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myOtaku.com: pyromaniak1

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Instead of getting my root canal today Im getting it tomorrow cause my dentist forgot it was a 3 day weekend.....damnit....oh well. I went to bed at 2 last night so I have no fucking idea what the fuck is going on right now, but I did have a 3 hour nap today, which felt really really good. I want a puppy.....they are awesome. Puppies! (fuck kittens, fuck them in their tiny anuses).
In other news:
Marshall is about to kick Josh Eggelustuns (or whatever the fuck his name is)(Joshua Barklow is good friend so dont get them confused) because I just really really hate him, and ive told that to his face. But everyday he goes to our lunch table with Kat because he is a total deutchbag (Kat has a bf and Josh egg. is an ex. trying to get back with Kat). I hate Josh Egg. with a passion. One reason I hate him is because if Kat isnt there one day at lunch he turns into a silent little cunt and is very depressive,and Ive told him on two occasions to just leave if your going to be all depressive and mopy and you aint gettin her back. Ok Im done with that guy

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I am Marshall, I ......am Marshall, .....I am .....Marshall.

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So fucking close to summer! I want out of school right now and out of Va to go see my buddy John. Ive realized something that John better not be totally pussy whipped by his gf [YA HEAR THAT JOHN, GROW A PAIR] I think I might tell him that whenever he comes up hear. Im bored, time to watch some Death Note

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