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myOtaku.com: QkslvrLnknPrk808

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Skye Mokoto (04/29/04)

Thanks for signin' my GB. Your the first to do so on their own free will and not because I signed theirs! LOL anyways, I'm gonna add you as a friend and stop by soon. New art should be up soon!

Chibi Girl Legato (04/28/04)

Thank you for singing my GB.

Im going to add you to my friend's list, I hope you do the same.

Also, I want to mention that I personally like your Goku drawing and your drawing called," Heavyarms Ready To Kill".

Well, Bai Bai for now.

chimaira (04/28/04)

ko returning the favour of signing ur gb pretty decent site keep it up

The Shadow (04/28/04)

hey, just returnin the favor. love ur site and i like ur gundam pics too ^_^ hope u don't mind me addin u as a friend and i hope u cad=n do the same L8r!

RanmaVS (04/27/04)

ey dude thanks for lookin at my site. cool pics my friend...i wish i had a scanner or somethin to put my pics on...

scarecrowsketch (04/27/04)

Hey there, what's up? I'm kinda repaying the favor, since you signed my guestbook (thanks very much). You're a down-to-earth guy, from what I can tell (*cough*interesting journals*cough*). Maybe we can chat it up over e-mail sometime, eh? See ya!

Cherry (04/26/04)

Hey, thanks for signing my guestbook. Now I'm here signing yours! :P Nice site.. I just LOVE your language.. lol... we share something in common. Well, talk to you later, by the way I added you as a friend.. hope u don't mind... add me as a friend.. when u can.. if u want to. Living in Hawaii must rock. Well talk to you later! Bye!

ChibiSherube484 (04/26/04)

HELLO!! You signed my guestbook, and I usually visit people's sites who have signed my guestbook...anyway, I like yoour site, but maybe you shouldn't use such...profanity...not that I care...it's just that the mods probably would...so, hamana!

kabitsu chan (04/26/04)

Heh, you visited my site, signed my guestbook, and asked that I return the favor. So--here I am. I like your site. ^-^ Your pictures at the bottom are cool, but I'm not exactly sure how to vote...Gomenne. o-x If and when I learn, I will. Ja!

sesshomarusbabe (04/26/04)

hey wuz up im a gundam piolate to but alot of ppl i know dont care so i didnt put it great site hope ya stop by often and im anna add you as a buddy well schools bout to let out (thank god!!) g2g
Bi-bi -_-' shit im grounded again im never ganna see the light of day (exept for school) again!!!!!!

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