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learning to play a song on the harmonica
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learning to play 2 songs on the harmonica
listening to and idolizing Queen
learning to play a single song on the harmonica
Monday, February 16, 2004
PTakats: wats up
purplebeef91: go away
PTakats: y?
purplebeef91: b/c i am you are mean
PTakats: no im not
purplebeef91: yes you are now go away
purplebeef91: i dont want to be influenced by your meanness
PTakats: tell me when i was mean
purplebeef91: you warned me yesterday
purplebeef91: good enough
purplebeef91: now go
PTakats: i do that 2 all my friends as a joke
PTakats: i wsnt tryin 2 be mean
purplebeef91: well looks like im not your friend
PTakats: well im tryin
purplebeef91: ???
PTakats: im tryin 2 be ur friend
purplebeef91: no need to shout now
PTakats: im not shoutin
purplebeef91: simmer down now
PTakats: oh
PTakats: ok
purplebeef91: we dont want anything rash happening
PTakats: ok well im tryin 2 b ur friend
PTakats: ok
purplebeef91: do it on 3
purplebeef91: ready
purplebeef91: 1
purplebeef91: 2
purplebeef91: 3
purplebeef91: in and out
purplebeef91: in and out
purplebeef91: in and out
PTakats: mcuh better
PTakats: much*
purplebeef91: look if you are going to continue to talk to me in that tone i am not going to talk back
PTakats: im in a colm tone right now
purplebeef91: no you are not
purplebeef91: now how hard is it to use inside voices
PTakats: yes i am
PTakats: not hard
purplebeef91: there you go aagain
purplebeef91: if it isnt hard then why dont you do it
PTakats: im gunna warn u 4 real if u dont stop messin w/ me, got it?
purplebeef91: i like OPRAH
PTakats: ok? 0_o
purplebeef91: and DR. PHil
PTakats: ok
PTakats: good 4 u
purplebeef91: did you know that triangles have 3 sides
purplebeef91: and three points
purplebeef91: isnt that amazing
PTakats: ya
purplebeef91: this one time at boot camp
purplebeef91: i was taking a shower
purplebeef91: and then my lever 2000 soap just slipped out of my hand
purplebeef91: so i bent down to get it
purplebeef91: and then all of a sudden there was this terrible pain in my ass
PTakats: waaaaa?
purplebeef91: yeah
PTakats: y
purplebeef91: y what
PTakats: y did u just tell me this story
purplebeef91: i thought you might want to hear it
purplebeef91: it finally feels good to let it out
purplebeef91: well ne ways
purplebeef91: i only use body wash now
PTakats: ok
purplebeef91: and rap my hands in grip tape to prevent that from happening again
purplebeef91: do you like KEITH RICHARDS
PTakats: idk
purplebeef91: its a simple question
purplebeef91: do ya like him
PTakats: a little but i never really heard his music
purplebeef91: do you like him or do you like like him a little
PTakats: no
purplebeef91: no
purplebeef91: there was 2 questions
PTakats: correct
purplebeef91: no isnt an answer
PTakats: i dont like him
purplebeef91: how dare you
purplebeef91: everyone likes keith
PTakats: sry i just dont
purplebeef91: man that just isnt right
purplebeef91: how bout mick
PTakats: jagger? ya
PTakats: i like mick jagger
purplebeef91: well if you like mick jagger than how come you dont like keith
PTakats: idk i just like 1 more than the other
purplebeef91: why theyre in the same fucking band
PTakats: i still like 1 over the other
purplebeef91: what ever your wierd
PTakats: but the band itself is great
purplebeef91: do you like FREDDIE MERCURY
PTakats: who???
purplebeef91: FREDDIE MERCURY
PTakats: idk who that is
purplebeef91: you are just jesting me right
PTakats: no?!?
purplebeef91: everyone knows who he is
PTakats: i dont im not into music as much as everyone else
purplebeef91: well what are you into
PTakats: techno alternative rock and punk rock
purplebeef91: techno? are you serious
PTakats: ya
purplebeef91: are there many other techno fans
purplebeef91: u still there
PTakats: ya and ya
purplebeef91: you know people used to call me whiskers
PTakats: ok?0_o
PTakats: brb
purplebeef91: its because im curious
PTakats is away at 5:15:40 PM.
purplebeef91: curious like a cat
Auto response from PTakats: mr. plow, mr. plow that name again is mr. plow
purplebeef91: wait
purplebeef91: dont leave me
purplebeef91: i was just beginning to accept you as my friend
purplebeef91: i wish i could have just one friend
purplebeef91: (dives into pillows, cries, slits wrist, goes back to talking to takats)
PTakats returned at 5:22:06 PM.
