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Student, part-time worker somewhere, & bein' me
Real Name
Jawoozaranlol Sharkbaithoohaha (Jawz for short)
I'm still living/haven't died yet
Anime Fan Since
My cousin from Canada introduced me to Sailor Moon when I was, I think, 5 or 6
Favorite Anime
Case Closed, Gravitation, Sister Princess, E’s Otherwise, SaiYuki, InuYasha, Zatch Bell, FMA, S-CRY-ED, Paranoia Agent, Naruto, Yu-Gi-Oh, Rurouni Kenshin, King of Bandit Jing, Kaleido Star
Travel the world, author/voice/script anime, & have a few published novels
Anime, philosophy, astrology, art, music, drama, band, day-dreaming, web-designing, blogging, photography, etc.
Coming up with stupid/sarcastic remarks, moving from standing position to lying on the ground in the blink of an eye, getting lost & confused (in my own wittle wowld), turning frowns upside down, & having a # of blonde moments (w/o having blonde hair)
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Thursday, April 20, 2006
What's Your Reputation?
I'd say that's pretty true...
Your Reputation: Sweet Girl | While you're well known, there's nothing to worry about. You're reputation is mostly good - as good as any rep can be. |
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Wednesday, April 19, 2006
What's Your Inner Eye Color?
Well... I guess they're just the way they should be then!
You're Inner Eye Color: Brown | You're smart, thoughtful, and the ideal woman for most men
You are kind and easy to trust. Men open up to you like no one else.
It's this inner warmness that attracts guys - and makes you an instant soulmate. |
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Tuesday, April 18, 2006
what kinda girl r u??(pics)
This was an... interesting short... umm... ok? quizzy...
 ~ Punk ~
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Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Durr... I dunno...
Ok... today... it sux so far. But I don't want to type about a boring, bad day just yet, so I'll talk about yesterday first:
Yesterday, I stayed after school with a few friends, & instead of going to Study Group (which I should be going to & need specially for Algebra {-_-}), we decided to go talk to our friends who were doing Spring Sports! Well, we went over to talk to Track people, our favorite Softballer, & WERE going to see our boys tennis team, but decided not to since I knew the one person I would go over there to bug didn't go to practice or the game cuz... of difficulties in the class room? Well, that was a shame, but we still had fun, & we went to the concession stand & I got peanut butter cookies! LMAO they were so good... but I've still had better, but since the last thing I ate before that was lunch, it was great. Anyway, Mar-ee-a took me home & I let her borrow my Steelers necklace for the basketball game (I didn't go cuz I don't think I can sit for 3 hours just WATCHING a game... I'd get too bored! LoL). Well, I talked to my bf on the phone for hours keeping him from going insane because he had to get somewhere, was really late, & his mom hadn't gotten home yet! Well... that was nice talking to him & it felt good to be of use to some1 at least? Anyway, I slept... A LOT last night cuz I went to bed at 8 & didn't even have dinner yet... then woke up at 1 in the morning, but only briefly because I musta been swamped...
Anyway, woke up in the morning & actually GOT up at 6:30 AM. Oversleeping that much is always a bad omen for me. Today so far hasn't been horrible, but it hasn't been great either. I've only seen my bf once today! Well, before that in English, I was kind of happy, yet distracted & stressed at the same time. I got full credit for all my FL make-up work + bonus even though I didn't even finish ALL the make-up work. LMAO I can't believe she let me get away with that! She's been really nice to me lately & even greatly complemented the thesis statement I made for our group assignment. That assignment's why I'm so stressed out + Algebra... Get this... I'm getting something like 104.75% in English, but a 40% in Algebra! Ugh... I hate Algebra... we re-took our tests, so that might bring up my grade a smidge in that class, but she also gave me an option to hand in my homework assignments for SOME points... I hate her so much! I had to stay after class for a little longer to talk to her while she was talking to other students... she doesn't like me at all cuz I'm a horrible student in there since I can't catch on the first time like every1 else, SORRY!!! She doesn't even do her job... she doesn't teach, she gives examples & barely explains on how she got there & barely gives time to write it down. We have a choice to get the note, or to listen & TRY to get her foreign language... Math USED to be my best subject until I had her as a teacher... *curses under breath* Ok, maybe I've always been great in English, but still... Math was up there with my usual straight-As that are impossible to get now! I've been keeping steady Bs in Biology because she doesn't explain things enough either! It's migrating... well, at least I got something to look forward to in the weekend! A Date & a sleepover! Wootness! Bell's gonna ring in a few so I'm gonna go for now... l8rz
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Monday, March 27, 2006
Gawd... This makes me seem like I'm a quiz-maniac! Which I am... LoL but ZOMG, I had these all saved into WORD & kept forgetting to transfer them! I also have a few from my MySpace Blog to transfer though... ugh, doing nothing in Computer Applications again, so I'm just killing time in here, deviantART & kiwibox... I went on animetribe, but I got bored... I don't think I really talk to any1 on there since... oh, well? The ppl there have too much drama & I do too & omg I'm like the only 1 typing in here & my keyboard is so fucking loud! Hahaa... it's just *tap tap tap* on & on cuz I type pretty fast?! Hmm... well, I made a Buddy4u thingamajiger & got REALLY into that damn thing! It'll be my main page thing, but I'm only giving it to my friends that I really trust... or linking it here & there, but hopefully not making it too obvious? Oh, well... I think I did a good job, but it seriously makes me seem like I have no life, which I really don't besides band, drama, & tennis! Damn, I wish we had volleyball & lacrosse, but NOOOO our school has to be gay & be the only 1 without those teams! Oh, well... I'm gonna go kill time another way now! 10 minutes more to fricken blow off... l8rz
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Saturday, March 25, 2006
What Are The Keys To Your Heart?
I think I took this same exact quiz a while back...
The Keys to Your Heart | You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.
In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.
You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.
Your ideal relationship is comforting. You crave a relationship where you always feel warmth and love.
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
You think of marriage as something that will confine you. You are afraid of marriage.
In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily. |
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Are you one of the 3 P`s? (Poser, Punk, Prep)
Yay for unique-ness!!!{^_^}
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Which Inuyasha Character are you?
Awesome... I think that's who I was for the villain quiz on here too?
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Personality cocktail
Oh, yumm... eat me! Haha... I'm too easily amused...
How to make an Emmalyn | Ingredients: 1 part competetiveness 5 parts crazyiness 5 parts leadership | Method: Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Top it off with a sprinkle of lustfulness and enjoy! |
Personality cocktail
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What kind of boys like you? (GiRLZ ONLii
LMFAO... true, but I find I'm one too sometimes... & I don't care if Garth is a dork, I love him! LoL
 ~ Geeky Boys ~ Come on... admit it... your crushing on that scrawny sucker in the front of the class who's never missed a day of school... It's ok, we've all had our low points. But if you really like him, go for it! Really... I mean it... ahem.
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