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Member Since
Student, part-time worker somewhere, & bein' me
Real Name
Jawoozaranlol Sharkbaithoohaha (Jawz for short)
I'm still living/haven't died yet
Anime Fan Since
My cousin from Canada introduced me to Sailor Moon when I was, I think, 5 or 6
Favorite Anime
Case Closed, Gravitation, Sister Princess, E’s Otherwise, SaiYuki, InuYasha, Zatch Bell, FMA, S-CRY-ED, Paranoia Agent, Naruto, Yu-Gi-Oh, Rurouni Kenshin, King of Bandit Jing, Kaleido Star
Travel the world, author/voice/script anime, & have a few published novels
Anime, philosophy, astrology, art, music, drama, band, day-dreaming, web-designing, blogging, photography, etc.
Coming up with stupid/sarcastic remarks, moving from standing position to lying on the ground in the blink of an eye, getting lost & confused (in my own wittle wowld), turning frowns upside down, & having a # of blonde moments (w/o having blonde hair)
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Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Which Disney Character is Your Alter Ego?
Haha, ya, Goofy, THEN Beast... odd? Oh, well? LoL
 | You scored as Goofy: Your alter ego is Goofy! You are fun and great to be around, and you are always willing to help others. You aren't worried about embarrassing yourself, so you are one who is more willing to try new things.
Goofy | | 75% | The Beast | | 69% | Ariel | | 69% | Sleeping Beauty | | 63% | Donald Duck | | 56% | Cinderella | | 56% | Peter Pan | | 50% | Snow White | | 31% | Cruella De Ville | | 25% | Pinocchio | | 25% |
Which Disney Character is your Alter Ego? created with |
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Which Movie is Most Like Your Love Life?
OMG... this is my fave movie too!!! How kooky is that?! LoL
 ~ Princess Bride ~ Your love life is like the movie Princess Bride. You're in love with someone who you haven't seen in a long time but you're promised to someone else, someone you don't like... but fate has brought your true love back to you.
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Monday, November 21, 2005
Today, I woke up at 7:04am. My alarmS never wake me up damnit!!! Grrz... I was rushing everywhere getting ready & I had to print out my paper... damn printer busted on me at the moment I needed it most! Damn thing... later in the day I find out all I had to do was unplug & replug the damn thing for it to work... I fuckin' restarted my computer & it didn't work... I guess I'll stop keepin' it on 24/7...
Well, I only had 1st pd Honors English, & had to hand in half a written paper 2 paragraphs short... damnit I'm not gonna get an A in there at this rate! Well, anyway, 2nd pd came, & we left for ESP. We only got 1 bus, & it was SO fuckin' crowded! I sat with this girl that looked familiar. She was, because she was our student teacher for YEA day in Algebra. Hehe, she's a kool person to talk to. I pretty much played cards with her and Amber when we weren't at our presentations, because we each only had 1 at 10:30am.
Ours was the Chemistry of Making Ice-Cream. They had Clay-mation or something like that. It went well, but we were expecting a class of 32. We ended up with a class of 6! LoL... we had so much left over, that when we got back, we let our fellow Gamma classmates make some, doing our presentation for them. It was funny... to me anyway...
We used my princess playing cards. I remember playing Go Fish & Rummy for the 1z I knew. The card games I learned were War, Spit, Hearts, & Black-Jack. I can't believe we had so much fun from playing card games the ENTIRE time there! We thought we'd get bored, but it kept us occupied through our stay.
When I got home, I completely wiped out into my bed, then my bf (LoL... still can't believe it...) called, & I don't even know how long we talked, but it was long. LoL...
