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Saturday, April 21, 2007

.......school......sucks.....TT TT

Ummm... yeah..... ^^; School scucks and I'm here telling you all about the homework I have.... joy. -.- Anyways, I got my report card (well, mid-term) and here are my marks:

English - 81%
Gym - 85%
Geography - 89%
French - 86%
Adverge - 86%

My adverge went down a whole 2% ! Yes, this is something to be sad about. -sighs- Anyways, my parents were lecturing me on how i should study more before tests.... blah...blah...blah.... I kinda stopped listening there. ^^

I joined facebook for anyone who wants to know. You'll know its me when you see it. Its not that hard to find out. -.- I found my family, well cousins, on there too.

Josh is stupid. Okay, so yesterday he was like, "Hey want to go shopping?" and I'm like, "Sure why not. But I only have $5." He's like, "that's okay, just come anyways." Well, he called me last night, told me all about it, went to call steph then call me back... and he fell asleep. -.- I woke him up and yelled at him although I feel kinda bad. -sighs- Oh well.... it's already been done. g2g breakfast! I'm hungry...

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Sunday, April 15, 2007

LOTS of news....

BREAKING NEWS: I'm tired....

Anyways.... so its around 7:33pm well right now at least. Been writting and stuff. In any case, I've been on Gaia all day. People hardly even postor anything and my friends aren't all that useful. >< Evil Chris... he won't join...

Anyways, in church today I was counting how many friends-that-I've-talk-to-in-person I have. I probably have over 100 of people I've met on the net. ^^ Yay me! I also put on 2 NEW PICTURES WITH A NEW DRAWING/ COLORING STYLE! Go see.... NOW!

5 mins left on the computer... gotta hurry. I have homework... blah. Must do. Ummm... you know those parties were the police come and everything gets trashed? Well, that happened to us... well the house beside us friday night. Anyways, I SLEPT THROUGH IT! My sister didn't wake me up.... TT TT

Next... I was at chruch becaus emy little brother was getting first communion. Okay, g2g being kicked off.... possibly. 7:37pm too... TT TT

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Friday, April 13, 2007

-dances- Hey everyone!

Wow... I haven't posted in like... a week.... O.o That's weird. Anyways, did you see at the front of theotaku? Down in the featured stuff... my comic is there! YAY! I added a new page too... first time with paint shop pro! I'm so proud! And anime night is tonight. ^^

So, you know how i was having difficulties with my english teacher? Well, I have an 81% in her class! Yay! Although I have to bring up my communication.... >< But... I have and 81%! Still straight A's here!

We've been doing rock climbing all week... I think I need wrist guards cause my wrist is swollen and I only went up 5 feet.... TT TT Yes, I suck. Anyways, every thing's going good although Josh and Reed (this guy has his locker beside me) have been spraying TAG all over my stuff! I'm allergic to it! (I think...) I get headacks and stuff.... bleh. I'm gonna beat them up next time. I've already struck fear in Reed.... ^^ Josh... though.... he's an idiot.

Grrrr.... french project... I have to memorize stuff.... -sighs- but yeah.. ooo... gaiaonline... ttyl... check out my comic please and I'll check out your sites later.. If I can keep writting... TT TT The pain...

Ps. Trigun... Tres funny.

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Sunday, April 8, 2007


Hey everyone! Happy Easter! I'm almost done eating all of the chocolates the easter bunny left... -evil smile- Anyways, been working on my web site and comic! Look at that! I've updated my comic 3 days in a row... more pages for you guys to read.... tomorrow's hte last day of the holiday! TT TT So, Steph just e-mailed me, (go figure) and she was like, 'ooooo So, you've got Joah on the brain?' I asked her if she had spoken to him because... well... you know... the funeral and stuff... I just sent her a rather angry e-mail. NOOOOO MY MUSIC! (it turned off.... must turn back on...) Ahhh... my depressing music is back. Yep, so check out my comic please, and leave a comment... I like comments. ^^

Yep... played with bro and sis.... still can't go to youtube but whatever.... TRIGUN STARED ON G4! I forgot to tell ya. Vash is funny and they just found out that he is... well he. Anyways... i was laughing. I got a stupid cold from my little brother! >< He just had to cough and jump on me at the same time! Now I have a sore throat, running noise and a headack.... unless that's just from me starring at the computer screen all day. Hmmmm.... don't know.

I had ANOTHER idea for a story... (real shocker there, no?) Mostly its about the apocolapse (sp?). Reason: Before the 'day of reconing' last year, my friends said I would be the anti-christ.... -.- So.. yeah baised that what if the anti-christ had already been born and that day was wrong and the time was wrong and that that day was just the count down TO the apocolapse. Eh? Good idea, riiight? -pushes fingers together and lookes down at them- I like destruction and post-apocoliptic worlds... don't hurt me.... -looks back up-

^^ So, yep there's my world. Right now I'm gonna go and comment and I'll see you around, one more thing. -smiles-


See ya! ^^

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Saturday, April 7, 2007

hey! (read last post which explains why I'm now posting)

So, Easter's tomorrow, I'm really looking forwards to it. My parents said they got me something really good. (You know how the easter bunny gives a stuffy or something at your door as a big present and then you go around and look for eggs? Like that.) So, my dad upgraded me from 12 & under on aol to mature Teen! (16-18) ^^ I think I can watch youtube. Not sure. My dad says that if I do anything bad, I'm gonna get it. I've been working on my site too. Yay me! ^^ Ummm... yeah.

