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Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Hey.... again

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For info on this pic you need to read my last post, for those that did, this is the dude.

Anyways, what's up? Me? Blah. I got homework and junk... well, I have to draw and color but that's it. Maken layouts and blah. So last night I watched the first Episode of Chrono Crusade and it was so funny. lol I'm going to watch the second one in english to see if the voices go, if not I'll cry. Hmmm... yep, seems to be it. Wow, no much going on in my life. ttyl

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Monday, March 5, 2007

Hey ppl

-yawns- I'm so tired. Volleyball is no fun in gym class. You always have to look up! That last time I did that was for one of the Harry Potter movies... wait, it was the last one that came out. #4 then? Anyways, what's up? People are liking my layouts and stuff and my friends were like, why don't you get paid then?

Honestly? I'd rather not. I don't even have a bank account. TT TT Isn't that sad? Anyways, maybe eventually some company will come and ask for something or other. -squeals- I can't wait for that day.

Uhhh.... well, Steph is pissed at Josh and Josh doesn't know why but I know and I promised Steph that I wouldn't tell but still.... TT TT have any ideas? I really don't know. -sighs- Oh the pain. I'm gonna make a layout for my neopets lookup. I don't know about this one yet but maybe i will. -ponders- Yeah, maybe.

Yep. Seems to be it- nope. Okay, I really don't think I have a crush on Josh any more. I feel kinda... blah when I'm around him like I usually do in the morning. Blah... don't care about anything at all. But then I have this feeling like (Please don't laugh TT TT) there's this guy that I made up but he's real and blah. Like a knight in shining armour because whenever i fall asleep I dream about him. My heart flutters too. lol I laughed at myself so you can go and laugh now. Its like fan girls and fan guys. You know that they aren't real but still... -sighs-

By the way, the weirdest thing happened. Last night I left my curtains open so I could look at the full moon from my bed but when I woke up in the morning they were closed. Either I slept walked or something else happened. O.o lol

ttyl (This is probably a really long post, no?)

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Sunday, March 4, 2007

Hello... I've been rather busy, ugh and my back hurts

I've been on the computer all day and why not? I have complete internet access again. (I 'tis smart.) I was only going to use it for homework but I'm using it to go to everyday places so my dad won't suspect anything. I hope.

I made that layout for that person and they were litterally jumping out of their seats. It was freaking, at least by their e-mail. I made another one and I'm gonna finish a star fox one for someone else. That means I have approx. 3 more to make. Ugh my back hurts. I can't wait to go to sleep. ^^

I'm reading a new book and I might watch Chrono Crusade or Rozen Maiden on youtube. Who knows? I'll ask my dad in a sec. Hmmm... yep. ttyl

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Saturday, March 3, 2007

Hey Ya!

Not much really happening here except that I've descovered Runescape. -nods- I'm a bit slow. ^^; So, what's up? I have no homework this weekend, yay me!

Last night was so sad. TT TT I watched the ending of Full Metal Alchemist. For a second I thought I was going to cry. -shakes head- But I want to see the movie so that I can figure out what happens afterwards. I wish YTV would put on some more anime. I'm tired of watching reruns of Inuyasha. -sighs-

Eruka 7 on the otherhand is becoming really really interesting. ^^ I love it now. -sighs happily- Ahem. Well, yeah, that's about it for now. Hmmm... I'm going to go draw or something. Bye! ^^

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Friday, March 2, 2007

-dances- I got a snow day!

-nods- Yep. 2nd one this year, well first one for '07. Anyways, what's up? I've been making layouts and stuff. I also updated my fan manga Light & Shadow. I can't remember if I told you guys or not and for you guys that haven't visited, I put up my prologue. I'm becoming annoying huh? Anyways, yesterday in geo after I did all my work (I swear I need harder classes) my friend Kelsey and Cody were talking and I came and joined in. Well, Kelsey said give me an 'm' so we did and Cody and I were insinc and Kelsey started laughing her heads off. We did it agin with every single letter of the alphabet. lol it was so much fun! I also got part of my french CPT done. She's started us on working on it. I was supposed to present what I did today but, -dances- I got a snow day. Over the past 2 weeks it has been friggin hot! I wear a t-shirt to my portable in the morning. Some guy was wearing shorts. lol so much fun.

So I wreaked Steph's book (I think I told you) more or less I lost it and i bought her another one, it came yesterday. I can't wait for tonight. That reminds me, I think someone asked if they wanted me to make an anime layout for them. ^^ I'm getting better at making tem, I'm so proud. Except this one person is bugging me. Well, 5 layouts to make and its 10:03 am here. Got to get to work. ^^ ttyl

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Thursday, March 1, 2007

TT TT Will anyone read my prologue?

I'm in tears. I put up part of my story about 2 posts ago and I'm still waiting for someone to give me some feedback. -sigh- Oh well, my firends and teachers won't read it either. Anyways, Steph and Josh went on a peer helping trip and they just came back so for the past 2 days I've been alone because my friend, Chelsea, ditched me at lunch. -sigh- Anyways, that's it.

1)How are YOU today? (I've been getting asked this all day. Muhahaha now you must answer the question of evil!)

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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

-glances around-

Ummm... hi everyone. Just to let you know, I posted my prologue for my story yesterday. -shifty eyes- Yeah, I've been trying to get people to read that all day. My friends won't and my class friends did. -sigh- What am I going to do? Anyways, Josh says he's going to get me one of those guns that shoot out rubber bullets. Yay me! ^^ I acctually think he won't but still, a good thought no? Uhhh... yeah. English is evil, so's homework. Bye!

