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Lands of KITTYS!!!
Member Since
A typer for the moment being
Real Name
I got a purple room,purple poster of a faerie and a magenta one of a faerie(go to to see them in the wallpaper section)got some new manga books,finally told a guy I like him(that was hard!),keeping up with my grades homework and school and stu
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
To become a better more social person cause I'm only social to people if they are social to me but in some cases no because if I have a burning question and I want to ask them well yes u get the picture...
Drawing,playing with five kittys,wearing purple,surfing the net,IMing people,talking on the phone,going over to friends houses,eating,breathing,sleeping,waking,being myself and not a stero-type cheerleader freak(not directed at kelly).
Drawing,attracting cats to me(I love it!)making friends without meaning to,wearing purple and not even noticing it,giving people dirty looks and annoying my big brother.
| PurpleAnimeKat

Hey there all!I an PurpleAnimeKat and I love the color purple and anime and cats(katz lol)I want u to comment when u can on my posts cause I wanna know wat u guys think!!!I like InuYahsa,CCS(card Captor Sakura)Trigun,CowboyBebop,Tsubasa(manga),Love Hina(manga),Nurato(did I spell it right?),and lots more I can't think of at the moment.I love the piano and I can play it and i love to listen to it too.I like to hear versions of song clips in piano cause it soothes me and makes me feel calm and happy.Well I gots to go iron something so I have to go!!!
P.S scroll down for gifs(if I can find any)and pics of stuff.
P.S.S comment on my posts!!oh and sign my guestbook!!!

give PurpleAnimeKat more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own
Tuesday, February 1, 2005
New site
I made another site it's fairly new and I would like if u checked it out.It's called xSangoxMirokux and I think it turned out really good!I have to go but I have one question
This site or xSangoxMirokux's site?
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Monday, January 31, 2005
Tirid and need to go to the bus
RRRGGHHH!Tirid adn need to post cause I haven't in a long time!!!!I am gonna blackmail themtoday and I'm gonna be happy but i'm tirid.I got book 2 of ruroni kenshin anjd I want to get book 2 of tsubasa but I don't have anymore money and I want to get 18,19,20 of inyasha and I don't have anymore money!!!!RRRGGGHHH!But I'm stilll living.
Sleeo or school?
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Saturday, January 29, 2005
OY!so tired....
Went to bed at 1:00am got up at 12:00pm and I'm so tired and sleepy..BUT I CAN NOW FRAME LESELY!!!!!!!I have both notes and they are from the same hersheys bar and they both have different writing but I know the one to rihana was from lesely cause she does her smilies like that and megan did mine cause she writes like that!!!WEEEE!!I"M GONNA BLACKMAIL SOME BITCHES!!!!!!!I am happy and hyper and....still tired but I will get her for all the nasty stuff she's done and weeeee!!!!
But first
Blackmail or Recording?
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Friday, January 28, 2005
People just hate me today don't they!!!Today is friday Whoop-de-fricken-doo and guess what?Some B!+ch named Lesely decided oh well since yesterday ashleigh was wearing those funky 70's pants I should go and stick a note in her locker telling her plainly that I hate her and she's ugly oh and she has no sense of style!And while we're at it lets spell her name wrong too!!GRRRRR!I'm so gonna go up to her on monday and tell as nicely as i can,"You know if ur gonna send me a note at least spell my name right!"Then I'm gonna walk away and if she says anything I'll give her the finger.and probably Megan her friend is gonna say something to stick up for her cause she thinks she is bad ass.Uh she is so NOT!!God people today it just pisses me off.Oh and she gave my friend Rihana a note that said ur a fagot fucker and ur stupid with a smily face and a broken heart.Oh god they reall really piss me off!I will so hit her and make her feel pain that she has caused everyone else around her!I'll fucken break her nose and see if shes all the pretty afterwards and tell her ur ugly and u have no sense of style and blah BLAH BALH BLAH!!!!!!!!
But first
A note or a conversation?
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People just hate me today don't they!!!Today is friday Whoop-de-fricken-doo and guess what?Some B!+ch named Lesely decided oh well since yesterday ashleigh was wearing those funky 70's pants I should go and stick a note in her locker telling her plainly that I hate her and she's ugly oh and she has no sense of style!And while we're at it lets spell her name wrong too!!GRRRRR!I'm so gonna go up to her on monday and tell as nicely as i can,"You know if ur gonna send me a note at least spell my name right!"Then I'm gonna walk away and if she says anything I'll give her the finger.and probably Megan her friend is gonna say something to stick up for her cause she thinks she is bad ass.Uh she is so NOT!!God people today it just pisses me off.Oh and she gave my friend Rihana a note that said ur a fagot fucker and ur stupid with a smily face and a broken heart.Oh god they reall really piss me off!I will so hit her and make her feel pain that she has caused everyone else around her!I'll fucken break her nose and see if shes all the pretty afterwards and tell her ur ugly and u have no sense of style and blah BLAH BALH BLAH!!!!!!!!
But first
A note or a conversation?
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Monday, January 24, 2005
Today was very very tiring but fun all the same.I got up at 10 and I went over to my aints house and ate breakfast.Then we cleaned house and listened to music(I was dancing while vacuming that was a funny sight).Then we both took showers her in her bathroom and me in the guest bathroom(my shower had a massager shower head).Then we made chocolate pepperment cookies and I ate some dough(he he:-).Then we went shopping and got stuff and went through the self checkout line(those things are fun!).We went home and cooked shrimp and chicken strips and had them with honey mustard(hommade)with my family.After we went home(across the street!)and I did a load of laundry and watched tv(teen nick and Jay and Silent Bob<-cool ass movie!)Then watched the simpsons and Family guy(while an the computer now) and just doing stuff and writing this post.
Well I have to go to bed but first the question of the day:
Purple or Blue?
Comment please!
PurpleAnimeKat ^.^
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