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Member Since
Student, part-time worker somewhere, & bein' me
Real Name
Jawoozaranlol Sharkbaithoohaha (Jawz for short)
I'm still living/haven't died yet
Anime Fan Since
My cousin from Canada introduced me to Sailor Moon when I was, I think, 5 or 6
Favorite Anime
Case Closed, Gravitation, Sister Princess, E’s Otherwise, SaiYuki, InuYasha, Zatch Bell, FMA, S-CRY-ED, Paranoia Agent, Naruto, Yu-Gi-Oh, Rurouni Kenshin, King of Bandit Jing, Kaleido Star
Travel the world, author/voice/script anime, & have a few published novels
Anime, philosophy, astrology, art, music, drama, band, day-dreaming, web-designing, blogging, photography, etc.
Coming up with stupid/sarcastic remarks, moving from standing position to lying on the ground in the blink of an eye, getting lost & confused (in my own wittle wowld), turning frowns upside down, & having a # of blonde moments (w/o having blonde hair)
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Tuesday, February 28, 2006
In Computer Applications
Zomg, I'm in school & can't get on MySpace, so for the last 3 minutes, I shall blog in here... I tried getting on, but it didn't work damnit!!! Oh, well, bell's going to ring so that's it for now... bye!!!
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Sunday, February 26, 2006
Wut Kind Of Drink Are You
Hmmm... sounds intriguing?
 ~ Hpnotiq ~ You're young and like to have as much fun as possible. That's why your the drink, Hpnotiq
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How Abnormal Are You?
You Are 48% Abnormal | You are at low risk for being a psychopath. It is unlikely that you have no soul.
You are at medium risk for having a borderline personality. It is somewhat likely that you are a chaotic mess.
You are at medium risk for having a narcissistic personality. It is somewhat likely that you are in love with your own reflection.
You are at high risk for having a social phobia. It is very likely that you feel most comfortable in your mom's basement.
You are at medium risk for obsessive compulsive disorder. It is somewhat likely that you are addicted to hand sanitizer. |
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Sunday, February 12, 2006
How are you sexy? (anime pictures)
ZOMG... {^_^}
 ~ Creative Sexy ~ PROS: You never have any trouble expressing yourself through artwork, and many people envy the fact that you are so talented at music/drama/art/whatever. You also love the outdoors, as it gives you inspiration.
CONS: Since you're so creative, you can also get in creative breakdowns and you can get pretty depressed or angry super easy.
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Sunday, January 15, 2006
What is your life rated? (MPAA Scale)
Gz... I guess I need to try being a little more PG-13?

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What Kind of Candy Are You?
Want a bite? = P
Gummy Bears
 You may be smooshie and taste unnatural, but you're so darn cute.
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What's Your Ideal Marriage Proposal?
Yes, that would be amazing...
Your Ideal Marriage Proposal Is
 New Years, at the crack of midnight, under a windstorm of confetti.
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What are you?
Haha, I think I'm human?
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Sunday, December 18, 2005
What anime are you? Pics, some are Chibi
Hehe, I love FMA ^_^
 ~ FullMetal Alchemist ~ "Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is Alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one and only truth." Alchemy, the process of breaking things down and then reshaping them back together. Almost anything can be done for an alchemist, but the alchemist must give something up to pay the price. Edward Elric was just a normal alchemist when he was young. When he and his younger brother, Alphonse, attempted to bring their passed away mother, back to life, something strange happens. Ed lost his leg, and well Al, he lost his own life! So Ed, tries to bring retrieve his brother's soul back, and puts the soul into a huge suit of armor. Which caused Ed to lose his arm. As time passes, Ed trains more to be a better skilled Alchemist. And soon becomes a state alchemist at the age 12, having the nick name "FullMetal Alchemst." Now Ed and Al, who is still in the suit, travel around the world, looking for a stone called the philosopher stone. Ed believes that the philosopher stone, can be able to restore his lost leg and arm, and Al's body back. FullMetal Alchemist is a Fantasy, Adventure, Action, and Comedy anime.
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What curse do you posses?
Damnit... that sux...
 ~ Kiss Curse ~ Each generation, four randomly chosen members of your family are born with the power to see into the future. You are one of the chosen members. There is a curse that goes along with this power though. You never see anything good in the future. All you see is the bad. The curse also states that if you kiss a member of the opposite sex then that person's fate is taken into the hands of the curse and a limit is put to their life span. Is there a way to break this curse? Or are you destined for a life of solitude...
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