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I'm very smart
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Since my cousin Kankuro love
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Naruto,Inyuasha,and FMA
I want to go to a good college
Growing Crystals,Reading,Going on myspace and myotaku,and playing outside
Like I said i'm very smart,I also can sing,skate,and grow crystals
| Queen Bitch1011
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 06/26/07:
If you were a goddess who would you be? (PICS AND MANY OUTCOMES!)
 You are the moon goddess; the most unique of them all. You like to be alone.. yet you have a good outlook on life. Music seems to power you, and you love to write lyrics and poetry. Your very non trustuin- and have very few or no friends. But that doesnt make you a loner. It just shows that you work well alone. See the difference? People may see you as a little..eccentic. But thats okay. We all are! Dont let the dark side of the moon take over though. Lyrics:All that is now All that is gone All that's to come and everything under the sun is in tune but the sun is eclipsed by the moon. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/26/07:
Who Is Your Element Goddess? (with pictures!)
 EARTH GODDESS Name: Americas Described As: Americas is the Earth Goddess. She is very big on nature and helping animals and people, or anything really. She is the most mysterious Element Goddess there is, but she certainly knows how to get things done, plus she has a great personality.Stone: Emerald Lucky#:6 Magical Power: Cleric Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/26/07:
what goddess are you?
 you are the goddess of earth. You love everything about your planet and are a part of it, since earth is very dirty and now unstabe, you could die. You controll most of the elements of earth and can punish peole with natural disaters. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/26/07:
who is ur gardian goddess?
 ur gardian is the cetic goddess balor.she is know as the venemous eye,so anyone who annoyes her will pay the forfiet and it wont be nice,she is also unbeatable on the battlefeild which also makes her strong. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/26/07:
Who Is Your Inner Egyptian Goddess? (With Pictures. Girls only... Sorry)
 You are Isis!The Throne. Isis is a winged Goddess. Known best as a grieving widow, and protector of the dead. She is looked to for her compassion, power and guidance. Isis is not a selfish or cruel Goddess, except to those who would harm those she loves. Take this quiz!
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