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Thursday, January 25, 2007

God I hate lectures.

-_- Yeah, I got in trouble again. I wasn't really listening either. I deserve to watch anime whenever I want! My dad found out about the Wii and the password. I got a lecture, not really listening, and he asked if I don't care about rules or concequences. -_- Hell no! But I didn't tell him. I lied and he belived it. Well, I took my art exam today. First one done. It was so easy. I only studied at lunch and a bit before bed but either way, it was easy. So yeah. I'm working on my fourm too. Hey, mind helping me out? -puppy dog eyes-


Yeah. So what do yoyu think I should add there?

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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

-yawns- My parents are stupid

Yeah, so today in last period my headacks came back and I came prepared with an asprin, although it tasted worse than before. There was this burning feeling in the back of my throat. Also yesterday night I had to eat meat. I was so sick. In bed I passed out because I nearly thew up. Bleh.... meat. -feels nautious- X( So anyways, apparently my glands in my head have swelled. So that would explain the numbness, shaking, headacks, and nautiousness. And my fever is just a cold. I told my mom that I had it again today and that a new bumped formed but she's like, "Well Paige, you're probably just fighting off a cold. It's not like you're dieing." -_- No duh.

So I'm pissed at them cause they won't take me to the doctor, which I haven't seen in 2 years. -_- My firends and even some teachers who saw me in the office, asked if i was feeling better and if i knew what was wrong. I told them and they're like, "You should see the doctor." Pfffft.

I watched Naruto and Itachi's gone. TT TT Come backItachi. Come back and be evil. I miss you! Now there's just alot of Naruto crap. Where's Itachi when you need him! TT TT -sigh- Well, bye for now. I think I feel nautious again. -yells at sister- Stop talking about Meat!

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Monday, January 22, 2007

I missed school

Yeah. In first near the end of it I got sick again. Fever, slight headack, nautiousness and shaky hands. Yeah, Josh was really worried too. ^////^ By the time my dad came I was feeling better and then he said that I wasn't sick. X( I hate him. yeah, trying to get better here. Although I've thrown up in my mouth too many times today. -///-

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Sunday, January 21, 2007

I am Back!

Yeah, but I won't be fore long. Exams start this week, for me, on thursday. Stupid art exam. >< Anyways, i went to my friend's b-day party and had tons of fun, although I passed out at around 2 am this morning. Others went at 5am but I think they are very wrong. So I started writting the first page of my story although I must say it could be much better. I only spent 1/2 hour on it so its not very good. When I came back from the party I watched Naruto dubbed at first but they ran out of them on youtube so I watched it not dubbed. I'm at episode 80 and I think Itacki is coming soon. -dances- ^^ I am very happy.

Josh gave me a hug! ^/////^ And people said I was blushing even though I didn't feel it until after. We talked, had a cake fight ( I put icing and snow on his face) and ran around for a while. When we got to truth or dare my friend dared me to say who I liked but she blurted it out anyways. X( Then Josh is like, "Me?" And everyone else yelled, "YES!" While i blushed.

The down side to the party was that I got a headack only an hour into it and it lasted much longer than my previous ones. Over 2 hours. I had a fever as well and I wasn't doing too well. Then, right after we got bored of watching Doom, I ran to the washroom and almost threw up even though I had been feeling nautious the whole time. I started to cry and I was drilling my nails into my skull again. I ran out, asking for medicine with tears down my face. You should of seen how many hugs i got 15 mins later when all I had was a head ack which left eventually.

So my family believes I lied about the whole thing! My friends and my friend's mom thought I should see the doctor. >< I am really angry right now because they're being stupid. (Note I will swear soon.)So anyways, it was another migrane although it sucked horribly. -sigh- Well ttyl I need to sleep I have EQAO (yay.... -_-) tomrrow and my fever has come back.

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Friday, January 19, 2007

-_- My sister just stole my crackers

I am hungry again and i have taken a pack of crackers and started munching on them. Last night I skipped dinner for two reasons.

1) I hate chicken pot pie.... bleh
2) My mom put meat in it and she knows I'm going vegitarien and can't cook

Yep. So I continued reading my book like I was doing the ten minutes before. Currently I have 225 pages left. About 2 hours and a half left to read. In math clas I read 52 pages, in religion 33 and in science I didn't keep track. But its making me want to write again. -munches on more crackers- Th books called 'Lirael' by Garth Nix. He's one of my fav authors. It's be cool to meet him. ^^

I keep feeling nautious at school, mostly art class (3rd) I hate it so much. Just last week I threw up in my mouth on my way to school. Too much info? Oh yeah, my friends want to burn my book because I read it all the time. Miss Anti-social at your service. What's funny is there's an anti-social in my book. ^^

Exams..... next week. I have a party this weekend so yay me! Although I have to start studying. Maybe I should start for my one on thursday, then the one of friday. Anayways....

