. That's it. Its longer than I wanted but what the heck. I'm still waiting for the world to blow though.

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Friday, January 5, 2007

Layout and stuff

-sighs- I'm so glad. I got rid of this really annoying person who kept asking me for a banner. I swear, they are so stupid and annoying. They said really mean things, then neomailed me back 5 mins later saying sorry. Things they said/did wrong to make me yell at them:

1. In their neomail to say that what I made wasn't good and that you can't right click in shops. (I know this, you can't to right click. There was a text box!)

2. Say, 'I don't mean to be rude.'

3. Neomail me every hour asking if I was done.

4. Be rude in every neomail.

Yep. So I blocked them and I'm probably going to be either temporarly frozen (again) or frozen. Maybe even suspended (again). But yeah, I have to make a few new guild layouts but those aren't hard.

How do you like my new layout? ^^ That's Katana. Last night he was so cool. He went berserk and tried to kill a bunch of people and.... yeah. ^^ I can't wait to watch it tonight. By the way, no snow again. Wow, how surprising and now I can't remember when school starts. Is it next monday or Tuesday? -sigh-

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Thursday, January 4, 2007

Did I add a post yesterday, hmmm..... don't know

Yeah, I've been thinking about this when I came on. Yesterday (since nothing interesting is happening today....) I had my first migrane. It lasted only about 1/2 hour but I was litterally drilling my nails into my skull. TT TT And you know the adult headack stuff? How you're supposed to swallow them? I can't so I chewed it. >P It tastes horrible. I do NOT suggest to do that. Hmmmm... I was trying to do my stupid science homework but I had difficulties so 1/2 hour from Gad Guard (Go Katana! (He's the evil villain...)) My dad said, "Let's go do your homework!" -_- He wouldn't let me watch it so I asked my mom and she said ask your father. (To go watch in their room) Then I got yelled at for asking but in the end I watched Gad Guard. ^^ Hmmm.... yep, that's it. I also made another page but I need to ink it and I made a painting of an anime charrie but I saw it this morning and...... bleh.

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