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Friday, December 15, 2006


Okay, Christmas is 10 days away. ^^ I'm looking for my christmas presents (getting my sis to look for them while I eat infront of her). Guess what, I have homework in every subject and two projects due monday, a test on monday and a field trip the next day. -sigh- Oh well. There's no snow here either. -dances- I hate snow. But after the vacation starts I want some so that I don't have to go outside. Right now it feels like spring. Well, that's it. -charges off to eat, work on homework and get ready for anime night-

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Thursday, December 14, 2006

-_- I think I'm stupid

Okay well my day was plain besides the fact that my parents came to school to se the play that my sis was in. You know my chat box? -points up- -blushes- Well, I don't know how to add a post. I know I'm stupid. Evere since I got it I've been trying. (I even read the help area) Now I ask you, HELP!?

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Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Well my days wasn't so bad. Just boring for the most part until fourth when Mr.Clark wanted to talk to me. I jumped and nearly fell out of my seat. It was scary considering how I didn't do my homework. Hmm.... my friend wasnts to kill me because I laughed during the play thing that he was in. Well, I got a new sweater yay me. My old one was wearing out and its black. ^^ Hmm.... when I got home my brother was bugging me and after I said no a million times I ran into my room with my sis. We shut the door and he tried to get in. He broke the doorknob and somehow the blame ended on my sister and I. How's that possible?

1) Want me to post a pic of how my hair looks now?

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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

-_- The field trip wasn't so bad

Okay, so my day was fun except that Josh and I no longer sit beside each other in Religion. I'm ALONE! -crys- What's worse is that I was in a video and my whole class saw me suck. TT TT I'm not photogenic at all. Hmmm.... the field trip wasn't so bad. But I was stuck with -backup- friends. These girls always hang out with me and my friends at lunch when Ashely isn't at school. Ashely is someone I dispise but Chelsea, my friend, is planning to get her killed during gym. O.O! I know. So I hung out with them and they went all over the place. And got themselves lost nearly a million times. Thank God I was there. On the way back we wrote on a piece of paper 'HONK' for the cars to honk and at the bottom we wrote, 'If you're Gay!' ha! You should of seen how many honked! Most waved though and we got the middle finger but then someone beside me yelled it out the window at them. Ha! It was fun! Bye I guess.

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Monday, December 11, 2006

Josh is mean

Well, not much really happened today. When I came to school my friend Chris didn't notice that I got my hair cut but that doesn't really matter because I only see him once a day. Josh on the other hand always pays attention to his hair and lately he has been getting on my case, for some reason, that I should use shampoo but I do. So I thought he would get that I cut my hair but he didn't. My friend and I gave him a clue and he still didn't. Then after we told him he said that it looked nice. After that he went on saying how my hair doesn't look so grey anymore. >< Oh he got in class. Poke central.

Well, math was a bore, just a test but tomorrow I have part of a CPT and I'm on a field trip. Yay me! Although its in art and I'm alone in that class. TT TT Well, yeah. Zelda is fun. I'm almost done the fifth temple. Oh yeah. Today in class we were asked if we wanted a million dollars. Hell yeah! Then wew just had to push a red button. The button was an easy button from Staples. But if we were to push it someone we wouldn't know would die. Most people didn't push it but I did! And it does nothing. Stupid paper weight! I was the only girl in class to push it. ^^ Although I wonder if I would push it if someone would die?

1) Would you push the red button of doom?
2) How would you spend the money if you pushed it? If not than how would you feel if your best friend pushed it?

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Sunday, December 10, 2006


Well, I got my hair cut and it looks great. ^^ I've been looking around the house for a black pen to ink my comic. I can't believe we don't have one! Well, I have a religion project due on monday next week and an art project as well. I have sceicne homework too. TT TT Well, see you later.

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Saturday, December 9, 2006


Yeah so I came on around 12:30am and said hi to a few people while my friends were beating the crap out of some bunnies. ^^ Its fun. Hmm..... well I only watched a few shows. I didn't watch Bleach, someone fill me in PLEASE! My friend Steph got a headach around 12am and we played till 1:30am. We passed out around 2am. ^^ I get my haircut tomorrow too. Well, just a few minutes ago they left and a few before the wii, kinda broke. See there was a bad design flaw so the cord broke. The remote didn't go through the tv but the batteries and the case hit the motion sensor but everything's fixed. -sigh- Well, that seems to be it. I'm going to work on the comic again today. Ta Ta.

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Friday, December 8, 2006

Hmm.... sleepover?

Well, my day was good. My two friends are peer helpers and they missed first so that they could go and eat pancakes with gr.7s. Josh ate 8! And didn't bring me any back. TT TT. Well second i had a mass, almost fell asleep but the people behind me were singing horribly and everyone wants to kill them. Third I had an art unit test and it was rather easy. Fourth we started our space unit so I'm happy.

Tonight my friends, Steph and Chelsea, are probably sleeping over and we're going to watch anime unless Chelsea beats me up. They're going to make me stay up until 5am! I can't get past 2am! TT TT -sigh- I better have a helmet.

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Thursday, December 7, 2006


There was no snow day so I had to go to school but it was somewhat fun. There was this book that had Irish translations of English words. My friends and I laughed our heads off at 'Doing Rudies'. (AKA Farting) Josh was nicer today and i watched a bit of Robot Chicken in the lab. Funny but deadly. Hmmm.... Math was a bore but art was fun. In the last 5 minutes Cortney, a girl, put red ink on Kyle's, the guy who sits beside me, pencil. He picked it up and people began to laugh. He had red on his binder, pencil and shirt. Then he started chasing Cortney around, I almost got inked! ^^ Fun though. Last I had my test. I read my notes twice and I was done first. Studied for 20 mins. (10 per read) It was easy and those who studied for hours, well....... In the middle though someone's cell phone began to ring and we were all, "What the hell?!" In the middle. He turned it of and we all burst out laughing. We quickly got back to our test though. -eats oreo cookie and dips in milk- Well, that seems to be it. My sis has made a page but she wants to make like 10 before putting them on. I on the other hand want to get ONE done.

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Wednesday, December 6, 2006


I'm better now, just to let you know. Well, tomorrow might be a snow day. I hope so, I have an electricity test tomorrow. Hmm..... well I hate Josh a little because today he said that my hair looked gross, that I should use shampoo. I took a shower THIS morning! Then he said I was fat and my friend Chris started laughing. I hit Chris and in religion I poked Josh until he was really sorry. Then he fell asleep and I poked him more. Hmmm.... that seems to be about it. Oh and I have no ink in my hair today.

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