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myOtaku.com: pyromaniak1

Friday, October 27, 2006

My life seems to dwindle in a circle of a simple pattern. Like the way they do back home. Printed on a piece of paper, I like to see the world as a giant mass of things.
Let my curntain rise then fall, felt as though it isnt Fall at all, when these words pass through my veins, travels up unto my spine, directly digging in my mind, makes me sad that I cannot find the right words that traveled into my mind.

A giant chunk of life has come and gone with no soul or soup or gong, just drifted away with thewind as a torrent of my own fear. Take away that deadly spear, pierced me 1,000 times, again I fear it may be my last glimpse of reality.

Depression tries to demolish my days, it goes under the walls Ive made of happiness, jealousy, and pain. I wont let it pass the one wall that still stands strong and tall....Love, love is that wall that stands so strong and tall, welded together with words, wisdom, pleasure, laughter, kindness, truth, and a feeling undescribable every moment we are together. The wall may have some breaks and cracks in it, but it still stands strong as long as we are together.

Give opportunity a chance, do not give people sympathy.

Do people care about what they do? Or do they care more about who will notice it and if they like it or not. That what it seem to be coming down to for most people.

Every moment we seperate to go home or wherever, I feel the need to fight back to leave, so I just hold on to her for a few more seconds. I'm attached.

All we know is school, we know nothing of true freedom. We may know intelligence and numbers adn letters, but really to be taught those things without our childlike consent is not freedom. If we are allowed to roam the U.S. without fearing to be taken under the wing of someone we personally do not know, that would be freedom. We are not free to do what we want, but free to do what THEY want us to do.

Foresee life, Foresee death, Foresee both, Forsee the same pattern earth has had since its own life has begun. What is to come next? Everything must go, so when it is time earth will have its own death.

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