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Tuesday, January 2, 2007

New Coloring! ^^

I have this new program and i tried coloring with it. I put on myself with mmy hair cut. (Although in the picture you can only see my bangs.) Plase comment. ^^ Comments (0) | Permalink

Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! ^^ Hmmm... I guess the world still hasn't blown up. More fun for me! So, what are you guys up to today? I might go shopping... wait are the stores closed today? -ponders- I have no idea. So last night I was with my family and I played pool and i didn't run into a wall this time! ^^; But my 7 year old brother was trying to stab with the stick. -_- So I have almost all of the layouts done only someone asked for something, well, HUGE! -sigh- They think I can get it done in an hour because they keep asking! >( My black pen ran out yesterday but I got a new one for my christmas present. Also I have $105 to go shopping. -dances- I'm rich! (In my terms.) I have to call my friend. I've never had this much at my disposal.

1)What are you guys doing today?

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Sunday, December 31, 2006

Layouts 101

TT TT I'm crying. While checking my neomail (Yes, I go to neopets..... -_-) I found not 1, not 2 but around 8 neomails asking me to make guild layouts for them. -sigh- Oh JOY! -_- As well, I have to answer my other 10 with roleplaying on my other account. i swear, one day I'm going totally insane.

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Saturday, December 30, 2006

Anime Night

A little late but either way, thanks ASH. Yeah, so there was an hour of Naruto in which we found out a bit about Neiji (sp?). The third Inuyasha Movie is coolish and I wish that I could of watched FMA but my parents would of yelled at me. -sigh- Well, I now have $80 in gift certificates to go to my fav clothing store and my aunt & uncle gave me $50 worth. I was like: O.O

It's snowing, again. I hope enough piles up so that on the 9th it's up to my roof top. Ha! Then we won't have to go to school. ^^

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Friday, December 29, 2006

More Family.....

My Grandpa left this morning and currently my aunt, uncle and two cousins are coming over in less than 1/2 an hour. So I'm pretty busy. -yawn- My sister woke my up at 9am this morning and I hardly slept at all so I'm going to get her back tonight. Anime Night! ^^ I can't wait. Well, ttyl. I've got to work on my science project over the weekend. -_-

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Thursday, December 28, 2006


Well, my day has been so-so for the past few hours. I watched youtube from the moment I got up until 12-1pmish. Naruto and mew Mew Power. After that I went to chapters and got a book by one of my fav authors, Garth Nix. As well, I got a Scrapped Princess fan manga. So I just finished that and it took me 20 mins. Hmmmm.... yep that's it. -yawn-

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Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Grandpa from Windsor

Well, I'll be busy for a while, my grandpa from windsor is coming up today and I've been cleaning. -sigh- My dad is going to plan to come onto one of my chat websites, pretend to be someone and try to get me to tell him everything. Ha, like that's going to happen. So anyways, my comic page is up so check it out please.
Click here.

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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Die Evil things!

Ahem. I was just playing Final Fantasy. So anyways, besides doing that all day I worked on a comic page for about 4-5 hours because my sister took the ds. TT TT But it looks good although I hate my new mouse because it doesn't scroll. -sigh- Oh well. So I put it on, it'll show up eventually and I'm glad that I did a good job although the moon looks, well, rather messed up.

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Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Hi! ^^ I'm very happy for many reasons. Well, manily one but it's that I got presents! Although I didn't have to go to chruch last night too. Ahem. I got a complete, professional art kit so I'm happy. As well I got that DS and I've been playing Final Fantasy 3 which is awesome! ^^ But I've died 3 times. TT TT So I got a gift certificate thing to my fav store, and i forgot the name again. -sigh- I made a wall paper yesterday and went to put it on but it isn't showing up. I hope it comes up soon. Hmmm... that seems to be it. Oh ya! I got an IFish and a new mp3 with better, high qualitly headphones.

Merry Christmas!

1) What did you get?
2) Are you, if you ever were in, feeling the christmas spirit? (Me, I'm feeling the presents galore part!)

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Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve.

Okay well, last night we got the internet channel for the wii and I was watching The finale of Mew Mew Power (Tokyo Mew Mew) with translations at the bottom. It was awesome! ^^ I also passed out though. Hmmm.... well, I sprained my ankle somehow so I can't walk on it so I have to be on the net or I'm watching Chirstmas cartoons. TT TT I hate those. I started working on my website because I'm redoing it all over. Right now it looks awesome. It's called :.White & Black.: Currently I'm looking for pictures of people from Gad Guard. By the way, its so cool. Go Gundams! Well, heavy metals as they're called.

-_- I have to go to Church today at 4 so I have to get washed up. -sigh- Wish me luck on not slipping and falling down the stairs as I try to walk up. I fell out of bed this morning, not comfortable. ^^ Sailor Moon is awesome and the first episode is funny. Ahem. Anyways, Going to work on my comic maybe today. I've already got the first page in mind so it shouldn't take too long. That seems to be it. Merry Christmas!

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