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Sunday, November 26, 2006

Okay, well I've been playing the wii. Currently my sister is. In an hour I'm kicking her off. Hmmmm.... well, anime night was cool. I can't wait for the series finale for Inuyasha and I want to know what's up with the frog in naruto. -nods- Hmmmm..... well Eruka seven was interesting. I want to see if Renton dies! ^^ No, -sigh-, of course not. But that other girl is awesome. She's like, 'Die, Die, Die!' Wait, I sound like I'm four. -_-;

Fullemetal was funny yet touching and Bleach was just a weird episode. What's with that arm? Hmmmm..... Well, I have some questions, so please answer them. Oh yeah, I better get to work on my comic.

1) How are you today?
2) Are you waiting for my comic?
3) Would you be happy if I posted the written version of it in chunks?
4) Do you want me to post it?
5) How much homework/work do you have?

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Friday, November 24, 2006


Yay! -dances- I got the Wii. And Zelda:The twilgiht princess. I'm going to be playing it in a bit so yeah. Well, my day was normal so that's it. -sigh- Time to kick my sister and dad off. I want to play!

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Thursday, November 23, 2006

YAY! -dances-

Well, I'll be 'dancing' during this whole post so I'll make this quick. (I don't like doing Physical Activity unless I have to.)

One. Mr.Clark is NOT coming over! ^^ He said that he'll pop in whenever so it's not tonight as far as I know. At least I hope so.

Two. I drew a girl's head, perfectly on my first try. People in art commented. I'm a very happy person and my project is done.

Three. I guess this isn't a GOOD thing. I got moved farther back into the class in math. -sigh- now it'll be harder to see. Oh well, -shrugs- I guess I can talk now.

Four. I just got my midterm (report card). My art mark went up by 7% ^^ I'm a straight A student again.

Religion - 88%
Math - 89%
Art - 83%
Science - 88%

There we go. My day. Oh ya. I'm putting on my chapter 1 page. Now that everything's figured out with who the main main character is, I was having difficulties deciding, I'll be able to start. -sigh- Well, better get to work.

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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Teachers come home!

Interesting title? I hope so cause that's what's happening. My science teacher who lives one street back, who I was going to babysit for but got another to do so, is coming over to my house to have a parent-to-teacher talk. My parents don't know. -sigh- Oh the pain. And tomorrow I get my mid-term (report card). Great. -eats wunderbar- Yeah....... well I had two tests, got most of the head for my comic done and now I want to write, write alot. -goes to roleplay boards- Here I come illiterates! -brings n00b-be-gone-

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Update here. I have finished his head! -dances- Now after I find a skin color and color in his head I can get to, -munches on cookie-, moving onto the comic part. -falls on face- Yeah.... well there ya go.

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You know, this is odd but my fav charrie from Naruto is Itachi and, yes I am a fan girl of his but this..... is odd.

I am Itachi!

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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Well, a person in my religion class has lukimia(sp?) since she was in gr.3 and apparently she isn't going to get better so my class is doing stuff to cheer her up. Josh and I went around taking funny pictures. There's this goose in class that hangs from the ceiling, Josh kissed it. I stood in an EMPTY garbage can and I was tackled to the ground by one of Josh's friends. Fun....

-eats candy- So anyways, the rest of that day was boring since then and at the end of last period, about 1/2 an hour ago, my science teacher asked if i could babysit his kids on friday. I think my parents may let me. ^^ -happy dance- -trips and falls- So yeah. ^6 Yay me. Oh and I have an 88% in religion. ttyl

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Monday, November 20, 2006

Yeah so I think I told you about my parents yesterday. Well....... last night after dinner my sister came into the computer room and noticed I was using her internet time. -sigh- Well, I'm not supposed to. After she went over to tell my parents that I was I ran to my room and hid in the closet. Yeah, not very mature but I almost got the internet taken away, for good. That would mean the end of me. So anyways, long story short I got another 'Stealing' lecture about taking internet time from my sister is stealing. -_- So not. Now I have double the chores. And I have to be more careful. But next week I'm back to doing it and if I get caught. Well, no more time for me. -sigh- I should be sneakier.

In other news I got a 4 on my Religion project, Yay me, and an 88% on my chemistry test. ^^ Well, until later....

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Sunday, November 19, 2006

-rams head into book- UHHHHHHHHHH! Well, I'm frustrated as you can tell by now. I just spent a few hours TRYING to draw a guy's head. Failing of course. I got to the eye though although the head looks strange. Well, yesterday was fun. I went to my friend's b-day party. 14 of us and I learned how to play pool. ^^ Uhhhh..... I played Halo 2 on his Xbox and I drank 3 cans of soda and more. Uhhhhhh.... we saw his cows, (He lives on a farm) we climbed the hay stacks and rode around in his mule. (A go cart thing.) I slept over at my friends house the day before and well, we watched accepted, that a frigging awesome movie. My old friend from Elementary school visited and I was happy. Uhhh..... I have such I headack. I went to bed, friday, at 1am. On saturday, 10:30pm. And I woke up this morning at 7:30am. Now it's past 11am. Uhhhhhh...... well anyways. My parents are annoying me because I like-like my friend. (The guy who's b-day party I went to yesterday.) When I got home my parents started to annoy me saying, 'Did you give him a kiss?', 'Did you hold hands like at school?' Uhhhhhhhh! It was sooooo annoying. We get enough of this at school. -bangs head on keyboard- Now I've got another headack. (Even before I ramed my head) Yeah, you've probably gotten tired of my complaining. -goes to chat-

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Thursday, November 16, 2006

My religion unit test was majourly easy. -cracks knuckles- Time to work on other things. Like HTML coding and....... the COMIC! ^^ -goes off to practise drawing the chapter 1 page until perfect-

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