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Friday, February 2, 2007

Epic....... and blah

Okay so I saw epic today and it sucked in my case. I mean it was so sick and wrong and most of it I didn't even find that funny. They tried to hard. I mean they degraded it by showing the stunt double..... not good at all. Although I good movie is Spaceballs. lol. It doesn't try to hard it just makes fun of star wars.

Yep so when I came home, guess what? My sister was no where to be found. She was SUPPOSED to be there but NO! I didn't have my keys with me at all. Until I looked in my pocket because there was a lump. I hate her! Then when my parents got home they lectured me about it before jumping out the door to pick up my sister. >< They all suck. So now I have to watch my bro outside but really I'll check every 5 mins. Bye!

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Thursday, February 1, 2007

Which one am I? So obvious...

Sloth:Very High
Lust:Very Low

Take the Seven Deadly Sins Quiz

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Piczo and what not

Heh. I've been playing with the net. Tis very fun. I'm playing with piczo too. So yeah. Hmmmm.... 12:20pm. TT TT I only have a few hours left on before I have to get off or my sister will know. I was chatting with friends and they were telling me I'd get caught. XP to them. So yeah. I ran 15 mins last night, well rather jogged at a speed of 4.3 the whole time because if I ran I'd break the stupid oliptical which wouldn't be so bad but I'd have to replace it. I ran a total of 1.9 miles. Is that extremly good? I don't quite know. My mom was impressed. Well, yeah, see ya later. Oh and I was watching youtube. Full Metal panic eh? Ugh, there are 3 of them. Oh well, better watch them all.

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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

OMFG! I have internet.

Okay, so I was bored and went on the computer to play around with my web site and this new program that makes websites. Next thing I know I'm connected to the internet with complete access AND no time limits. OMFG it is awesome. And my parents don't even know. -evil smile- Ahem. I'm probably going to get in trouble eventually so hope that I don't. I have limits! Go goole. I'm so gonna find pics. Yes, google was blocked. But now it isn't! -dances- I'm so happy. So I drew this pic of Inuyasha on the ground with Kagome on his back. I'm gonna color it too. They're chibi's as well. Also I can go toeveryone's sites and friggin comment. Yay!

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I shall vanish for the next few days

Yep. I got my punishment. It just HAD to include the internet and exercise on the stupid oliptical. So, until saturday I won't be on, sorry if I can't comment on posts. Then, I have to run on the oliptical for 15 mins everyday or else my internet will be cancelled completely. MY INTERNET WILL VANISH! VANISH! The, on staurday till the end of Febuary I on;y have 1 hour on the net. TT TT Life is cruel. At least all of the extra time will help me with my comic and french homework I'm about to recieve next week. -sigh-

So today I hung out at my friend's house (diffrent friend) and we did a bunch of stuff. But I'm hoping I can see Epic on friday with all of my friends because we have a pd day. So yeah. I'm done my exams so even though I won't update, it won't matter, nothing good will be going on anyways unless i die. (Totally unlikely)

So yeah, I'm taking a vaca from the internet.... TT TT
1) Why the hell is hello kitty considered anime?
2) If life EVER fair? Mine's not.

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Monday, January 29, 2007


Ummm..... yeah so my brother is about to tattle on me. Damn him! He's only 7 too so I can't kick his butt either. Anyways, I had my science exam and what's funny is that on there we had to label the female reproductive area. I didn't even know what to do. My dad laughed because he said that I should know because I'm a girl and I'm like, No, I didn't study that part. Just like Mr.Clark to put something like that on. Xl So, yeah. Then I went over to my friend's house and i hung out there all day with my other friend. One more exam to go! Its math too so it SHOULD be easy....... -sigh- Well, I updated my comic. Its on now. Go look please. ^^ Like my links? -points up- So yeah, Angelic Songs. (The pretty one with the rose) There's pictures and text. Damn the hands on the girl were hard. So was her whole position, over an hour I say and then my sis is like, I did it in 10 mins. XP You suck! (Not you, my sis) Well, see ya.

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Sunday, January 28, 2007


I have to start studying for my science exam tomorrow. I'm so gonna fail it. Well, anyways, I think my adverge has uped a whole lot. Right now (not includeding my art mark cause I don't know it) I have an 87% which means that if that's up then I'm one happy person. Yay! A higher adverge. I drew a pic today and I have to find that stupid drawing book to see how to draw wings again. TT TT I'm very bad at drawing them I tried and.... ugh. I'm hoping to finish it by the end of this week. Also I put the 1st (official) page of my first comic (Angelic Songs) on, so later today it should pop up. Hmmm.... yeah. I'm thinking of changing my look up to frogs! Go frogs! (Last post explains everything) Ummm.... in Final Fantasy 3 I beat this evil guy that kept beating the crap out of me. Yay! Now there's more evil things i have to beat. TT TT Yep. That's it for now.

1) Are you streasing? Over anything.
2) What should the new colors of my look up be?

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Saturday, January 27, 2007

Dancing Frog

By the way, I'm planing on making a dnacing frog today. Go frog Go! ^^ -punches air- Well, just wiat to you see him, he's gonna break dance!

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The internet! OH GOD I'VE MISSED IT SO!

I haven't had the internet for a while, like all today and I think my dad is planning to take it all away together. TT TT Which means that if I disapear. You all shall know what has happened. Besides that I wonder what will happen on Eruka 7. Well, yeah. My sis has her friend over and I have to get off you help with dinner soon. Hamburgers. Man I'm hungery! Even though I have to eat meat. TT TT

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Friday, January 26, 2007


Yeah, I'm tired. I wrote 2 pages of my story so I'm going to look it over. Also I'm still wondering if anyone wants to give me advice on my fourm.


I got in trouble for going onto the wii and watching youtube without my dad's knowledge. -_- Stupid isn't it?

I did my religion exam. I studied in the morning and i looked over my notes twice. Easy, so easy. So yeah. Anime night tonight. May pass out and I'm thinking of making a dancing frog. Go Frogs! ^^ -punches air-

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