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myOtaku.com: Purple Haze

Friday, January 5, 2007

Layout and stuff

-sighs- I'm so glad. I got rid of this really annoying person who kept asking me for a banner. I swear, they are so stupid and annoying. They said really mean things, then neomailed me back 5 mins later saying sorry. Things they said/did wrong to make me yell at them:

1. In their neomail to say that what I made wasn't good and that you can't right click in shops. (I know this, you can't to right click. There was a text box!)

2. Say, 'I don't mean to be rude.'

3. Neomail me every hour asking if I was done.

4. Be rude in every neomail.

Yep. So I blocked them and I'm probably going to be either temporarly frozen (again) or frozen. Maybe even suspended (again). But yeah, I have to make a few new guild layouts but those aren't hard.

How do you like my new layout? ^^ That's Katana. Last night he was so cool. He went berserk and tried to kill a bunch of people and.... yeah. ^^ I can't wait to watch it tonight. By the way, no snow again. Wow, how surprising and now I can't remember when school starts. Is it next monday or Tuesday? -sigh-

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