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myOtaku.com: Purple Haze

Monday, March 19, 2007

Hey.... I have a french test tomorrow

Yep. I have a french test tomorrow. I found out today and yet I'm not stressed. Hmmm.... oh well. I'll dream of those vampires again.

Yeah, last two nights I've been dreaming of vampires who eat people. O.o I watched it all too and I was the only one left alive cause I was the bride or something. Then my english teacher came in and started to bug me about my homework. Ahhhh... no I prefer the vampires! Just let them eat my SOUL!

Ahem. I got all of my homework done too. I just have to do a project and study for my test. -.- Bleh, no fun. In any case, I finished the book. Last two chapters are the best, most exciting parts I say.

I'm learning CPR in gym class now. Today we were talking about stuff that I learned wtaching the Medical channel. Watching people do atopsies is kinda fun, espiecially when the grossest part is when they show blood, talk about it or show an organ (like the heart) when it is like 250 ponds. (I saw that once. It was cool.) Anyways, my dad will probably check if I went on Gaia today. Ha! I'm not gonna do it. -shifty eyes- Until 8pm that is. lol ^^; Anyways, ttyl

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