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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Big News ^^

Okay, well not REALLY big news but whatever. Yesterday I watched Black Cat on youtube because Kaleido Star was taken off. Everytime I watch something on there, the next day its off. TT TT

But that's not the news. After school today Josh and i hung out alone! ^^ For 2 hours! And we did like nothing but had tons of fun. -sighs happily- It was sooooo much fun. ^^ Anyways, yeah there's my news. I know its not much but blah. Well ttyl. I've got TONS of homework... -sighs-

BTW: Josh has been addicted to anime. I told him I'd buy him some and he started freaking out. He wants it so badily. He doesn't even know what I'm getting him. ^^

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Monday, May 14, 2007

399 Hits (As of 8:48pm)

Hey! I finished my first Essay! =-dances- Okay... well I finished it 24 hours ago but i handed it in today. Not much to say cause I'm quite tired but you know my fourm? Well I changed it up a bit. Click on the link. Although the pics are rather..... blah. TT TT Oh! On staurday I watched Kaleido Star up to episode 7 and it looks good so far. ^^ Watch it. Much recomended. Uhhhh..... I still have homework... TT TT Okay well here is my essay and I'll ttyl.


Discrimination is seen through everyday life from the smallest of children to the oldest of adults. The only reason discrimination continues today is because the adults set an example for the children and they mimic it. Discrimination is shown within the novel "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck. Discrimination is when people hate something or someone who appears different from themselves because they cannot accept that people are different from themselves and so those people become the socially ignored. The following characters, Candy, Crooks and Curley’s wife, represent the causes and effects of discrimination on their lives.

Although discrimination is there for a long time, it does not effect one immediately. For example, Candy was always included with the other men on the farm but when he lost his hand and grew old, the other men on the farm began to excluded him because he was too old. "You seen what they done to my dog tonight? They say he wasn’t no good to himself nor nobody else. When they can me here I wisht somebody’d shoot me." (Steinbeck, 60) The quotation explains how Candy feels because of the discrimination and it relates Candy to his dog. Just before shooting the dog, Candy had asked for one more day with it and the men in the bunk house had refused to let Candy have that and bossed him around. The only reason they had shot the dog was because the dog was bothering them and ‘was no good to itself or anyone else’. The only difference between the dog and Candy is that the men at the bunk house would never shoot him. Candy is an old man who has lost one hand and is the only one at the farm like him. Due to the fact, he is so different from the rest of the men; they have ignored him and don’t accept what he has to say, leaving him alone on the farm.

Of course not all people have been included for the most of their lives. Some people, like Crooks, has been excluded for the most part of his life just because of the colour of his skin, something he cannot change. "... S’pose you couldn’t go into the bunk house and play rumming ‘cause you was black. How’d you like that? S’pose you had to sit out here and read books." (Steinbeck, 72) The quotation explains how Crooks has been treated from the moment he came to the farm to work. Due to his skin colour, Crooks has been treated badly and has been isolated from the other men at the farm. They have treated him badly because of the fact that he looks different from them and they cannot accept that others will look different from themselves. They do not accept Crooks for that one reason, for the reason that his skin colour is not the same as theirs. Due to that, Crooks is treated horrible and becomes a social outcast due to the laws in place of that time period.

Sometimes having the same skin colour but a different sex can make all the difference. With Curley’s wife, this fact is true. The only difference between her and the men was that she was a female, not a male. When she became married and began to live with Curley on the farm, she was excluded and ignored, her needs being lost in the words that she never spoke. The men had ignored her and excluded her as to not mess with Curley and she was left alone. "-Sat’iday night. Ever’body out and doin’ som’pin. Ever’body! An’ what am I doin’? Standin’ here talkin’ to a bunch of bindle stiffs - a nigger an’ a dum-dum and a lousy ol’ sheep- an’ likin’ it because they ain’t nobody else." (Steinbeck, 78) The quotation explains how Curley’s Wife had been ignored and excluded but also how she had enjoyed talking to the other socially outcasted because they did not judge her. Around the farm Curley’s Wife was judged more on how she looked and others could not comprehend her having feelings of her own. She was treated as a prize and when she died they did not even feel remorse for her. She was very much the same to the men although she was female but they did not see that she had feelings as well and treated her as a prize. No one listened to what she had to say and she became one of the socially ignored because she was something different, a prize and that was all.

In all cases, of Candy, Crooks and Curley’s wife, if they had only been treated like real people, like people who were the same as others, then perhaps they would not have been so unhappy. Discrimination has a direct effect on loneliness because discrimination isolates them from society, treating them horribly and ignoring whatever they would have to say because they are not as the others. If people could see that, although they may appear different on the outside, they are the same as everyone else on the inside. The reason people discriminate is because they hate or fear what is different and defend themselves by making laws that the whole group must abide. They do not base the laws individually but by group. If doubt and fear, as well as hate, of things different could be taken away then discrimination would have no reason to exist.