After he left to eat, I talked to Livy, & she was teasing me, then we talked about our projects & school. We hung up, so I could get a hold of Tom Tom, but she never picked up. Later on, Livy called again in tears... she was upset about her grades... I was talking to my Zakky & Rayn on AIM while talking to her. I'm making Zak give her a hug, hehe... Rayn & I got to have a sleepover soon! Damn, I haven't seen her in so long! Well, I straightened Jimmy out too... & Jeanne yelled at me earlier in the day at school for BUYING Gravitation: Lyrics of Love when she could've burned it for me. I'm such a dumb fuck. Oh, well? Hmm... Renee called me too... I think that's about it today... other than the poem I wrote below...
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Poem about Drunks
Yummy in the tummy & a delivery for the liver to make ya shiver all night, till ya lose your sight & owwwwwuuuch... ya just fell off the couch... thatz gotta hurt u, damn idiot soiled my shirt... Gross, stop pukin' on me dude, what the fuck?! Nasty as hell you got to suck it up! Shit, I'm out of this immature party... I'd rather live my life healthy & hearty...
Yes, it was my moment of enlightenment when talking to 1 of my oldest buddies, Jimmy! LoL...
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Sunday, November 20, 2005
Movie, Food, & Shopping!
LoL, I got to catch up in here...
>>Friday, November 18, 2005
I ended up at Dea's at 10pm, lmfao... I got distracted talkin' to ppl on AIM & MySpace, etc. Anyway, when I got there, it almost felt like her dog broke my nose... he was ecstatic to see him & ran & jumped... LoL, damn that hurt like hell...
We watched some tv, I had a 10-minute ADD moment, then wiped out on their couch, lol... my mom apparently called me because I woke up with my phone open between my ear & pillow.
>>Saturday, November 19, 2005
We woke up at 10am but didn't GET up till 11. We ordered sausage/mushroom/green pepper pizza & cheese/pepperoni balls & had caffine free pepsi.
We found out we were going to see the 4:30pm showing of HP4, so I went home, took a shower & got ready, then went back down so we left for Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire. Damn... Victor Krum & Cedric Diggory were so fuckin' HOTT!!! *sigh* I so want to see that again... except for the sad part when a person dies... damnit, in the book, I was laughing when the person died, but when I seeing the character made me want him to live! Damnit... the 5th 1'll make me mad too... I still need to get & read the 6th 1 though... I'm probably waiting till summer 2006 though.
We ate at Eat'n Park afterwards. I got a vanilla latte milkshake (damn those things are good...), the breaded fish dinner with garden rice, potato pancakes, rolls, & water (What? I was hungry! HP movies are 2 hrz long damnit!).
I stayed at Dea's till 10pm talking to her, then writing comments on my school pix to give out, then Cocoa called me. Anyway, Deanna had a sign that said "LaLa Land, where all your dreams come true. Home to the best mayor in all its years! Follow the rainbow!" LMFAO, I thought it said HaHa Hand so, with my sick-mindedness, I was cracking up for the longest time until common sense made me realize what it really said.
There was another paper about Uranus... & I think that 1 should speak for itself...
I finally got home & slept by 10:30pm...
>>Sunday, November 20, 2005
I woke up at 1pm, LMFAO...
Went to the mall with Emmalz1 & my mom by 3pm. Got my new coat at JCPenny... it's a black ski-jacket-ish thing & has 4 pockets on the inside! 1's for a cd player, 1's for a cell phone, & there's a little zipper 1, & a velcro 1.
Found the perfect shirt for the Christmas Dance to show-off to my date/bf at Hot Topic too! It was on-sale for $6... damn, I was fricken happy! I just got to get a skirt & some accessories now... it was funny because Emmalz1 & I were laughing about the Charlie & the Chocolate Factory trading cards, & 1 of the workers come over & ask what's so funny... it was strange... I felt like I was stalked the entire time I was in there... LMFAO, they probably thought we were gonna shoplift, lmfao... they're stereo-typing me for being Asian, & Emmalz1 for having a punk-style.
After that, we scoped out Suncoast. I found Gravitation: Lyrics of Love for $30, so I didn't get it. I also found HOUSE: Season 1 for about $65.
