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England! Bakura country! Wooooot! ^-^
Member Since
Student but would like to go into Psychology one day...*dreams*
Real Name
Kerry, but just call me Kez!
Oh, oh! One or two now! Like ummm... well, I can't think of them right now, love XD
Anime Fan Since
Can you put a date on it? All my life! Starting with Pokemon XD
Favorite Anime
In order; Naruto shippuden, Naruto, Ouran Highschool Host club, Death note, DNAngel, FMA, Air, Love Hina, fruits basket, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Rizelmine, Pita-ten, and... yeah ^^ I'm trying to get into more - any suggestions?
to someday get a good career and learn how to draw well from looking at other's art xx
Writing, drawing etc.
-___- well, ummm...Writing?
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Friday, February 16, 2007
'Toshi fanart! ^^ yaaaayyyy! ...I don't like it though still XD It doesn't look anything like Satoshi Hiwatari...
Anyway. First I'd like to say a big HIYAZ to everyone1 So... HIYAZ! XD I've been away for such a long time! Well... a few days... but it seemed longer... XD
Second... I submitted a few more e-cards and I'm hoping they get through...
Third... a question. I've already asked some of you this but hey. What do you think of the pairings "Rock Lee X Hinata", "Sasuke X Hinata" and "Neji X Sakura"...? These are a few I'm not sure about... but they make perfect sense. I'll go ahead and explain.
Rock Lee X Hinata is considered a weird but good pairing, because although naruto is exactly the same in this case - Rock Lee has alot of confidence and self belief so it might encourage Hinata... and get her to talk more since he is quite talkative... they are both got at by Neji at first and both considered "failures" (Which is Totally untrue! XD) They do look sorta sweet together too I think...
Sasuke X Hinata.... well they look sweet together and they'd give eachother space to get on with stuff XD
Neji X Sakura - because they are both intelligant and Sakura just HAS to give up chasing Sasuke around (although I think it's better: "NejiTen and SakuLee") but liiiike... yeah. I'm not sure about this XD
Your thoughts?
~ QT ^^
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Friday, February 9, 2007
Just submitted some Rock Lee fanart drawn on paint as well as my Gaara one (see below ^^)
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more little gaara fanart...
Some more rubbish drawn by me on MS Paint XD I've submitted it, and it should be up later. ^^ I hope to do some more E-cards today too! ^^
Which reminds meeee... I'm tagging my e-cards and fanart now with a little:  sign in the corner so I people know that they are mine ^^ Please, if any of you see my e-cards/fanart posted on any other site - tell me right away.
I've done some more drawings at home that I really really want to scan so we bought a scanner. Guess what? It doesn't work -____- just my luck. I can do pencil pictures MUCH better than I can draw on MS Paint, I've gotten better since I submitted that Ryou pencil picture. I look back at that and woner how I ever thought it was good... o.o;;
Anywayyy.... see ya round! ^^ I love all the e-cards you've all been making recently! ^^
~ QT ^^
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Thursday, February 8, 2007
I submitted some more e-cards today! ^^ Awww, I still can't stop making them ^^;;
Snow today. Lots. Of. It. Down in London they are up to their knees in snow I hear, but that may just be exaggeration XD Has anyone heard the bad news? It's official, in a few hundered years time this world will be gone due to global warming. Apparently, 50 or so years from now; Spain, Egypt and Italy will be to hot to live in! o.o Soon enough, America will be too, so everyone will flee to the poles, UK and Japan!!!
^ (I don't know what to believe about this... is it true? I don't know. Your opinions please ^-^)
~ QT ^^
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Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Heya! I submitted some DN Angel E-cards today. Thankyou to the gal who requested them! ^.^ They turned out so nice... I also made some Shikamaru ones...
Life? Normal. Still. Except it is my Sister's birthday on the 11th. We are going to foster some reptiles and going to buy a few scorpions... so nothing out of the usual. ^^;;
I need more e-card requests! *big eyes* I'm so bored ^_^;
~ QT ^^
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Monday, February 5, 2007
The bg...
Hello! Just here to say that this bg hopefully wont be here long. I'll have a new one by next week xx
Give me your opinion on this one though, it's for valentines day ^.^
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Friday, February 2, 2007
.: Which Naruto character are ya (with lots of pics) :.
 KabutoYou are a very secretive person who keeps things quiet. I'm guessing you have a diary/journal or something because - lets be honest - everone needs to talk to someone about their feelings and you feel as if you are alone on this one, and can't rely on others to help. You love watching CSI and shows that involve detective work, or blood (You love gorey things like this, and have a harder stomach than most of your friends when it comes to watching horror movies with your friends. They'll be like: "Ewwww! Thats sick!" but you would say "AWESOME!" XD) In Kabuto's situation, he is a Pisces; which means he can be very over emotional, loving and just basically think alot over things that are said. Remember, the mind is like an ocean; if it gets to rough and thoughs get to deep, it can be more dangerous! Still, lay off words like "maybe", "sorta" and "It Might" because when you say them, it gives people around you a sense of discomfort and makes them unsure.  Award: Naruto character with the most amazing eyes! Take this quiz!
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Tee hee ^^ As you can see, I've been veeeery busy making a quiz on Quizilla ^^
Hiya! Phew, the week is over! I can't wait till I get some more e-card requests... anyway, if you haven't already seen the thankyou's on my previous post, please see them soon! ^^
~ QT ^^
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Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Many thanks to....
Haha, ok ^^ I didn't have time to submit anything today sadly but thats not what this post is for. I'll get on with it...
Now I like all of the people on my friends list, they have each been added for a reason. They are great people. But some people have really shown me loyalty over the past few months, and the least I can do is thank them ^.^ So in alphabetical order...
Dark Phoenix (Sister)
Thankyou for all your comments on my blog posts and words of wisdom! ^^ There is never a dull post on your site when you post and you have really looked after me here. When I first met you on the site, I was a bad speller with about 6 pieces of fanart and a few lousy e-cards, yet you still added me and spoke to me as if I was as good at making those things as you (as if! Your art is exceptionally good! o.o) Thankyou so much ^_^
hinata-tenten521 (cousin)
I'd like to thank you for all your help with finding pictures for me, they are all so cute and nice! And also thanks for all your comments on my stuff - they really mean alot! ^^ Your wallpapers inspired me to make some of my own, that I will probably never submit here but they are nice to look at from time to time ^^ And yes - Female ninja's rule! Stay at that Fanfiction!
What can I say? Even from the start, you never failed to miss one of my journal posts, or the release of new e-cards, thankyou very, very much! ^^ Your e-cards rock and you have a great sense of humour! ^^ Another person who can say she likes Yaoi pairings and not be scared of what people might say. Good on ya! ^^
ILoveRockLee (Sister)
We've had some great chats and laughs (and talks about Rock Lee) in the past and I hope we continue to ^^ You never fail to make me happy when I'm upset - just reading your posts makes me brighten up! ^^ You're a really nice, cheerful out-going person which makes others feel great too. I hope that I helped you as much as you helped me when we first met here! ^^ Your poems are really thoughtful too, so it makes me want to try writing more. Thankyou for all the comments on my e-cards and posts too, always posative and encouraging me to make more Rock Lee ones! ^^
(PS: Rock Lee fangirls... UNITE! XD)
Thankyou for all your great comments on my e-cards and posts. You are one of the few people here who truely know what e-card respect is and who make them perfectly ^^ I can always tell when an e-card has been made by you because they are so unique. And yes... I think many people here would agree that being a manga addict is a good thing ^^;; Haha, anyway - best of luck with your e-cards for the past and thanks for all your comments again! I'm still honoured to have feedback from such a professional!
Madarame2 (Guardian)
Thankyou for your help with getting the site menu to dissapear and all - I came to you first because I trusted that you would know and explain it to me simply ^^ You are so friendly and nice to me in your comments and I guess alot of people are like that in Germany, (probably for the gizillionth time... You are sooo lucky to be there!) Anyway. Thankyou for your help and support ^_^
NakagosEvilSister (Cousin)
Ha, another fellow Kakashi fan who lives in the UK! ^^ Thankyou for all the PMs you've sent, all the comments on my stuff - but also for welcoming my brother. He was so happy that you and ILoveRockLee gave him such a warm welcome, because it's been hard for him to fit in on other sites. It means alot, thankyou cousin "Hinata" XD (I wanna be Neji! But I still want Naruto o.o XD) You've made my time here so far a very pleasant one and you were one of my first friends here ^^ You remind me that even though England is somewhat lacking in the anime department, it is still full of friendly people ^_^ Thankies~!
wetandslippery (Sister)
I met you some time ago... do you remember? you were the first person to ever PM me and I was starting to think that PMing was unheard of here XD It gave me the confidence in turn to PM others, so thankyou ^^ Your avvy is cuter than evaaa! XD
Thankyou to all the above people, but also to ILoveRockLee's family and bf ^_^ You're all such great people o.o *stare*... *poke*... I wonder how you all ever got to become this nice!? ^^ Anyway, lol. Whatever. There are some people I haven't mentioned like my brother, but he is in Spain and he knows he's awesome ^.^ And also to rockleelover17, who is always there to talk to me ^^ Thankyou! ^^ Sesshomaru X Rin for commenting on fanart of mine too ^.^
~ QT ^^
PS: Oh, and really randomly, here is a Satoshi X Risa color bar I found:

