miko by dark (03/05/06)
Fire rules! ^_^
well anyway hope u liked that avi.
im going to add u as a friend.
Inuyashawolf (03/04/06)
Hi . . . I luv fire. So destructive . . . kills painfully. Oh, sorry, I'm sucffering from mood swings . . . well actually its multiple personilities. She's a killer . . . . *looks at you darkly* . But wouldn't you be if you had a life like mine! n_n (Stop it, you're scaring away all my friends! T_T) I'll add you as a friend. . . Maybe -_-. (STOP!!!)
*Disappears into the darkness*
WolfGoddess222 (03/01/06)
Wat up no name??? lol i luff ur site!! Pyroz rule!! XD (takes out lighters)...must....burn....lol im gonna add u as a friend k dude? peace out v^0^v
Demonic-Soul (02/28/06)
I like your site.Its awsome!^-^
Do you want to be friends?Please e-mail me or sign my guestbook.I hope we can be friends.^-^
AngelKOS-MOS (02/28/06)
(*02/28/06. Tuesday*)
---Just wanted to tell you that I really like your site. Tell me what you think about what I post. Comment as much as you like. I added you as a friend. I have tons of quizes if you are interested. Just go to my Quiz Rezults and take your pick.(*Grins and shows fangs...*)Hope you have a kick ass day!
AngelKOS-MOS...(*Remember that it is only a name.*)
moonofdarkness (02/26/06)
Hey, thanks for stopping by and signing my guestbook ^^ I see that you've met my friend down there *points down at Roiben*
Nice occupation, you must be skilled, lol.
Um, is there supposed to be a background for the guestbook cause I can't see it... But I like the one on your main page =P
Anyways, I'll add you as a friend, 'kay?
Alchemilla (02/24/06)
hey! thanks for signing my gb! cool site...! I like your avi...fire is cool...well it's not really COOL but...^^
Alchemilla Blue
Wing Moon (02/23/06)
Thanks for signing my GB. Love your site. Love the avi! It's so fire...cool. YAY! A digimon fan!!! Well adding you on.
Over N' Out!
Wing Moon
Greenday2747 (02/20/06)
dude awesome site.well i`ll see ya around.take care.
SugarCone (01/13/06)
hey nice site, love your BG! Never been to the deepest pits of hell, is it nice there?