PTakats: hi again
PTakats: u there
purplebeef91: yes
PTakats: hi again
purplebeef91: im mad at you again
PTakats: c'mon i needed 2 help my mom
purplebeef91: ok
purplebeef91: i cant stay mad at you
PTakats: ok ^_^
purplebeef91: so whats your favorite planet
PTakats: jupiter
PTakats: wats urs
PTakats: good profile
purplebeef91: mines the sun
purplebeef91: i have a question for you
PTakats: k
purplebeef91: would you rather be the most popular person in schoo
purplebeef91: l
purplebeef91: or get mad cow disease
purplebeef91: you there
purplebeef91: hello
purplebeef91: you know its rude not to answer someone when they talk to you
purplebeef91: you should be shamed of yourself
purplebeef91: like the ladies and they (usually as friends) like me
purplebeef91: blah
purplebeef91: blah
purplebeef91: blah
PTakats: brb
purplebeef91: wait know
purplebeef91: dont go
purplebeef91: please
PTakats: i have 2 for like 20 min
purplebeef91: noooooooooooooooooooooooo
purplebeef91: not acceptable
PTakats: i have 2
purplebeef91: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
purplebeef91: y
PTakats is away at 5:39:31 PM.
purplebeef91: (tears come once again, pulls out switchblade, blood fountains up out of wrist, takes a sip, waits for PTAKATS to come back on)
Auto response from PTakats: leave me alone
purplebeef91: i dont wan to
PTakats returned at 5:53:31 PM.
PTakats: bak
PTakats: u there
PTakats: hello?
PTakats: anybody there
PTakats: i no ur there
PTakats: hello?
PTakats: i hate u
purplebeef91: why do you hate me
PTakats: cuz u never talked 2 me
purplebeef91: am i the only person you talk to
PTakats: not true
purplebeef91: it was a question thats all
PTakats: no
purplebeef91: no what
purplebeef91: i didnt ask a question that time
PTakats: no ur not the only 1 i talk 2
purplebeef91: sure
purplebeef91: well anyways back to the question i was asking earlier
PTakats: which 1
purplebeef91: would you rather be the most popular person in your school or get mad cow disease
PTakats: popularity
purplebeef91: good
purplebeef91: cuz i thought you were going to chooese the other one
PTakats: no?!?!
purplebeef91: no need to get angry
PTakats: w/e
purplebeef91: w/e
PTakats: it took u that long to type w/e ??? man ur slow
purplebeef91: and your faster than a speeding bullet at other things
PTakats: like wat?
purplebeef91: figure it out
purplebeef91: thats your task
PTakats: idk wtf ur talkin about
purplebeef91: premature ____________
purplebeef91: fill in the blank
PTakats: ejaculation? if thats wat it is ur a bitch/hore-and thats way off
purplebeef91: you forgot the w on whore bitch
PTakats: w/e id care
purplebeef91: you'd care about what
purplebeef91: how about those rangers
second conversation:
PTakats: hey
purplebeef91: who is this?
PTakats: who elses sn would be "PTakats"???
purplebeef91: what does ptakats stand for
PTakats: patrick takats
purplebeef91: am i supposed to know who patrick takats is?
PTakats: u used 2
purplebeef91: where did you get my sn
PTakats: i now u from
purplebeef91: my what dot com?
purplebeef91: what the fuck is an otaku
PTakats: nvm wats up anyway
purplebeef91: i still dont know who this is
PTakats: ok well fine bye
purplebeef91: i am not allowed to talk to strangers
purplebeef91: wait...
PTakats: u used 2 know me i guess now u have amnisia
purplebeef91: what's amnisia?
PTakats: when u loose parts of ur memory
purplebeef91: oh i dont think i have that
purplebeef91: then
purplebeef91: what would make you think i had that in the first place
PTakats: well what ever bye
purplebeef91: wait..
PTakats: y u dont know me i no u this convo. is going no where
purplebeef91: this may be a long shot
purplebeef91: but
purplebeef91: is your name by any chance patrick takats
PTakats: .......>_>....uh....ya?!?!?!!!!
purplebeef91: see i didnt forget you
purplebeef91: and you are a member of right
PTakats: no
purplebeef91: you arent
purplebeef91: no thats not the one
PTakats: not
purplebeef91: its something else
purplebeef91: maybe its is
purplebeef91: do you belong to that
purplebeef91: ???
purplebeef91: you still there
PTakats: yes im still here
PTakats: and no thats not it
purplebeef91: hmm...are you sure?
PTakats: yes!!!
purplebeef91: well then tell me about yourself patrick takats
purplebeef91: maybe ill remember from that
PTakats: 5'4"...15...had a site on 23 talk 2 u and then u hated me 4 a while
purplebeef91: why did i hate you
purplebeef91: do you like not have friends or something
purplebeef91: and i didnt want to hang out with you
purplebeef91: or were you mean to me
purplebeef91: or something
PTakats: no u thought i was mean and u said "go away" a lot
purplebeef91: oh
purplebeef91: well were you mean to me
PTakats: no u just miss-understood me a lot
purplebeef91: what does misunderstood mean?
PTakats: u thought wat i said was mean when i wa just being normal
purplebeef91: oh
purplebeef91: so you arent normal then
purplebeef91: have you ever rode a dinsaur before
purplebeef91: maybe thats where i know you from
purplebeef91: dinosaur riding
purplebeef91: so have you?