(Kawaii! ^.^)
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Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Hiiiiyaaa! ^^

^ Awwww! Look at iccle Kakashi! ^^

Well, I've just discovered the favouriting tool! ^^ YAAAY! ^^ You can guarantee I'll be favouriting some of ya e-cards from now on pals ^_~
Life? Boring. I've been writing my Kabuto X Original character love story and I just can't do it anymore. Writers block is getting me really bad! -___- (Not to mention how hard it is to write a love story for Kabuto! XD)
Anyway! See you all round ok? And Duke - please don't put something spammy or offensive else I'll delete it XD ^^;;
PS: I'm doing thankyous to a few special friends in my posts tomorow, so make sure you get them, ok? ^^
~ QT ^^
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Saturday, January 27, 2007
One day in the life of me ^^
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Heya! My E-cards came through today! I made my first 4 D.N.Angel cards and another Naruto one too! ^.^ Yipeee! Anyway, boys; The quote on the above e-card ain't true (Well, not for me at least) ok...?
I'm at dads house at the moment ^^ We watched some funny Naruto viddies and the first D.N.Angel eppie. Meh... I prefer the manga... but the naruto anime ish THE BEST! Who agrees?! *holds up street signs*.... (don't ask, it's a joke I have with one of my pals here XD)
Ok, so I hope you like the E-cards! ^.^ Thankies for all your efforts to send my e-cards and I'm still doing requests remember xx I need them to keep me busy~!
~ QT ^^
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