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Friday, May 11, 2007

DNAngel Addiction

Okay.... well I love DNAngel, you know that right? Well, I found a pic of With on the net and there's my new wallpaper! ^^ I made it in half an hour though. How do you like it?

All day I was having the opening theme song of DNAngel in my head. I was singing, driving my friends crazy, singing it, watching the images of it run through my head and singing it.

Also with that was today I had to memorize french for a project and I wasn't allowed any cue cars or anything. Guess what? I memorized my lines in less than one class and presented. I got a 29/30! Which is like.... ummm... 96.7% I think.

So yeah, can't wait for anime night tonight. Gundam Seed Destiny all the way! -dances- Although I found an episode guide on the net and its taking me all my strength not to go and read what will happen. TT TT

So yeah, my day. Hmm.... I think I'm having pizza. Well, ttyl. Oh! By the way, Fortuna, I love your new layout! (I keep forgetting to tell ya)

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Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Hey Ya! read last 2 posts please...

Yep, read the last two... they'll help... kinda. Lost of info. In any case, on that project, that evil french projet, I got a 91% on it! Hell ya! There's my A and.... and A+ To boot! ^^ My friend nearly passed though and my other failed. -.- It wasn't THAT hard. Oh! And my friends say I'm crazy for spending 12 hours on homework.

Umm.... Oh! I finished my book as well. 8 1/2 hours this time! I'm 1 1/2 hours faster! -dances- Also, that book was really good. ^^ Read it. (Last post explains.) Ummm.. yeah. Well, ttyl, I'm checking out some sites and procrastinating from going my essay, see ya.

PS. The rough copy of it is due tomorrow, I haven't started it. ^^;

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Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Everything hurts.... from head to toe. Gym is evil! TT TT Or some of it is why I hurt so much. I'm not quite sure of the rest. It may have to do with my lack of sleep or eating, not sure once again.

Lately I haven't been sleeping for more than... well if I fall asleep at 10pm and wake up around 7am.... >< Ummm.... 9 hours.. give or take if I'm watching anime or reading. But yeah. Much tired here. With food on the other hand. I need to eat but my parents tell me not to force the food. If I don't eat I'll die but my body just doesn't want it. I eat alot maybe once a day, give or take. Like 3 pb&j sandwiches, although that's the most I have eaten in days. For lunch I take water, a bagel (which I eat like 10 bites out of) and a banana. (Sometimes I don't even eat that.) Do you guys think something's wrong with me?

Also I found out why I get rashes from pine trees and large stomach aches, sometimes involving vomit, whenever I eat pineapple. There is a large amount of acid in pine needles (I learn this in geography. That's why the soil around the trees are filled with so much acid) as is there a large amount in pineapple. I must have either a large amount of acid in my body to reject either substance or my body can't handle large amounts of acid on any forms.

Yep, something's sooooo wrong with me. Where's the medical websites? help please! My friend says i should go and get tested but my dad thinks that my theory is bull shit and my mom doesn't completely believe me. -.- Oh, the great parents i have.

On a happier note, I got my final book of the abhorsen series by Garth Nix and it rocks! About 12 hours ago I started reading it, spent, ummm... 5 hours reading total so far. I'm on page.... 317 out of 518. Pretty good for one day. How long do you think It'll take me this time?

JOSH STUCK UP FOR ME TODAY! And he complimented me! ^^ At his b-day party in november of last they were joking around at lunch today and we were talking about how we saw 'Larry the cable guy,' worst movie ever, don't see it. Josh says he wasn't paying much attention becaue he was looking at me! ^////^ He said I was pretty in any case. I was reading and said, "(long pause) I'm reading, leave me alone!" To them but that was because I was blushing so much! Then my friends were making fun of me for that and Josh said to shut it! -faints- ^///^

PS. NEVER! EVER! Watch Lupin the 3rd! It is the WORST show EVER! I wouldn't even CONSIDER IT anime. Its like 1980's STYLE OF ANIME! Ugh.... I'm going to be on an anime hiadus. Only anime on friday for me... TT TT Oh god! Why are you so cruel?

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Sunday, May 6, 2007

French CPT

I TIS DONE! ^^ Now, go and see:


Anyways, it took me all day yesteray to do this. From 10am to 10 pm. 12 DAMN HOURS! I BETTER GET AN A!

