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Thursday, June 23, 2005
Ack! O.o Sorry I didn't post yesterday! I was out fishing with my family! It was so much fun, I caught a BUNCH of fish. I think I caught the most fish out of everyone! ^-^ I even caught a manta ray. O.o It was flapping everywhere. We threw it back in the water, of course. And I almost caught a crab!! If it hadn't let go at the last second, I would have caught it!! Stupid crab...
And I probably won't update tomorrow. 'Cause, I'M GOING TO DISNEY QUEST!!! ^-^ I've been wanting to go there since last year!!! It's so cool!! The last time I was there, I updated at Disney Quest (they have computers on the 4th floor). But, I think I'll wait until Saturday to update again. The last time I was there, I spent practically the ENTIRE time playing Pump it Up on the 3rd floor. It was addicting. And that's why I've been wanting to go back!! Just to play that addicting game. My legs were sore the next day but it was so much fun. ^-^
Anyway, here are the two banners I made today for the Anime Lovers Club! ^-^

These banners have already been added to the site. I'll still be making more soon though. Just, not tomorrow.
My club stats for today!
Sasuke Fan Club- 11 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 28 Members
Anime Lovers Club- 9 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 104 Members
Then next person to pm me saying they want to join the Anime Lovers Club gets a special banner made by me with a person(s) of any anime of their choice. ^-^ So long as it's an anime I know of. If I don't I'll try to find a picture of them anyway. I do have a big list of animes (and each one has at least one button) at the top of my site. So, chances are that I will know it.

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Tuesday, June 21, 2005
More Banners!
Hi everyone! ^-^ I made two new banners today! For the Anime Lovers Club, of course.

They've already been added to the site, along with the other two I made yesterday. I'll be making more, still.
Club stats for today
Sasuke Fan Club- 11 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 28 Members
Anime Lovers Club- 8 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 104 Members
Just two more members and it'll be ten for the Anime Lovers Club. And remember, the 10th member of the Anime Lovers Club gets a special banner made by me just for them. ^-^
Oh, and I never did put up the 'new kanji of the week'. Sorry. ^-^' I was so excited about my new banners, I forgot! Well, here it is.

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Monday, June 20, 2005
New Banners!
Hello! ^-^ Just a post to show off the new banners I made for the 'Anime Lovers Club'!! I made two and will be making more soon. They aren't on the site yet, but will be soon, when I have time to put them on there.

So? What do you think? Comment and tell me. ^-^

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Sunday, June 19, 2005
2000 hits!!
Only one thing to say today.

Oh, and I've decided on my next theme. It's gonna be Rurouni Kenshin. I won't be making a backgorund because I found one that's perfect at But I will be making an avatar. ^-^

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Saturday, June 18, 2005
New Theme!
Alright! My new theme is up! Yu Yu Hakusho!! I couldn't decide on what to do with the background but it turned out good. At least, I think it did. O.o Did it?
>.< I almost have 2000 visits!!! That's so cool!! I didn't know so many people visited my site!!
Oh, I joined a club yesterday. It's called 'Gundam Pilots Club'. Ask AgentYuki to join.

Okay, here are my Club stats for today! ^-^
Sasuke Fan Club- 11 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 26 Members
Anime Lovers Club- 7 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 103 Members
Up to 103 for the Kyo-Kun Fan Club!! And the Sasuke Club is going up too. Oh, and I'll make a special banner for the 30th member for the Gravitaiton Fan Club. And the special banner for the 10th member of the Anime Lovers Club is still open.
I don't have any idea what should be my next theme. Let's see, I've had Naruto, Chrono Crusade, Gravitation, Final Fantasy VIII and IX, DN Angel, Full Metal Alchemist, Fruits Basket, Inuyasha, and Yu Yu Hakusho. I wanna do something I haven't done before...but I don't know what. Comment if you have some ideas. ^-^

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Friday, June 17, 2005
New Clubs!
Hey! Even more members for my clubs! And I joined the Hiei Fan Club yesterday! Ask Princess Monoko to join.

And I made another special banner for the 10th person to join the Sasuke Fan Club, ShaniKun!