I swear Emmalz1 was the 1 in heaven though! They had a special section dedicated to Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, then another for Corpse Bride, & another for Johnny Depp, & she was freakin' out. It was funny because she also hates asking for help in stores, so I asked the guy if they had Paradise Island (or w/e it is w/ Johnny Depp), THEN she tells me it's like a teen romance movie... as in Rated R w/ sex, lmfao... she was also pissed when she found 28th Jumpstreet (or w/e it is) because she realized there were 4 seasons, & she had the 4th 1 on lay-away (LMFAO, she's so funny)... neither of us got anything in there though...
We also went to Best Buy. I got the Gravitation: Lyrics of Love movie there for $26, the cds Simple Plan: Still Not Getting Any... & The Black Eyed Peas: Monkey Business. I also found HOUSE: Season 1 for only $48 there too, but couldn't afford it. Emma got 2 $6 Johnny Depp movies, lmfao.
We checked out the DVD players & computer accessories while we were there. I had to help her ask for help about 6 times, everytime for a Johnny Depp movie, lmfao.
I was pissed when we left damnit! I realized I forgot the reason we went to Best Buy! I fricken had a 10% off everything coupon!!! At least I still got my reward zone points...
We got Wendy's take-out on the way home. Damnit, I must've been spaced out, because I forgot to ask for a PLAIN cheeseburger (I won't eat ketsup or pickles... it's disgusting). At least I still got 2 things of chicken nuggets & my fries.
When I got home, I got on myspace (yes, I'm obsessed with the thing... it'll wear off in a few weeks when my bf & I'll grow more obsessed about each other, lmfao). I think I've finally achieved giving 1 comment to EVERY friend of mine in there now. Amazing, LoL... I already have 44 friends & 24 comments... after less than 2 weeks! LoL...
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Friday, November 18, 2005
Quick Chinese Lesson
Please... no1 be offended by this! I got it from a friend, & thought it was funny. I'm 1% Chinese, but am also FULLY Asian. Enjoy it!
Learn Chinese in 5 minutes:
1) Thats not right - Sum Ting Wong
2) Are you harboring a fugitive? - Hu Yu Hai Ding
3) See me ASAP - Kum Hia Nao
4) Stupid Man - Dum Fuk
5) Small horse -Tai Ni Po Ni
6) Did you go to the beach? - Wai Yu So Tan
7) I bumped into a coffee table - Ai Bang Mai Fa Kin Ni
8) I think you need a face lift - Chin Tu Fat
9) It's very dark in here - Wao So Dim
10) I thought you were on a diet - Wai Yu Mun Ching
Azn Pride
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Kz, today was... whoa, well, I officially got a date for the Christmas dance... & a bargain as a "boyfriend" too, LoL. He's been my friend since 1st grade, & he's been liking me since 6th grade. Now, omg, I just can't believe I'm taken now! LoL, I've said no so many fricken times, & now say yes? What made me change my mind? Well, I've been talking to him more lately. Also, he's always been there for me. No matter how many girls he has gone out w/, he always comes back to me, & I always thought it was cause he just can't stand not having a girl... & still maybe do? But you know, I thought I'd give this relationship thing a try. & if any1 was to be my 1st bf or 1st OFFICIAL kiss, why not a some1 I know well & have fun with, right? Well, I wuv my Zakky! : D
Also sleeping over D's house tonight. 'Rents are goin' to stay at my sister's. We were also supposed to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire's 8pm show, but damn, they already sold out! So we're going to try & see it tomorrow. Originally, Double L offered me to stay at her house 1st, & go see the movie too, but my mom doesn't know where she lives & didn't want to bother looking. Damn! I really wanted to see that karate girl break some wood too! Oh, well...