Yeah, that's about it. The second I start writting my story I'll post the first 1/2 page. (I can write about 4 pages in 2 hours if I have writter's block.) Someone today asked if I was in gr.10 and I'm like, "No" so they continued walking. It was odd. Bye! That reminds me, I should start checking my guestbook. ^^

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Thursday, January 18, 2007

I've been reading all day

I got a book for christmas and because things have started to calm down, I started reading it today. From 8 am to now I have read about 150 pages. But you have to add in listening to classes if you don't want to be caught. Its awesome! ^^ Medieval Fantasy all the way. I might start on mine after I just need to refresh my mind because no one wants to roleplay Medieval Fantasy anymore. >P on them. Yep, that's it. Bye!

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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

No homework! -dances-

Yep. I have no homework in science or math for the rest of the semester! -dances- I guess I'll do an orignial character. ^^ Since I have 6 hours of free time. -sigh- It feels so good. Oh yeah! Today I was the first (group) to present. Yay. -_- No fun at all. Anyways, I don't think it went that bad but one of my group members who did nothing didn't show up so she got a 0 and the other who did nothing did something so she got a 60 maybe? Heh... don't quite know but all the questions were on the person who wasn't here's stuff. She didn't read it either so if she was we still would of gotten what we did.

Saturday I'm partying at my friends house because its her birthday and Josh is still as dim as ever. My friends and I were talking at lunch and somehow the conversation turned to how I like him and followed by that he was sitting beside me and asked, "who?" Then he starred at me, poking his face in mine. I think I blushed, don't know. Anyways, that's my day. -sigh- I can't wait to sleep with no worries.... wait. I have to start studing for exams. My art one is in a week. TT TT

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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

-dances- It is done!

I did my entire project! ^^ But I was supposed to do it with 3 other members and only 1 of them helped. I think I'll tell my teacher but they're my science friends. TT TT I don't know what to do. -sigh- Guess I'll tell. That was my last project until Febuary too. Yay for me. But tomorrow we have to present it and I know all of the infor and they don't so if we're asked, I'll freeze and they'll have to do it which means.... buh buh BUHHHHHHH..... (Death song)

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Still got homework... ugh

Okay, I have to make this extreamly short due to the fact that my homework is still not done, unlike my science CPT which I finished today. Tomorrow I have a science project due, I have to start it. Wish me luck. Hmmmm..... yeah. How do you like my new wallpaper? I made another like it only this one looks cooler! ^^ Uhhhhh... I'm thinking of changing my layout, what should be my theme?

-Tales of Symphonia Charrie
-Misc. Anime Charrie
-Naruto Charrie
-Original Anime Charrie

Yeah, that's all I can think of. Bye for now. God I have to get that banner done.

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Monday, January 15, 2007

-_- Yeah, not much of a title.

Today we currently have 20cm of snow. This is from my sister. This morning at 6am (when I woke up) there was no snow. Also, I was stressing all night due to my CPT which I did today. Forget what that is, check my last post. I can't say it went extreamly well, but I can't say it went bad. People kept asking if I did it and I said yes 10 times. God they're dim. They didn't even know that was anime (expect for my teacher somehow....) yeah but they liked it. Its not even good! (To see this check it out its called A girl's Gossip) Its about 4 girls who are gossiping at lunch during the summer, SUMMER! Not the winter which is very cold. I hope its a snow day tomrrow. Almost done all my CPTs too but I have my science test on friday.... and my math test on wednesday. -_- Joy, pure joy can you see my smile? Naruto is awesome. I've been watching it on youtube and I'm where the final battle in the first rounds are taking place for the chunnin exam. Hmmmmm.... that seems to be it, besides that I turn white as a ghost infront of people and then you see my veins, followed by my nerves.... then my hand shakes uncontrolably. I'm so brave. -_- -sigh- My sis updated her comic again, 10 pages now. TT TT Its so sad, I only have 2 for each of mine. I've got to get working on mine! Although I still can't draw hands.... Well, maybe I'll put on a charrie sketch or two. I drew really good hands for that! ^^

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