Oh yeah, I'm putting this in capitals 'cause its really important (and I'm proud).


I redid the first 3 pages. -sighs- Now, time to finish the fouth and I can put new things on. Well, ttyl and if anything really big has happened, please tell.

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Friday, April 6, 2007

-dances like there is coals under my feet-

I'm back! ^^ Yeah... I got introuble last week but this is a new record, getting on within a week and getting 2 pages of one of my manga done in like.... 4 hours! No tracing too! ^^

Anyways, what's up? I've been having tests ad blah and I want to go onto Gaia.... TT TT -sighs- Got some ideas on my story and I've been writting a bit. Happy Easter by the way! Yeah, its early but, whatever.

Lots has happened, for one my friend Steph is being so pissy. Josh's anut dies the other day and he didn't go to a peer helper meeting because of that and yesterday Steph said, "Why didn't Josh show up yesterday for peer helping?" "Because his aunt died." "(insert attitude here) That's no reason to miss it!" >< I had to move away from Steph or I was going to punch her. Lately she's been all, 'Josh is soooo imature.' Well, he is kinda but that makes him cute. ^///^ Well, yeah. Because of how Steph has been acting, he thinks she hates him and I didn't get to tell him somthing really important before the break. I got 4 days off! ^^

Ummm... yeah. Anyways, ttyl I've got to go and like... roleplay. Bye! <3

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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Hey! Homework done.

-dnaces- I got my two projects done on time although my Of Mice and Men one sucks I guess. Been on gaia and stuff and my wrists hurt. Ugh... Anyways, I've been wrestling in school and everything hurts. I had to do NECK BRIDGES! NECK BRIDGES! I can't even do a NORMAL BRIDGE!

My english teacher is still evil by the way. So... yeah. So Steph and Josh were talking on msn and apparently they were talking about things and one of them is about me. I wanna know! TT TT Steph has been dropping hints and Josh is acctually SHARING HIS LUNCH with me. All guys, of course, eat like pigs, Josh is one of them. But lately he's been.. weird. Letting me when I ask. Maybe he likes me! ^^ Note: When I become happy I throw up.

g2g dinner bye.

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Saturday, March 24, 2007

Damn it....

Guess what? I just signed in and my dad changed the settings... TT TT I no longer have unlimited internet time. -sighs-

Anyways, yesterday I went to the movies and guess what? Steph and I got stood up.... AGAIN. Josh never showed up. TT TT He's so mean. That reminds me, I have to call him and yell at him. Anyways, I'll be working on my story and my 20 pounds of homework. Mkay? So... much....english.

Anyways, the movie was awesome. Funny but the story line was so-so. Until later then.

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Friday, March 23, 2007


Hey. There was a power outage yesterday, 12 hours with out power! It went out around 11am and came back on around 10:30pm. -sighs- No net... I was so bored, but I'm glad I sat on my roof and starred at the stars for a few hours. ^^

So, in a few hous, I'm gonna go to see Wild Hogs with my friends. Josh was supposed to walk home with me today but he had to take care of his little brother... >( Stupid little brother. I have tons of homework and no money, I'm glad that one of Josh's friends are paying for me.

So because there was no power yesterday, the phone weren't working. Steph had her phone because her house wasn't effected. They say that phones work during power outages... how the hell does that work!? So, mine didn't work and Steph was calling and today she came in and started spazzing at me for not picking up te damn phone. She also said she sent me an angry e-mail. She's brittish and she told me that she said 'bloody' at least 5 times. TT TT I'm pissed and sad. So, yeah, she's blaming me but yet somehow she's sleeping over. I don't understand this world.

-nods- Been working on my story in english class and yeah... anyways, got to clean the kitchen and btw my dad freaked out when my mom told him Josh was going to walk home with me. lol I want to know why but I think I may get a lecture later. -.- ttyl

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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Hello People

You know, today was weird, besides the fact that I got out of the library before the warning bell rang. Well, I brought playdoh to school! Bleh, now I taste it. Ewww.... anyways, I was playing with it all day. ^^ And my french test was easy, just rather long. I played with playdoh afterwards. Okay, so guess what? This really ticks me off. I got like perfect on an english test. Okay? What's diffrent? Apparently when you write like you are acctually TALKING to the person it's bad. 'I put too many sentance fragments' and 'this can't have 'is' after it, it must be a noun' oh and, ' You shouldn't put 'this quote,'...'' you should put 'this quotation, '...''' lol too many bracket-things. My english teacher is really annoying! She says things I write make NO SENSE! >< She has issues. I need my gun, I wonder if Josh will give it to me 3 monhs early? lol Ugh!

Yeah, she really pisses me off and talking about her is making me more angry! So PLEASE comment!

I have an A+ for everything except communication. I have a B- in that because she marks EVERYTHING worng and teaches us what is RIGHT AFTER THE TEST! I'm just gonna type in capitals now, mkay?


-breaths- Anyways, do YOU think this is unfair is yes, COMMMENT! If no, COMMENT ANYWAYS! Bye! ^^

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