Oh, yeah, I went out yesterday to get some new manga to read and I ended up finding this awesome yoai manga. It's called 'Only the Ring Finger Knows'. It's really cool and I'm really glad a bought it. And, if you're a yaoi fan, I recommend you read that book.

Okay, here's the club stats today.
Sasuke Fan Club- 10 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 25 Members
Anime Lovers Club- 6 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 102 Members
People are joining now! I'm so happy! ^-^
Oh, and I just joined the Cloud Strife Fan Club and the Full Metal Fan Club!

For the Cloud Strife Fan Club, ask Sesshomaru 8 or InuGirl 22. For the Full Metal Fan Club, ask InuGirl 22.

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Thursday, June 16, 2005
It's up!
Horah! The club site is finished! I might be adding some stuff to it in the near future though.
One of the buttons I made!

And as I said before, this club was made by a friend, Azura the Kitsune. I just made the site for her. And, I'm a Co-Founder. ^-^
Oh, and the 101th person joined the Kyo-Kun Fan Club!! It's Mrs. Inuyasha!! Here's her special banner.

Yeah, so that's all the special banners I'll be making. I was thinking, maybe I should make a banner for every member and put their name on it. Kinda like the Edward Elric Club banner that's up on my site from Setolover1213. But, I don't know. I'd do it for all my clubs. O.o And that's a lot of banners.
Oh, and the Sasuke Fan Club, Gravitation Fan Club, and Anime Lovers Club got more members today! ^-^
Sasuke Fan Club- 9 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 24 Members
Anime Lovers Club- 5 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 101 Members
The next one to join the Sasuke Fan Club gets a special banner because they'll be the 10th.
Oh, and about the Anime Lovers Club, Azura the Kitsune wants to put up fanfiction on the site. Fan fiction from her and me. But, if anyone else wants theirs up, I'll be happy to put it up with credit to you.
I don't think it's such a good idea to do that but she wants it and it is her club site, so whatever.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Okay, so I've finished the banner for the Anime Lovers Club for myself and I've already done Azura the Kitsune's banner. And since it's 'Anime Lovers Club' I decided to put Daisuke and Dark on mine. Azura the Kitsune wanted Hatsuharu Sohma. Here, you can see them.
And I've started on the clubs' site. It isn't finished yet but it will be soon. And when it is, the button will go right under my Gravitation Button at the top of my site.
I'm still not done with the Yu Yu Hakusho background I'm making. And on top of that, I have to make my avi and welcome banner. And if another person joins the Kyo-Kun Fan Club, they'll be the 101th member to join and I promised I'd make a banner for them. Not that I mind. And Azura the Kitsune wanted me to get started on the site yesterday. I'm also thinking of making a new banner for all my clubs, including the Anime Lovers Club. So, as you can see, I've got lot's of things to do. So, sorry in advance for not updating often. ^-^

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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
100 MEMBERS!!!
YAY!! 100 MEMBERS IN THE KYO-KUN FAN CLUB!!! Snow Drop was the 100th member who joined today! And I made her a special banner too, as promised I would. So, here it is.

And if you've noticed, I've replaces my Sasuke Fan Club, Gravitation Fan Club, and Kyo-Kun Fan Club banners on my site. I've changed them to these:
I'll be changing the Anime Lover's Club banner too, as soon as I finish it. And since Azura the Kitsune is a Co-Founder, I'll be making one for her too.
Oh, and yesterday was Monday and I forgot to put the new kanji of the week. So, here it is.

And I made a new button! It's Edward Elric from Full Metal Alchemist!

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Monday, June 13, 2005
99 Members!
Yay! 99 Members! Ryoko 1000 just joined the Kyo-Kun Fan Club! Just one more person, and it'll be 100!
Well, since Ryoko 1000 was the 99th member to join, I made a special banner for her! I'll make another special banner for the 100th and 101th member. So, here's the special banner.

This one won't be on the site, since it's just for Ryoko 1000. Neither will the 100th and 101th.
And I guess I could make a special banner for the 10th member of the Sasuke Fan Club (I have only 7 members) and the 10th member of the Anime Lovers Club (only 2 members there).
Oh, and Yaoi Baka 2006 has been member 20 of the Gravitation Fan Club for some time now. So, I made one for her too! Here it is.

This one won't be on the site either since it's just for Yaoi Baka.

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