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• 1992-06-19
• Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Member Since
• 2006-07-01
• Student
Real Name
• Paige
• Straight A's, Making Honor Roll
Anime Fan Since
• Five years old
Favorite Anime
• Gundam Seed, FMA, R.O.D. the TV, Spider Riders, Tokyo Mew Mew, Bleach, Inuyasha, Naruto, Eruka 7, Gad Guard, Scrapped Princess, TOS, Tejho Tenge, DNAngel, Fruits Basket, Full Metal Panic, Chrono Crusade, GunSword, Gundam Seed Destiny
• Write a Medieval Fantasy Book
• Writing, Drawaing, Internet, Watching Anime, Hanging with Friends, Roleplaying
• Writing, Drawing Anime, Swiming, Roleplaying
Thursday, October 18, 2007
An insight into the life of Paige
Yeah...... -shifty eyes-
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. See, I have a VERY good reason for such. I've also noticed not alot of people are updating as well.
Well, last week I was in the Bahamas. Yes, it was my first time on an airplane AND a boat, but, well that's what happens when your parents drag you around the world. I was stuck on a Disney Cruise. Now, see, if I'm an OTAKU, why would I want to be stuck with a bunch of strange people dressed in costumes who come up and hug you when you least expect it? I WOULDN'T! God... and, I didn't talk to anyone while i was there. Why? Because they were all losers, but I rocked at Karaoke. -nods- I tis good at singing. I can also sing low! I'm proud, last month I couldn't.
Also, while we were there, our luggage didn't arrive on the first day! So, I had to sleep in sweaty clothes. (EWWWW!)Yeah, it arrived the next day though.
Between last week and my last post, I've been busy with school. I've also been drawing. I drew this SCENE and I'm going to color it in Paint Shop Pro, even though I prefer Photo Impact XL. The reason, Paint Shop Pro has layers and I REALLY need them for this picture.
I've also been drawing people, without my body book beside me. So, I've been improving. I also drew a dude, named Alexander, and he's probably the second due ever. -glomps Alexander- I love him, he's sooo cool. ^^
Now then, about my grades....
If you've seen my accomplishments, you know what I'm about to say.
Yeah, big news there. I checked today and I'm so proud. ^^ I did like nothing all last year and somehow I came out on honor roll. So, that means I have an 86% average as of last year. Now then, for math (which I found out yesterday) I have a 94%. -nods- ^^ That's 3% higher than my final mark as of last year. I'm so proud.
Back to drawings for a moment though, if you haven't looked already, I put a few up a while ago. Some people that I might end up using in a little while. -nods-
Yep, there's my life.
Ps. I was going to be Lacus in her commander uniform for Halloween, but I couldn't (stupid me for forgetting I can't sow). So, I'm being a geisha. Thing is, the last one at the store was an xtra-large and I'm a friggin small/medium. So, if i put pictures up, they're in an over sized costume (which might have a pink wig. XD)
Pss. I'm going to be away from a month in December because I'll be living in Australia. Think of all the homework!
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