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Sunday, July 1, 2007

Happy Canada Day!

Well, right now (9:47pm) my neighbours are setting of fireworks.... again. I swear, the police are gonna show up this time for sure, even ahead of scheduale. Anyways,currently I'm downloading something and it's my thrid time too. >< I swear, the game just doesn't like me! I download it , go to install it and it says: 'This does not exisit' And I'm like WTH!!! I just downloaded it! ><

Anyways, happy Canada day to all (who live in canada or happy whatever day if you live somewhere else) I bought .hack//legend of the twilight bracelet yesterday (along with many clothes) and I finished it yesterday as well.

It's sooo cute! ^^ I love it, I'm planning on watching the anime on tuesday when my parents aren't home. So yeah... hmmm... 74% Hurrry up! ><

I uploaded a pic too. You should all be proud. You know those everyhing-you-draw-sucks slumps? I just came out of one of those. Man were they EVER boring. I've been doing sit ups (for those who care if I do excersise) everyday. I do about 6 mins of them so that's like.... 210 each day. ^^ Non stop too.

I was supposed to go to a party at Josh's today. T_T But I couldn't go 'cause everyone else was busy and I was the only one. -sighs- Oh well, he's trying again sometime this week. Although if i can get a ride. I bought a brand new bathing suit for it too... T_T

Anyways, I'm at 80% right (Go fast computer!) so I'm off to save the file before it thinks of doing anything else. Until then I wait and blah. Please check out my picture too. I used my brand new (artist quality) inking pen on it.

T.alk. T.o. Y.a. L.ater.

Ps. I wish The World was real T_T

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Friday, June 29, 2007

-yawns- Me+ Anime = Lazy

Hmmm.... yeah... so I've come up with a pretty cool story idea. ^^ If you want me to post it, I can. It's well done too and i think I based it on The World (.hack//sign) a little too much. Although I haven't watched the entire thing, I pretty much have the basics of what The World is like. Hmmm.... yeah.

I finished Escaflowne today! ^^ (I watched it over from the beginning) and I'm planning on watching the movie later today. Over the past few days I've been watching Bleach too. -nods- The English voices sound pretty much the same as the Japanese ones. (I've been watching it in japanese.) So, yeah. I'm almost done season 3 and season 4 O.O OMG! It's soooo long. Then season 5 is like 5 episodes (I think they don't have them all yet) but yeah.

I should be running around or something, but I've been stuck watching anime the whole time. It's a sad thing really. (And I should also be working on my fan manga.... -.-) Anyhoo, so I'm just kinda vegging until July. Then I'll start excersising (hopefully). Mostly I haven't been doing it 'cause my joints are well.... they're weird.

See, anything I do, even if it's walking up the stairs (or walking for that matter) my knees feel like they're going to buckle at any time. My ankle feel like that half the time and my wrists right now are like dead. Either my joints are becoming like this due to lack of exercise or something else. In any case, July is when I'm gonna start exercising.

Also, tomorrow I'm going with my mom shopping for lots of stuff and then for the rest of the weekend I won't be on due to being stuck at my cottage. T_T No internet! -curls up into a ball and cries) Oh yeah! ^^ On Sunday is Michela's b-day (my friend) so yeah. (Yes, she was born on Canada Day...) -nods- So, I'll talk to ya all later.

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Friday, June 22, 2007

Summer Vaca!

Thanks for all the birthday wishes and whatnot, especially the e-cards. So cute. ^^

I had my last exam today! -dances- It was french and really easy. I didn't have to study for any of my exams at all this year! ^^ Although I wonder if next year will be harder? I mean, in a few minutes I understood how a hydrogen fuel cell worked and I could explain it to my partner sooo....

Now, I'm bragging, right?

Well, I've been watching anime for the past 3 days. When you're at home and no one is replying to the stupid roleplays you're in, what are you going to do? Watch anime of course! ^^


It has like over a hundred diffrent animes. I was watching Gundam Seed Destiny today. I got to episode 26 and wanted to find out what happened to Stellar! But there was no 27. TT TT

Same with Escaflowne. 22 is missing. -shrugs- Oh well.... I'll go read up on it later. I'm plaing on watching Hikari No Go next, even Mai Hime. It looked pretty. Apparently the first epsidoe of Tales of Symphonia is on there. I saw it on youtube though. They skipped alot of stuff. I was somewhat confused. Good thing I played the game 10 times! ^^

So, I officially started summer vacation at 1:00pm. My french exam took me 45mins. I didn't even use my dictionary. Some people it took 1/2 an hour. I got a cookie after! ^^

Later I'm going to throw out the rest of my french stuff. And tomorrow is my b-day party. ^^ Everyone said they could go, but Ashely. She ahs to work at McDonalds. Poor her. TT TT We're going bowling though. Then after Meghan, Steph and Chelsea are sleeping over. Meghan's not gonna let me sleep. TT TT -sighs- Whatever though.