PTakats: no
purplebeef91: oh
purplebeef91: so are you a troublemaker
PTakats: sometimes
purplebeef91: oh
purplebeef91: have you ever been in prison
PTakats: no
purplebeef91: how about boot camp
PTakats: no
purplebeef91: cause i never told anyone this
PTakats: just mess around... nuthin huge
purplebeef91: but this one time at boot camp
purplebeef91: i was taking a shower when all of a sudden
purplebeef91: my soap popped out of my hands
PTakats: u did tell me this
purplebeef91: what are you talking about i havent told anyone this
purplebeef91: if i told you what happens
purplebeef91: next
PTakats: yes!! u have
PTakats: it fell 2 the ground
purplebeef91: yeah and then
PTakats: u bent over 2 get it
purplebeef91: yeah
PTakats: and that was all u told me
purplebeef91: then i didnt tell
purplebeef91: you
purplebeef91: you are good at lying
purplebeef91: you cant trick me though
purplebeef91: nope
PTakats: u told me most of it but u left right b4 the end
purplebeef91: oh well ne wayz
purplebeef91: i bent over to get it
purplebeef91: and then all of a sudden i had
purplebeef91: this terrible pain in my ass
PTakats: oh ya u did tell me it and then i asked from wat and u didnt know
purplebeef91: well the pain
purplebeef91: was from the person
purplebeef91: that was standing behind me
purplebeef91: if you didnt read between the lines
purplebeef91: but anyways
PTakats: ...
purplebeef91: i now only use it
purplebeef91: i mean
purplebeef91: body wash
purplebeef91: and then i put this extra sticky grip tape around my hands
purplebeef91: when i shower
purplebeef91: it works
purplebeef91: you should tyr it if you ever go to boot camp
PTakats: ok... good 4 u
PTakats: which i wont
purplebeef91: i sensed some sarcasm in that remark
purplebeef91: was there?
PTakats: yes
purplebeef91: man i guess you are mean
purplebeef91: fine maybe when you tell a story i will be mean to you about it
PTakats: no just when the stories i hear get re-told a couple times
PTakats: im sarcastic
purplebeef91: well sorry mr. i am cool my name is patrick takats, i am 15 years old and i make fun of people who i im
purplebeef91: maybe people dont like your stories when you tell them once
PTakats: i wasnt makin fun of u i was just sarcastic 4 once in my life
purplebeef91: yeah....
purplebeef91: right!!!
PTakats: good 4 u...u learned sarcasm
p.s. no sarcasm in that remark
purplebeef91: i am rubber you are glue what ever you say bounces off me and sticks to you
purplebeef91: ha
purplebeef91: i win
PTakats: yes...yes u fo
purplebeef91: fo?
PTakats: do*
purplebeef91: well i am glad we can both agree on it
PTakats: me 2
purplebeef91: me three
PTakats: me 4
purplebeef91: me fivwe
PTakats: fivwe???
purplebeef91: five bitch
PTakats: oh testy r we?
purplebeef91: no
purplebeef91: sorry
purplebeef91: cum again
PTakats: u sounded very testy
purplebeef91: hey wats up?
PTakats: nm, u?
purplebeef91: same old same old
PTakats: fun fun
purplebeef91: wow its been a long time since we last talked
PTakats: ya i no
purplebeef91: almost llie a week
purplebeef91: or something
PTakats: ya... sumthin like that
purplebeef91: yeah
purplebeef91: so whats been goin on
PTakats: nm i just got back from work a while ago and im in a little pain but nuttin 2 bad
purplebeef91: what do you do are you a gay male prostitute
purplebeef91: because i think that would hurt
PTakats: no... im an assistant snowboard instructor at holiday valley
purplebeef91: oh so thats basically the same thing right?
PTakats: no not even close
purplebeef91: how so?
PTakats: one is sex the other is snowboarding
purplebeef91: i still fail to see the difference
PTakats: well then u have bad eye sight
purplebeef91: is that supposed to be a joke
purplebeef91: becuase i thinik you are gay
purplebeef91: but thats ok
PTakats: yes a very very bad 1
PTakats: and no im not gay
purplebeef91: how cum you underlined very very
PTakats: im straight and i have a girl friend
purplebeef91: pun intended
purplebeef91: whats your girlfriends name
purplebeef91: patrick perhaps
PTakats: Debora: a.k.a Debbie
purplebeef91: wow
purplebeef91: does she go to your school
PTakats: no
purplebeef91: or does she snowboard
PTakats: ya she snowboards but i dont work w/ her
purplebeef91: oh
purplebeef91: so she doesnt pay you
purplebeef91: for your services
purplebeef91: thats not right
PTakats: no
purplebeef91: i think if the guys have to pay
purplebeef91: then she should pay
PTakats: wtf? bye
purplebeef91: where are you going
PTakats: away 4ever
purplebeef91: why
purplebeef91: did you get caught by the police for being an escorts
PTakats: bcuz u r messed up on the head
PTakats: in*
purplebeef91: da house
PTakats: bye
PTakats signed off at 5:50:09 PM.
purplebeef91: why
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