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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Well, I'm a perfectionist sooooo it's taking me alot of tries to get the first page to look right. In art I got perfect on an assignment. Yay me! My agverge must of been boosted. before I had a 76%. ^^ Well.... yeah. My friend had a great b-day and on firday I'm going over to my friends house and watching movies all day. In other news, my second cousin, don't know his name, is a stunt man and has been in harry potter movies and the Da Vinci Code. ^^ Yay him! Uhhhhh..... yeah. I think that's it. ttyl

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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Tomorrow is my friends B-day. ^^ Yay for him. Yeah..... well I'm going to work on one page tonight and then I have homework, -crys- Well, yeah. That's my life and not much has happened. ttyl

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Monday, November 13, 2006


-dances- Yay! My comic came on. -rolls up sleeves- I'm a perfectionist so expect to get probably a page a day, if you're lucky. -sigh- Now that I remember I'm quite hungry. I got Paper Mario for the Game Cube so I'm happy but my sis is playing it right now. -sigh- Hmmm.... I think I'm going to make the honor roll. I've got an 89% in math, an 88.3% in science and in reliegion I probably have a 90+%. For anyone who's wondering:

-50% - An F!
50%-60% - D
60%-70% - C
70%-80% - B
80%-90% - A
90%-100% - A+

Understand? Okay! I had my unit test and it wasn't that hard. I mean I hardly studied and I think I got another 90.... Anyways, ttyl

-goes to work on comic and chat-

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Sunday, November 12, 2006


As I sit here, waiting for my cover page to be shown, I wonder, why hasn't it gotten on yet? I put it on this morning, around 9am and I still wait. -sigh- Well, it's 8:11pm. Still haven't studied either.... -sigh- At least I got my math homework done!

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-dances- I finished the cover page this morning. It'll be on sometime today. I just submited it. ^^ Though I still have to study. -sigh- Well, yeah. Hope you check it out. It took me awhile. Wish me luck on my chemicals test tomorrow.

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Saturday, November 11, 2006

Video - Not NARUTO!

Hey, this one is cool and it's not a naruto AMV. Wow! ^^ note: I have no idea which type of Anime it is.

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Videos by vMix Member:Seto Ichikata

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-dances- Oooo I'm a happy person. I just finished painting what will be pg 1 of my comic. I'm painting my cover page afterwards. -stares at clouds- -shakes head- Anyways, I have finally come to starting the comic! (And I didn't procrastinate as much as I thought.) ^^ -dances- -throws confetti and candy-

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Thursday, November 9, 2006

I have no homework! -parties- I'm very happy. ^^ Well, I guess I'll chat for a while, sing and then work on my comic. I'm going to do some water color painting too. Okay, that's my life. Wait..... in school there was a food fight, I was in the middle of it, I dropped my stuff, ran back to get it, ran back out and didn't have a scratch at all. ^^

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Wednesday, November 8, 2006


Okay, well here's an update on the comic. The reason it's taking so long is that I'm trying to think of a name and the design of the title page. (I have many templates) Well, yeah. After I have to cell shade it so it looks cool and then I will have to start the comic part. Yeah, I'm explaining too much but keep tight, if you even care. ttyl

PS. My day was rather dull and Mercury is passing infront of the Sun today. I watched the first few minutes in Science class with my friend. -yawn-

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Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Okay, so last night I watched the beginning of ROD. It's sooo cool. ^^ Uhhh... we had a pop quiz on something we hadn't really learned and I got a 3/14 -_- -sigh-. At least it was something and now my science mark is at 88.3%. Yay me! Yep, that's it. ttyl -pigs out on candy- Oooo reese.

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