Another thing... we have a new student. She's 17, in 10th, & is Chinese. She speaks very little English. I used to be the ONLY Asian in my school until now. About 10 random people came up & ask me if I was the new Chinese girl... I've lived here since I was 5! I've started schooling in this town & am still schooling in this town! I've been here, & these ignorant people I see every damn day ask me if I'm the new student... I guess I really am unknown?
I think I'm so fucking failing Algebra, & I fairly don't give a fuck now! These grades are still gonna drop... I just know it...
PA HIST/CIVICS - 89.94 / B
ALGEBRA 2 - 89.80 / B
HON ENGLISH 9 - 90.32 / B
P.S. again
LoL, the Anime Queen got me Gravitation 2!!! {^_^} & I have yet to watch it...
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Thursday, November 17, 2005
Kz, I dunno...
I skipped swimming today... just didn't feel like it... & cramps... etc. Also talked to people on AIM, MySpace, & on the phone for hours. I also updated MySpace a ton. I tinkered with HTML Codez getting them just the way I wanted, LoL... yes I get that fricken bored!
Any1 needs help with profile spoofing, you know who to ask! {^_^}
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What is your WARNING label?
Ok... this thing is kinda stupid, but oh, well... here it is:
NOTE: z | No smoking around EnLiteNd_InSaniTy. Thankyou for your co-operation. |
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Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Blah... today is Wednesday... nothing too interesting here at all really... we had a lot of student teachers because it was YEA day. Oh, physical science was awesome though! We got to burn Glass, Aluminum, & Copper... haha, it was funny when the Glass caught a flame! That's it really...
Cocoa AND Emmalz1 were absent today... I think they saw a movie without me! {T_T} LoL, j/k... I think they're both getting sick... it's going around, & I'm hopin' badly I don't get it!
P.S. again
On my 1st blog on MySpace... I said I was crushed... & this was what it originally had, but I changed it because I thought it was mean...
Ooo... my 1st bloggy in here? Hmm... well, let me start from the beginning... my parents did a l'il somethin' somethin' &... LoL... kz, not goin' back that far...
Well recently, I've gotten over my 2 crushes... mostly anyway! It's still there a little bit & omg... if the 1 sees & understands this I'll die Laughing My Fuckin' Ass Off! Here's the story... (I still have yet to explain it to the dude, but I think it's utterly pointless)
LoL... k... there's this girl I was never really friends with, but she was HIS neighbor's friend, & his neighbor is MY friend). I've had a little crush on this guy since the start of school (still don't know why though? I still have no clue wat my type is), & this girl just starts to like him at the damn football game the day after her break-up with the boy my friend/her X-friend liked (which she knew, but still stabbed her in the back because she's so obsessed with having a boyfriend no matter what)! I was going to finally tell him about my little crush at that football game too, but that kind of blew over!!! Anyway, found out he has a girlfriend (who lives far I gues?) at that very game when his neighbor asked him for her now X-friend (I guess my so-called "friends" just forget I'm there...). It's against my morals to like or flirt with a taken guy, so I didn't bother & didn't care. Unlike me & my conscience, the other girl could! She only likes/liked him 'cause she thinks/thought he was hott... A few days ago, she gave him a fuckin' list of the people who want to go out with him... & just guess who he told me was on it?!?!?! Grrz... that's behind me now, so anyway... I'm used to the single life, it's more fun sometimes.
I'm bored again... what was I talking about? Oh, ya... I got to clear up that story sometime with the dude 'cause he's just my bud now whom I still sort of do like... anyway, I doubt he'd like some1 like me (younger, not that popular or pretty 'cause I'm not a fricken prep, & none of you dare labeling me as 1!!! He's shallow when it comes to girls; yet again, so is that other girl, so they would be perfect for each other!)...
Why am I typing all this here where about any1 can see it? What's wrong with me? Too many things... Gz... I'm even talking to myself... again... oh, u can make this private? Oh, well... I don't care who reads this... go ahead, Welcome To My Life... kz I'm out, so l8rz
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