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Monday, March 19, 2007

Hey.... I have a french test tomorrow

Yep. I have a french test tomorrow. I found out today and yet I'm not stressed. Hmmm.... oh well. I'll dream of those vampires again.

Yeah, last two nights I've been dreaming of vampires who eat people. O.o I watched it all too and I was the only one left alive cause I was the bride or something. Then my english teacher came in and started to bug me about my homework. Ahhhh... no I prefer the vampires! Just let them eat my SOUL!

Ahem. I got all of my homework done too. I just have to do a project and study for my test. -.- Bleh, no fun. In any case, I finished the book. Last two chapters are the best, most exciting parts I say.

I'm learning CPR in gym class now. Today we were talking about stuff that I learned wtaching the Medical channel. Watching people do atopsies is kinda fun, espiecially when the grossest part is when they show blood, talk about it or show an organ (like the heart) when it is like 250 ponds. (I saw that once. It was cool.) Anyways, my dad will probably check if I went on Gaia today. Ha! I'm not gonna do it. -shifty eyes- Until 8pm that is. lol ^^; Anyways, ttyl

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Sunday, March 18, 2007


Hi guys! ^^ Thanks for commenting on my last post. There were more of you than I thought. Thanks anyways.

Hmmm.... I go back to school tomorrow, I have a french test (probably will be prolonged) and english homework to do, hmmmm... I guess I'll do that later. I haven't even started... lol I don't really want to do my english homework. I have to finish reading Of Mice and Men. I hate that book. All they do is talk and I can hardly understand what they say! I didn't even know what nigger was. -.- I found out about last week. I have 20 questions I have to answer on hte book too, joy.

Anyways, I was planing on going on the computer last night at 1am so I couldn't get caught but I woke up went down stairs and I thought i saw my dad sleeping on the couch. Lately our computer has been loud when you boot it up. No fun.

I went on this morning though. I had to reply on Gaia! My dad won't let me on. TT TT What's up with you guys? Most of you have already started your break haven't you? lol I have 59 guest book entries and I don't feel like going to other's sites to reply. TT TT -groans- Whatever ttyl I have homework.

Ps. My dad wants me to shovle the driveway and there's only 1 1/2 cm of snow. -.-

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Saturday, March 17, 2007

Hey Ya! Someone comment on this please!

Soooo last night was anime night and guess what? Bleach is restarting from the BEGINNING! I've been watching it for 1/2 a year (26 episodes+) And IT RESTARTS! Grrrrr.... where's youtube? I need to go and watch it. Then there's Eruka 7. i don't know if it's done or not because it had no next times and the credits were at the bottom on the screen scrolling by and, and... TT TT Only 26 Episodes! As for FMA well that's restarting because... well, ytv has nothing else to put on. Same with Inuyasha. Gundam Seed Destiny is good though. I'm on episode 4 on the web but on ytv only 3. -sighs-

I got introuble on.... thursday and i was told not to go on but then I did and yesterday my dad tried blocking things and ... ^^ By accident he gave me full internet time on aol. I want to go to Gaia! TT TT I have rps and stuff there. -sighs- In any case... I'll check out some sites today. I think I have nearly 1,000 wallpaper downloads. And i have over 300 hits. I'm just too lazy to put up a banner. ^^; ttyl

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Thursday, March 15, 2007

2 Days!

I have not had net for two DAYS! Its March Break! God.... -.- I snuck on. I don't care if I get in more trouble. My parents are expecting a letter from me explaining my actions and they don't even talk to me because they're too busy. This definitly will make them talk to me. They yell at me to go away when I come to talk. -.- I hate them sooooo much. Anyways... my sis put a pic up yesterday, as did I. I put the Me!.... one up just to yet ya know. -sighs- Well, been working on my story too. But I only have six sentences and it's 1/3 of the page. ^^ lol Fortuna, I shall work on the story.... as soon as I finish reading the original again. ttyl

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Okay, so yesterday I was having a blast with using the full internet and i thought to watch some youtube. My dad was suspicious of me and checked and guess what, I got in trouble. So, I'm not allowed any net. TT TT My sis let me sneak on as her. Thanks and blah. Sorry...