So, yeah, there you go. Another one of my CPTs are on theotaku. I have to delete my religion one, it just sucks. By the way, I only bothered to put the french up. You guys can guess what's going on right? Hopefully. If not go to bablefish or something. But that will mess up the english. -.- Maybe not. All of that french is by hand, BY HAND! I WROTE ALL OF IT OUT AND TYPED IT UP THIS MORNING!

Okay, so in an hour I'm off to my cousins b-day party. Hopefully I'll see my other cosins. I haven't gotten my e-mail back yet too. Well ttyl... and go and view the COMIC!


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Saturday, May 5, 2007


Okay, so today I've been working on my CPT which is due on Monday. It's a comic, a monster comic and I was wondering of you guys would like to see it after. I finished coloring it but I'm not allowed words or anything in the boxes so I'd have to put a VERY long explanation in English. Unless you'd prefer to read my crappy french.

I went shopping yesterday and got like 3 outfits. I saw my friend Becca there too. (It was walmart) Walmart actually had good things last night. I spent like.... 100 buks on stuff, maybe more and I got new shoes! Yay! No more rocks.

I'm learning how to write an essay in english and I hate how we habe to write stuff out on paper first. -groans- I type faster than I write and I think faster than I type. Sometimes it makes me confused. Like now. ><

Hmmm.. yeah. I'm going to my cousins b-day party tomorrow and I'll be attempting to get my project done tonight. BTW Trigun was awesome! I saw the ending last night. ^^ Watch it, it'll rock your sox...

Ummm... oh yeah, Gundam Seed Destiny, I want to see the next episode badily. Hey ASH, if you're alive, can you you give me some clues into episode 10 if you've seen it? -puppy dog eyes-

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Thursday, May 3, 2007

Hey! I have..... *BUH BUH BUHHHH* CPTs

TT TT Yes, I have CPTs... mostly french for now but still.... TT TT -sighs- Well, I have to do a comic and today in class people were like, "OMG! That's sooooo good! Is that the japan cartoons? WOW!" -.- It was annoying after a while. I'll post it on after too... although in english.... I have to do it in french but who of you can read french?

I've been wondering.... WHERE IS EVERYONE!? I mean, Artichoke has been hte only one updating/commenting. (And I thank you much for that....) HAS EVERYONE DIED OR WHAT? TT TT EVERYONE"S DEAD! -GLOMPS ARTICOKE- DON'T LEAVE!

Ummm..... yeah... OH! That person I'm supposed to be tutoring.... she showed up today. I have.... 33 hours of comunity service left! Weeeeeeee! (Until I graduate.... My goal is 10 hours per year.... you can guess which grade I'm in)

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Sunday, April 29, 2007

Hey! Most of my Projects are done.

Its been like what? A week? Since I last updated. Anyways, please see my last post! It has a lot of stuff in it. I made one page for my Angelic Songs Comic. I colored it on the computer too... first time. Anyways, please check it out later.

Apparebtly Josh liked me... but now he doesn't.... TT TT It sucks. And my friends are still making fun of me! >< Oh, and my friends Chelsea broke her ankle in rugby. She has the cast past her knee.... that is so stupid. -.- Anyways, I'm really tired and I love Gundam Seed Destiny... Shin's awesome. ^^ Can't wait to see what happens next. Oh! And did you know MAR is starting in June of Ytv? Yeah, I have the manga at school...

Its weird, but cool.... lol can't wait to see it. Anyways, yeah, my life there. Oh! And Steph has a boyfriend! Myself and my friends are watching the relationship like hawks. We sit scross the field and yell to them to hold hands. I fall on the ground laughing.... ^^; So they went on their date yesterday. I have to call Steph!

Hm.... yeah.... Oh! Yeah, anime will be on in the next 40 mins.... got to get some homework done.... its like 9:20am.... anyways, ttyl

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Monday, April 23, 2007

Gravitation! And stuff.... ^^

Okay, so I spent 4 1/2 hours of my life watching gravitation and I'm gonna change my theme to it later. I love that show! And I have a vid! ^^ By the way... it contains yaoi. ^^ I was talking with my friends Laura about it all day and the rest of my friends all left... TT TT My guy friends were looking at me like i was some kind of freak.

In other news, besides that I got spraight A's on my report card and my adverge went down 2%, I have 3 projects due this week. TT TT 3! I'm gonna die. I also Have 1 1/2 pages of my novel done.... well, chapter 1 but whatever. Now I have to think of what happens next. TT TT -sighs-

Hmmm... that seems to be it. Oh! Here's to explain the following video which is quite funny.

Shuichi is a rock star (pink haired dude)
Hiro is his best friends and member of the band (red haired dude)
Yuki is the blond haired dude and is a novelist.
Mr. K is the manager of the band (lol)

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