Birthday 1988-06-17 Gender
Male Location Dallas, Tx Member Since 2005-06-09 Occupation Lot attendant(I push carts) at Home Depot Real Name Nunya Damnbisnes
Achievements I finally finish building my new Alienware only took me a week. Anime Fan Since I was in the womb Favorite Anime Samurai Champloo and Evangellion Goals To graduate highschool Hobbies skateboarding, Playing on my computer and my two console( try to guess which ones), annoying my brother and sister Talents my persuasion cannot be matched Pvt Tucker
I'm back under a new name. Only because i forgot my last one. Well, as always you can sign my guest book, give me ideas on how to fix up my site, or add me to your friends list. Or I can homerow you in the face and you can leave.
I don't know if this will show or not...oh well I find out how sooner or later. Comments
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Another Result from the lightsaber quiz... You have a Purple Lightsaber.
Purple is associated with wisdom, dignity, independence, creativity, mystery, and magic. Purple denotes high spirituality and religious aspiration. Purple also represents Peacefulness and Purification. It also has a sense of intuitive understanding and a feeling of intimacy with the world.
My quiz results from
woa...something tells me part 2 is gonna be GOOD. Hope you liked it ^_^. You: "what the hell is snugg?" Me: "I dont know, KM...maybe its short for some kind of drug." You: "That wouldn't make sense. Right here, it says, " then he'll snugg the hell out if you"." Me: "Think it means snuggle?" Sessh: "Of course it means snuggle." You: "You're going to snuggle the hell out of me?" Sessh: "What?" You: "I was taking a Sesshomaru quiz. See *points at screen*" Sessh: "People writes stories about me?" Me: "Yea, you're a real ladies man.*cough*" Sessh: "Are there more?" You: "Yea but...they turn into major lemons." Sessh: "What are lemons? The fruits?" Me: "Yea, the fruit -_-'. Its sex stories about you." Sessh: "How would someone know whats it like to have sex with me?" You: "Imagination." Sessh: "That's sick." Me: "No, open mouth kissing a horse is sick, thats just...normal." Sessh: "Whats the best one you read?" You: "You want me to choose?" Sessh: "Yes." You: "Well there's this one series. But the girl who writes it is kind of a nut." Sessh: "Whats it called?" Me: "Sesshomaru's Chamber Maid." Sessh: "Is she average height with long brown hair?" You: "I dont know..." Me: "yea, why?" Sessh: "Never mind." Me: "You had a chamber maid once didn't you?" Sessh: "What if I did?" Me: "meh, its not her. Im her and she's me. And I never screwed you so dont worry. But you sly devil you. You had a chamber maid. wicked..." ok..that was the weirdest one I wrote I it was funnier to you than to me. ^_^ lets go with that
Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, and determination as well as passion and desire. You have seen the Strength and Power of the Dark Side of the Force and have you thirst for more of it.
Pvt. Tucker's first name
Yes, it is time to reveal Pvt. Tucker's first's.... Levernious ?! What a weird name...wait a minute I just noticed that his rank and last name combined is...ewwwwwww!!!(you'll know what I mean if you really think hard) Comments
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I wish I knew how to do HTML...although I know a little of it...I want to know more! ...More of the basics and the hard stuff like creating a button or a quiz or something like that...I want to make this site cewl...but I can't because I have no real knoledge of it. All I know what to do I building a computer( I built my alienware...very hard to me)
If any one can tell me the mysteries of HTML
Plz tell me.
Intersted in RvB?
IF your are really really interested in Red Vs Blue you could visit or just find some good fansites...tell me of some of the good ones when and if you find some.
.....VV Homerow King VV..... Comments
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Why the hell can't I comment on anything
Pleaz anyone help me with this HTML problem I'm having. Pm me or comment here plz. Comments
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I am just posting a post so I can say posting a post i just posted! Comments
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