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Member Since
Student, part-time worker somewhere, & bein' me
Real Name
Jawoozaranlol Sharkbaithoohaha (Jawz for short)
I'm still living/haven't died yet
Anime Fan Since
My cousin from Canada introduced me to Sailor Moon when I was, I think, 5 or 6
Favorite Anime
Case Closed, Gravitation, Sister Princess, E’s Otherwise, SaiYuki, InuYasha, Zatch Bell, FMA, S-CRY-ED, Paranoia Agent, Naruto, Yu-Gi-Oh, Rurouni Kenshin, King of Bandit Jing, Kaleido Star
Travel the world, author/voice/script anime, & have a few published novels
Anime, philosophy, astrology, art, music, drama, band, day-dreaming, web-designing, blogging, photography, etc.
Coming up with stupid/sarcastic remarks, moving from standing position to lying on the ground in the blink of an eye, getting lost & confused (in my own wittle wowld), turning frowns upside down, & having a # of blonde moments (w/o having blonde hair)
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Saturday, December 3, 2005
How do you see life?
Yes, this is the exact way I view life
 Life is all about balance Darkness can't be without light, and light can't be without darkness. You see everything through different angles to gain perspective over situations You act rather rational and people can find you stiff and/or emotionless due to this. Life is not really that good to you, yet it's not so bad. Like everything else, you need to balance it in order to find peace.
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Wednesday, November 30, 2005
What Kinda Kiss R U?
 ~ Tender Kiss ~ The tender kiss is the feeling where you can be anywhere and show your feelings.
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How much do you love?
I finally got this result after retaking it 3 times & getting the same result over & over... I really think this 1 is more accurate... sadly
 You are the one who hates to hate but hates to love. You can't decide at all! You have a switching mind and just can't make up your mind. You like someone but then someone else comes and you think they are ugly the next day.
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Monday, November 28, 2005
The How Evil are You? Quiz
I think this seems accurate

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Which drug should you be hooked on?
WTF are Shrooms?... O... nvm
 ~ Shrooms ~ Star light, star bright, what images will I see tonight?
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Which Male Harry Potter Character Will seduce You?
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Which Male Harry Potter Character Do You Wanna Screw?
EnLiteNd InSaniTy-Hufflepuff
Little Bo Peep-Gryffindor
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Hawwt Iconss
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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Okz... I did REALLY bad on the Civics & Algebra tests... the Science I dunno, but the English & Cultures were pretty good...
Well, I called my bf & we beat our record & talked for nearly 1.5 hrz all together! LoL...
Drawn Together was great as usual. Jimmy & I were dittoing for a while too.
I'm bored again... maybe I'll remember more later?... I'll get back to this...
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Tuesday, November 22, 2005
4 Tests Tomorrow Damnit!!!
I woke up at 7am again... I really need a better or annoying alarm damnit!
Well anyway... I have a Vocabulary test in English tomorrow.
I didn't get to take my Algebra Regression Test today either. She gave us a lesson instead, & I hate her teaching method. It doesn't work for any1, so I'm surprised I'm even managing higher than a C in that class. I don't get to re-take the test either... just "TAKE" it. I loathe Algebra because of her now... I really miss our 8th grade teacher...
3rd pd, found out I have another test tomorrow in Global Cultures...
I had swim again too... I feel like a total SPED in that class. My teacher told me she was probably grading me at a 3rd Level. The original rate she was grading every1 was 4th, but I'm really struggling. I love swimming, but at my own pace. In that class, I get so frustrated & I cheat on the strokes... I just can't fricken do the 1 kick, so I always end doing the flutter kick. The rhythmic breathing is hard to get used to too, especially without goggles. We're allowed goggles, it's just that mine broke (on the fricken 1st day of Swim cuz I was trying to adjust the strap & it snapped), & I can't find anywhere that sells them this time of year. Just glad after tomorrow, we have off till next Wednesday... then swim again Thursday damnit...
I had lunch for maybe 20minutes. I was trying to figure out our Biology, but got distracted of course. I ended up studying for Civics instead... lunch is like my only "study hall."
For Civics, I had to make up the Amendments Test... it had almost 130 questions! I went over to my Global Cultures room to take it. Some of my better friends & bf are in at that time. It's so unfair really... I didn't even use my booklet on the test. I think I did decently, but speaking confidentally might be bad luck.
Well, caught up with notes in Science then found out we had a test tomorrow already! Shit...
In Biology, we did this odd lab when we weighed some eggs & left them in different substances then weighed them again. Lucky we don't have a test in there at least... not yet anyway...
Hahah... band was funny. Well, sad to find out Double L went home early. She's been really sick. Anyway, on 1 of our songs, I play Xylophone. I never really looked at that new song yet... I was late the 1st time because I wasn't paying attention, & neither was Meg. 2nd time, I thought Marimba played too, but realized it was a Xylophone solo with the other percussion! LMFAO... I have to play with the beat of the temple blocks. I think I may have to work on that...
Afterschool, Zak & I talked for a while on the phone. What I love is how we were friends 1st. I feel really comfortable around him that way, & I can't believe I turned him down so many times in the past. LoL, but so happy we're "together" now, LoL. OMG, I was talking to my 1 sis on AIM while talking to him on the phone... it was bad at 1st, but then at least a tolerant reaction. She doesn't care as long as it's not a physical relationship, LMFAO. He had to go to a funeral home for a distant cousin.
Renee called me too... OMFG! House had such an awesome episode tonight! I loved it! Hahaha... Chase & Cameran so do it right, & I'm so fuckin' jealous of Cameran... LoL, I may be taken, but it doesn't mean I can't look, right? Hehehe... Well, that's it for today I think? Get back to this another day...
OMG... I never signed onto MySpace today!!! LoL... shitz, got to go study for 4 tests now...
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