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Monday, February 26, 2007

-Yawns- 10:09 am right now

So... I have a PD Day today. Yay! But, sadily I just had ANOTHER doctors appointment. 1 week from today I was the doctors all day! -.- I woke up at 7:40am when I should of been able to sleep in. And I made my whole family, excpet for my dad, sick with my cold. ^^; I've also written the prologue of my story. I just had an idea and ran with it. So, I'll post that at the end. I still have homework! -sigh- Guess I've got to get to that. I'm also making layouts again. But sadily, my stupid aol browser won't let me search for pictures! Grrrr... where's my gun?
Story time: (Rather long too)

It was less than a moment, but longer than eternity. To the young maiden it was the end of her life, she knew it and she also knew that she could not stop it. No matter how hard she could try, all she ended up as was junk. People came by, looking for junk, but she was even tossed aside by them.
She had only blinked for a fraction of a second and still, time went by too fast. Everything was gone. Everything she cared about, her friends, her brother, her parents, her beloved. They were all gone. A moment later after she had been spared and left to live in this world alone, after she had been tossed aside as junk, that was when even those she knew and looked up to shut her out of their lives. Blaming her for the deaths.
A tear came trickling out of her eyes; she no longer had the will to live, nor the will to cry. She was out of tears and what was left was emptiness. She opened her eyes slightly and glanced over as the tears stayed in place. She remembered, there was no such thing as gravity any more. There was just empty darkness, darkness that had no light to banish it.
She shook her head. She was there, she was the light and she could do something. As she glanced around, that small sliver of hope disappeared in an instant. She was just tossed aside when everyone else was able to move on. When they had left her to live in this hell.
Suddenly that voice, that voice she heard before everything was destroyed. She heard it laughing at her, hiding in the darkness. The maiden couldn’t help but try to tear up as she recalled it, but nothing came but enraged anger as it began to mock her and make her feel even more worthless.
The young maiden remembered what hope felt like; she remembered what it meant to live. Using all that she could, she could feel the darkness’ gripping claws start to lose their grip on her. She began to feel the happiest she had in nearly eternity. A bright light came and engulfed the maiden and the voice that was hiding in the darkness.
It was less than a moment, but longer than eternity. It was then when the universe was born anew. It was then when the light banished the darkness and the maiden voice could be heard. Her friends, brother, parents and beloved glanced up at the sky as they heard it riding on the winds. Looking down at the field they stood in, they were surrounded by red roses.
Her beloved smiled and picked one of the roses as the rest disappeared in a flurry of petals that rode on the winds. They all looked to him and smiled with him as they heard the laughter no longer on the winds, but inside of that rose.

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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Short post

Yeah, this will be a short post cause I'm roleplaying right now, whoot! Okay, so I went to my grandparents yesterday. I found ou my cousin has diabites too. Wow... such a shocker. Like everyone has it in my family. So, I came home, went on the net and I have msn now. Wow! MSN here I come. Eventually. -shifty eyes- So, yeah. Go Fruits Basket! I've been watching it on youtube except all the episodes seem to be gone. TT TT The english ones don't work with the charries.

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Saturday, February 24, 2007

I'M ALIVE! (For real this time.... hopefully)

hey everyone, sorry for leaving and thanks for the support. -sigh- Nearly 3 weeks without net. TT TT How I've missed you so. Okay, I have alot to tell. Be prepared for a rather long post.

While I was gone I was very lonely. And my friends didn't really help. Did I tell you that they took away MSN? They did, guess I won't be talking with ya on it anymore Fortuna. (sp?) -nods- I'm trying to catch up with somethings too. School has been rough but I have good news! I passed all exams with flying colors.

Marks for Semester 1:

Math: 90%
Religion: 92%
Science: 84%
Art: 87%

A's across the board. Listen to this though. 1 grade 9 had a 98% adverge! They got 100% in some classes... -_- I hate them so much, I only had an 88% adverge. Honor roll here I come!

Okay, so I've been drawing with my free time so I'll be putting on a whole lot of pictures soon. And I've been working on my comic (The light and dark one) -nods- Good, good. I think its kinda funny too.

I watched the ending of Tenjho Tenge. Never watch it. It has the same kind of ending as Inuyasha. Did I give away too much? Oh whatever. -_- Now I'm watching a show called GunSword. My two favorite weapons as one title and there are mecha! Except they're called 'Armors'. -_- Don't care. English class is so damn hard too! I thought it would be easy but my teacher is like "You can't have contractions in your writting," and, "You have to write in the present tense." -_- Is she stupid or what? I got my option card too. I'm taking tech next year and another gym class. -_- Yes, I'm stupid.

So, my friend Steph is pissed at me because I 'lost' her favorite book but in reality someone stole it! It was with me when I got to english and when I left it wasn't. TT TT There goes $20 bucks. I have a zip-up binder too and that day we went to the option sheet meeting thing. I'm gonna beat the crap out of who took it.

My friends, I got Josh to tell me ^^, are planning an april fool prank on me but really they're just making Josh do it. He is supposed to be going out with someone to make me jelous. -_- Stupid. They're going to try and trick me in the morning too when I'm half asleep. Not gonna work. I have an 85% in French! -dances-

Yep. My life. Hope I didn't forget anything. Well, ta ta. I might check out your sites today too okay. Bye!

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