Birthday • 1992-09-02 Gender •
Female Location • In a field of paper flowers Member Since • 2007-03-13 Occupation • Sophomore Real Name • Andria
Anime Fan Since • Forever Favorite Anime • Naruto,Death Note, D.Gray-Man, Wolf's Rain, FullMetal Alchemist,Samurai Champloo, Fruits Basket, and many more... Goals • To become an illustrator or animator Hobbies • Art, poems,reading and listening to music Talents • Art& writing PurpleRainFall
Sunday, May 6, 2007
+Face Down+
Ugh, I just typed a long journal and lost it. :C So tired... Well, I'll start again...
How has everyone's week been? I hope your all doing well. I'll try to visit everyone later. See what everyone's up to lately. C: So I got tagged by, so here I go.
6 things about me:
1. I love mountain dew.
2. I love hugs.
3. My friends and my BF are very special to me.
4. I'm afraid of bugs that sting or are just weird.
5. I'm terrified of birds.
6. I'm usually a morning person, except on weekends. ^^
I tag-AllE K., Angel Zakuro, AuroraBorealis, chokolatealkemist, Driffter, and hollow eyes.
I tagged you. Now, in your next post, you have to put down 6 names of the 6 people you wanna tag, then you have to list 6 facts about yourself.
Well as for my Field Trip. It was OK. I didn't have the best time, because my BF got the stomach virus and couldn't come. And I was really looking forward to have a good time together. I couldn't call him until we got to the hotel and it was like really late when I got to call him. He sounded so sick. It made me so sad too. But he wanted me to have fun, so I tried to have fun for him.
The first day we went to the CNN center. That was cool. We got to see how they did the news and weather and stuff. The get paid big bucks too. Just for sitting in front of a comp all day. XD Then we went to to the state capital. It was ok. Eh, not much of a history person. Then we went to the hotel and got situated and then went to the mall where me and my friend, Anna, went insane and I spent nearly all my money. I bought my BF one of those Beanie hat things and Anna bought her BF a black hat w/ snakes on it. We also bought those arm things and put on the hats we bought and went around the mall acting all gothic. LOL. It was so funny. I felt like a dork. XD The escalator was fun. The only bookstore there was in the CNN center and it had NOTHING. >:O
Eh, this journal is getting long. :O So then,anyways, :D The next day we went to the Aquarium,underground Atlanta and the Atlanta Braves game. The aquarium was so much fun. PENGUINS!!!! XD OMG, we had so much fun with the penguins. We kept waving are hands on the glass and they would follow them and then we'd do it really fast and their heads would go back and forth really fast. Us being Anna and me. Our other friend Katherine just sorta sat there and looked at us like. O.o LOL. Yeah,we went crazy for the penguins. XD Ummm, Underground Atlanta sucked. There was like nothing there. But we got our face painted by a queer guy! Haha! X) He looked like a gey clown. But I got this heart with a sword thru it and a skull on top. Anna got a spider web on the side of her arm and Katherine got a heart with a sign in it that meant love. As for the Braves game, I'm not a fan of baseball but it was fun. We got free t-shirts(I'm giving mine to my BF.) and Anna got me to get up and yell. I just went with with the flow. But I was so tried when we got to the hotel.
The last day sucked. It was boring. We went to the cyclorama and the zoo. We got lost in the zoo tring to find the pandas and then there was this big line so we sat down and talked and then went and played on the playground thing. Otters rock as much as penguins. They're so cute! :D Well that's about it. I got barely any sleep, so I slept good last night.I took lots of pictures too. If they come out good I'll try to out them up for you guys to see them. C: Ok I'm done now. I haven't drawn much of anything lately cuz of the trip but I'll try to get something up for you guys soon.
Anyways everyone take care and I'll see you all soon. Be careful not to get sick. It sucks butt. :( Bye Byes!
Luv ya! -PurpleRainFall-