July 5th is when I get my report card. I brought my 81 in english up to an 86 before exams. I hope it went higher! ^^ (Its the key to my A averge and my straight As)

So, yeah..... my goals for this summer is to write my story. I might ask you guys some questions on it though. Please answer them, mkay? It'll really help when I do my all nighters. (If I can stay awake.)

My tablet is messing up so much! It's such a pain, really. I mean the pen is all blah and the mouse always moves when I click. The pointer is on the maximize button but it always pushes the close button. -sighs- I need it fixed.

Hope you all have an awesome summer!

1) What are you doing for summer?
2) Are you looking forward to school next year?
3) Are you hanging out with your friends this summer?

PS. My b-day party is bowling.
PSS. I can't come to your sites today or tommorrow.

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Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Heya! Today is my b-day! And.... I turn fifteen. Well, technically I'm fifteen now.... I was born in the hours of 5pm - 6pm so, yeah. I had my last day of school. At the end of this week I started summer vaca! Oh! And I have my b-day party. ^^

So, I just ate pizza for dinner and Black Forest Cake <3 (My fav). I've been watching Kaiedo Star! Youtube took it off but this site: tv-links.co.uk has them. Including a FMA movie! Which I will be watching after my english exam in the morning. (I'm biking home!)

I emptied out my locker today, so I don't need it anymore and first period today I let it slip that today was my b-day. -.- Let's just say, people were singing, and coming up to me saying 'Happy Birthday!' My friends thought my b-day was yesterday. TT TT My bff said so too! -faints- Some even thought it was the 23. TT TT Oh cruel world!

GRRRRRR... stupid mouse! My tablet has been acting up. Sometimes the mouse disapears. Other times it won't move! ><

Well, see ya guys later. I'm off to procrastinate till 8pm. Them, I'm studying for my english exam!

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Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been on lately. I have exams next week and I've been planning my birthday party too. Tuesday's my birthday as well. ^^ Yay! 15 here I come! Although I don't feel 15 or look fifteen. Hmmmm.... I look and feel like I'm 16. I've had grade 10's come up to me and tell me. Randomly between classes too.

Anyhoo, I did my CPT for Geography, at least part 1 and same with english. I can't wait till friday... I SO want anime. When will Lupin the 3rd be over!? TT TT

Anyways, been studying and whatnot and procrastinating. Watching Hellsing the most though. Its awesome! ^^ And not that gorey. Or is that just me. Hmmm... not sure. Anyhoo...

T.alk. T.o. Y.a. L.ater.

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Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Back from Niagra and.... ugh.... my head hurts... TT TT

Okay! Got back last night a 7:30pm and had tons of fun. Well... as much as you can with parents. As for today though....

I had a presentation today when I came back and it was first. Third I had something due and a Romeo and Juliet test. (I managed to get that done.) Last period though, my head hurts from that. Rugby. One word, tons of pain. Mr. Carr is like, 'Okay! Tackle time!' He pulls out the pad and stand ready. The first time I push him far back but the second time I tackled him to the ground and I hit him in the head. I got hit in the temple and he on his skull. Mine hurts way more. -sighs- Anyways, about the trip.

I wanted internet so badily but I wasn't allowed it. We stayed in a 4 star hotel and our room was right across from the falls. Seriously, best room in the hotel. Anyways, we walked around, saw some stuff, did some boat rides. Nothing too big there.

On Monday though, I got to miss school. ^^ I went to Wonderland and went roller coaster happy. Although I didn't go on any rides in which I went upside down. I went on everything else though. My sister screamed on the baby ones! ^^ lol I was laughing my head off. I only screamed a few times, although I close my eyes on the big drops. I hate heights. It was fun anyways. Although long lines.... -sighs-

My friend is going into sergery today, or last night, not so sure. All I know is that it was pretty quick. She sent an e-mail to me saying she loved me and she went in. I hope she's okay. -prays for friend-

T.alk. T.o. Y.a. L.ater.

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Sunday, May 27, 2007


yeah... so last night I was talking with my friend and we were talking about me liking Josh and him saying stuff to make us stop liking him. (Which isn't working by the way.) Yeah, well I ended up crying because my friend had said that he didn't like me liking him. TT TT I'm okay now but still....

