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myOtaku.com: Purple Haze

Thursday, October 18, 2007

An insight into the life of Paige

Yeah...... -shifty eyes-
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. See, I have a VERY good reason for such. I've also noticed not alot of people are updating as well.

Well, last week I was in the Bahamas. Yes, it was my first time on an airplane AND a boat, but, well that's what happens when your parents drag you around the world. I was stuck on a Disney Cruise. Now, see, if I'm an OTAKU, why would I want to be stuck with a bunch of strange people dressed in costumes who come up and hug you when you least expect it? I WOULDN'T! God... and, I didn't talk to anyone while i was there. Why? Because they were all losers, but I rocked at Karaoke. -nods- I tis good at singing. I can also sing low! I'm proud, last month I couldn't.

Also, while we were there, our luggage didn't arrive on the first day! So, I had to sleep in sweaty clothes. (EWWWW!)Yeah, it arrived the next day though.

Between last week and my last post, I've been busy with school. I've also been drawing. I drew this SCENE and I'm going to color it in Paint Shop Pro, even though I prefer Photo Impact XL. The reason, Paint Shop Pro has layers and I REALLY need them for this picture.

I've also been drawing people, without my body book beside me. So, I've been improving. I also drew a dude, named Alexander, and he's probably the second due ever. -glomps Alexander- I love him, he's sooo cool. ^^

Now then, about my grades....
If you've seen my accomplishments, you know what I'm about to say.


Yeah, big news there. I checked today and I'm so proud. ^^ I did like nothing all last year and somehow I came out on honor roll. So, that means I have an 86% average as of last year. Now then, for math (which I found out yesterday) I have a 94%. -nods- ^^ That's 3% higher than my final mark as of last year. I'm so proud.

Back to drawings for a moment though, if you haven't looked already, I put a few up a while ago. Some people that I might end up using in a little while. -nods-

Yep, there's my life.

Ps. I was going to be Lacus in her commander uniform for Halloween, but I couldn't (stupid me for forgetting I can't sow). So, I'm being a geisha. Thing is, the last one at the store was an xtra-large and I'm a friggin small/medium. So, if i put pictures up, they're in an over sized costume (which might have a pink wig. XD)

Pss. I'm going to be away from a month in December because I'll be living in Australia. Think of all the homework!

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