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Sunday, March 11, 2007


Hey ppl. Maybe i shouldn't have stayed up to 11pm watching Scrapped Princess. TT TT Stupid Daylight Saving Time. Why did they have to push it up to now? -sighs- Anyways, I have a majour headack because I have the inability to sleep in. Maybe because I've woken up at 6am all my life, who knows... I only slept to 9am, usually its to around 7:30am. -sighs- So, I'm gonna write my story this week, that's my goal. But I'll probably just end up hanging at a friend's house. Josh said he wanted to get together over the week so whatever. TT TT -yawns- So tired.

So, I'm sure some of you know of my site? Nope? Good. It sucks. The last time I updated it was in september. So, I'm working on a cool layout for that using one of my Original Charries. I would be drawing it now but.... TT TT I really don't have much initiative. (-looks at report card to spell-) (somehow I have a's in that area) Anyways, I'm working on it slowly but surely. X.X The new moniter we got is sooooo bright. It burns! X.X

My cat Jack was crewing on my new heels. I threw a pillow at him this morning, it was around 7am (6am). -groans- I'm gonna go and find something to do. -falls asleep-

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Saturday, March 10, 2007


Wow... look at all those abrevations in my title. lol I think I'll tell Kei about it later but I found out that the TOS OVA will be starting on June 8, 07 in Japan. Which means that.. -drumb roll- It'll be on youtube in that short amount of time. lol As for the Gundam Seed Destiny, (I'm sure ASH has already watched it all) I watched the first 2 episodes last night on youtube and when anime night came on ytv had started airing it at 9:30. lol Well, anyways, it looks cool Poor Shin! I nearly cried twice. TT TT Now Eruka 7 is on at 11pm and I got to watch it. I can't wait till the next episode and Bleach is interesting too.

Anyways, I went shopping last night and I got my first heels. They're 1 inchers but my mom told me to practise with them. I don't see why... when I walked around in the store and at home I haden't tripped or fell down the stairs. i also got a book bag. Ha! Now the snow and ice won't stop me from dropping my books and homework. Although I may fall more often... Damn you winter! Anways, hopefully my french teacher will let me have it. I don't like stopping in the halls and bending down, getting run over by frade 7's and 12's and then picking it up only to drop it again. WHy do we have to have so many french books!?

Anyways, I love the ending to TOS I was watching it like a million times last night on youtube. My dad still doesn't know I've unlocked everything again. -sighs- I'm too smart for my own good. ttyl

Ps. XP Sorry Artichoke (sp?) March (Spring) Break is awesome. XP Hope you get it soon.

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Friday, March 9, 2007


Yes! The march break has started and hopefully I won't get in trouble at all over it. I got in trouble last night though... It was about how I wouldn't let my sister sit with me on the bus. -.- Stupid conversation either way.

So.... I'm gonna make layouts and work on my comic and make some layout and roleplay until there's no tomorrow! -dances- Ahem. Guess what I have in geo and french....

French = 85.8%
Geo = 91%

Lol I found out todayish. I'm gonna work on my story too. Chances are that if I'm pushed hard enough that I'll write maybe 20 pages over the break. In that amount of time I'll probably look for a publishing company on the net. Or go to the libraians at school. (They'd probably be more helpful...) lol. ^^ Well... did no work today but I've got to read...2 book... all weekend so.. ttyl and have a good march break if you haven't had it yet.

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Thursday, March 8, 2007

^^ Thanks Everyone

Everyone who checked out my last 3 posts, thanks alot. I feel pretty good now. 1 more day until MARCH BREAK! -huge voice echos- Well... I have to read 2 books. -shrugs- I'll probably ginsih them both in one day. So... much homework tonight. TT TT

Last night I asked my dad if I could watch chrono crusade because I had 1 hour until GunSword and I had no homework and he said, 'Later.' 1/2 hour later my sister asks (I kicked her off the couch and made her ahem) and he says, 'NO!' I swear, he's so messed. -.- Anyways... Josh wore a stripped flower shirt! OMG! The guys thought that they were just strips but the girls could see the flowers. Some guys are stupid. A guy in my english class even admitted it. ^^ lol Uhh... eating peach yogurt with chocolait chips in it. Hmmm... that's about it. Did a geo test, have a pe test tomorrow. I have to study volleball. He's quizing us on the rules and if we can serve. I can't... really. TT TT Well, maybe I'll make a cool layout for here, until then, ttyl

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Wednesday, March 7, 2007


Okay, well I really want people to comment on my last two posts so please comment on those! PLEASE! Nothing really interesting has happened but those two things so PLEASE and Thanks.

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