I saw Pirates today though! It was awesome. Funny, violent, funny, awesome, funny.... did i mention funny? In any case, watch it! And stay after the credits, you might see something interesting. -wink- ;D Well,

T.alk. T.o. Y.a. L.ater.

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Friday, May 25, 2007



I went on My field TRIP! It was soooo much fun. I mean I saw a deer, ran around a lake, played football, hung out with Josh all day... ^//^, Played with his camera, watched my friends get bitten by leaches and just have plain fun! It was totally awesome! And... I missed school to hang out with my friends. -sighs- So much fun.

I also got a hair cut. Its much shorter, I got bangs and it looks about the same as before. Also I got pictures of me taken. As soon as I get them I'll show you all. Although You'll see me eith sunglasses on... no way I'm taken those off with the bright sun.


Well, it was freaken hot. Like 33 degrees celcius. Its a total heatwave. I hope next week is better, like cooler. I've been wearing jeans cause that's all I have. I have like one pair of shorts but i wore that for the trip. -sighs- I hate it so much.


Anime night! ^^ Ummm.... well, Josh watched Hellsing and Azumanga Daiho on youtube and he loves it! ^^ Yays! So at gym today it rained. We were outside and it drizzled then.... the wall of rain. We all screamed, I nearly feel onto the ground in laughter and we all had to take 15 mins to change and dry off. Oh well! We got dismissed early and it was tons of fun! Oh yeah! Sometime around June I'm taking a trip to Canada's wonderland but I don't wanna go. -.- My sister, mother and father will be yelling at my brother and I'll be standing there going, 'Joy'. I don't even like roller coasters. oh damn! I'm starving. Well,

T.alk. T.o. Y.a. L.ater.

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Sunday, May 20, 2007

Weeeeeeee.... ^^

Okay.... so I've been kicked off youtube for a little bit because my brother wanted something to do and he couldn't come in because we were (more like I was) watching anime. More preciscly, yaoi. Yay yaoi! ^^ Ummmm.... >> I'm not weird.... -shifty eyes- I was watching Sukisho! ^^ Its awesome. You should so watch it! I mean, yeah it might have a little yaoi and make you think it the whole series but when there is none its HILLARIOUS! ^^ I love it. -sighs-

You know what is strange though, whenever I watch a cetain anime on youtube, its taken off the next day. Like Black Cat. I went to watch it when my parents were home (if they ever saw me watching yaoi they'd kill me. Although I could always tell them the pink haired dude was a girl.....) but it was taken off. I wanna watch the 3rd episode. Grrr.... youtube is EVIL! TT TT By the way, did you know that canadian television will be having MORE commericials per hour. As if there wasn't enough to bein with. Now there's like 7 mins of comercials per hour but in spetmember (I think) there will be about 12 maybe 14 mins of comercials per hour. TT TT

On another note, I have one day of vacation left before school. TT TT I have homework to do still... -sighs- So yeah, my life there. Must be off... only have a few more minutes left on the net. Oh yeah! I got the diamond version of the new pokemon game. Its a BIG improvement. There are like twice as many towns across the region. Along with the poke watch. Although the names for the new pokemone seem like they needed to make names so they just stuck random letters together. Like what the hell is a Buizel? Its a Sea Otter pokemon. There is no way you could tell that. -.-

T.alk. T.o. Y.a. L.ater.

PS. Totals:

400+ hits
1000+ Wallpaper Downloads
More guestbook entries... Joy... must check... -.-

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Friday, May 18, 2007


Okay, so I have a long weekend this weekend and hardly any homework. I have to answer some questions on Romeo and Juliet but that's about it.

Okay, so I need some help choosing anime for Josh. He wanted something with lost of blood and gore and he wanted another that was really funny. So i'm stuck buying 2 anime. TT TT I hope he lets me watch it with him. I need to know what to get him. The funny one I thought of giving him Azumanga Daiho (Or something like that) because I heard it was really funny. For gore I thought of Hellsing. Are those good ideas?

I told my friends I ot Josh hooked and they went like this: O.O! Their faces said, WTH!? And then I told them he doesn't know what he's getting and their faces went, Holy Crap! ^^ lol iT was funny. So yeah, sunny weekend and here are some questions:

1) Any good Gore Anime you know?
2) Any roll-on-the-floor funny anime you know? With NO Yaoi?
3) ASH... know any good places to buy anime?
4) What are you up to this weekend?
5) Have any large amounts of homework?
6) How much does anime usually cost? $20? $30?

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