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Member Since
Student, part-time worker somewhere, & bein' me
Real Name
Jawoozaranlol Sharkbaithoohaha (Jawz for short)
I'm still living/haven't died yet
Anime Fan Since
My cousin from Canada introduced me to Sailor Moon when I was, I think, 5 or 6
Favorite Anime
Case Closed, Gravitation, Sister Princess, E’s Otherwise, SaiYuki, InuYasha, Zatch Bell, FMA, S-CRY-ED, Paranoia Agent, Naruto, Yu-Gi-Oh, Rurouni Kenshin, King of Bandit Jing, Kaleido Star
Travel the world, author/voice/script anime, & have a few published novels
Anime, philosophy, astrology, art, music, drama, band, day-dreaming, web-designing, blogging, photography, etc.
Coming up with stupid/sarcastic remarks, moving from standing position to lying on the ground in the blink of an eye, getting lost & confused (in my own wittle wowld), turning frowns upside down, & having a # of blonde moments (w/o having blonde hair)
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, December 13, 2005
What Kanji word best suits you?
Yupperz ^_^

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What feeling do you represent?
I guess that's accurate... sadly...
 ~ Naivete ~ So innocent and trusting... you can be very shy at times, but it's only because you're not sure how to act. You give off that "I need to be protected vibe." Remember that not all people are good. Being too trusting will get you easily hurt.
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What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
Hmm... yes, I like this... I always end up being an Artemis/Diana steryotype, don't I? =P
 ~ Moon Goddess ~ Beauty, yet a sadness lurks about you at times. But hey, pain is beauty, right?
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Thursday, December 8, 2005
What kind of flower are you?
I like violets... pwetty fwowers... & the description fits too!
 Violets are given to people out of virtue or innocent love, and are often associated with modesty. You're that best friend with the shoulder to lean on. You're like that right-hand man (or woman) who's willing to make someone feel happy when they're feeling down. Sure, you're not the most popular person, but that's fine. Your modesty and kindness make you a beautiful and unforgetful person. ^_^
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Wednesday, December 7, 2005
Sacrifices of a New Beginning
**This is my poem... I wrote in 10 minutes, lol... if you don't want to be depressed, stop reading now... anyway, here it is:
I find any1 plaigerize my work, I swear I'll fucking hunt u down!
Sacrifices of a New Beginning
I can't find the firefly that led me here...
I only see myself die with my peers...
Blood making puddles everywhere...
But here I am, without a care...
Voices of my past fill in the void...
The times I once truly enjoyed...
Yet I wasted it, wandering in fake cheer
While really, sorrow hides within my gears...
The gears that once functioned my life!
Were stopped and damaged with a knife...
My end brought by a devious pair...
The ones who gave me the color of their hair...
I despise mirrors that show me why...
That show me the reasons why I cry...
There is always a start with an end...
In between is only an empty bend...
As I take my leave into questioned glory...
All I can say is I'm really sorry...
I'm sorry...
**I'm NOT suicidal btw... if any1 who is reading this knows anything about poetry, there's something called SYMBOLISM, which I may've overused in this poem of mine... anyway, IM, PM, e-mail, or comment me on wat u think!
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Monday, December 5, 2005
which member of nittle grasper are you?
Yay! I'm Special ^_^

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Who exactly ARE you? (AnImE PiCs)
I'm me! Durr-duh! = P

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Saturday, December 3, 2005
What is Your Phrase? [for darker people]
I Love this phrase
 Life is unfulfilling for you, and you aren't very fond of it. What you like is your own imaginative world, which can be your daydreams, stories you write or anything similar. You always prefer that before the actual life. To people you come off as quite lonesome, and you may wish you had more friends, but you are more of a hoper than someone who takes action. That is how you remain lonely. Or maybe you just don't find anyone who you can relate to. Inside you feel empty, like you are missing something important that you can't quite put a finger on what it is. Somehow you wish to be swept away from the normality and led into something extraordinary. This has yet to happen, and you keep on feeling disappointed with the little that life has to offer. At least you continue to express yourself through art/writing/poems/daydreaming.
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How romantic are you?
Good Enough apparently...
 ~ Just Enough ~ You are just a little romantic just enough to keep it goin’... for a little bit... spice things up!!! Do something fun... something unexpected... surprises are good!
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What Kind of Love Do You Show?
Dark... Mysterious? LoL = P
 ~ Dark Lover ~ Love is not always a bright and happy thing, but you see the beauty in it being dark as night. You find romance and passion with those who can appreciate you more darkened out look on love. But be careful, if you give out the vibe that your heart is black and cold, you just might scare off your true love. Its okay to be dark, as long as you keep in mind that love has many different ways to be expressed.
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