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Saturday, March 12, 2005
Kyo-Kun Fan Club
I made another banner! I actually made this a couple of days ago but I never posted saying I made. So, here it is!

And now, on the buttons update, only a few buttons made.
Yu Yu Hakusho- Jin

Yu-Gi-Oh!- Joey

Yu Yu Hakusho- Kuwabara

One Piece- Luffy

One Piece- Nami

Gundam Wing- Quatre

Shaman King- Ren

Shaman King- Horohoro

Yu Yu Hakusho- Shishiwakamaru

Yu Yu Hakusho- Touya

One Piece- Usopp

Yu-Gi-Oh!- Yami

Yu Yu Hakusho- Youko

One Piece- Zoro

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Wednesday, March 9, 2005
Buttons! Buttons! Buttons!
Okay, since I have no more series to make buttons for, I'm just gonna make more buttons for series already there. Like Fruits Basket or Inuyasha. Anyway, here are the buttons I made today. ^-^
Chrono Crusade- Rosette

Chrono Crusade- Azmaria

Digimon- Tai

Inuyasha- Kagome

Fruits Basket- Hana

Fruits Basket- Uo

Inuyasha- Sango

Fruits Basket- Momiji

Inuyasha- Miroku

Yu-Gi-Oh!- Seto
Naruto- Gaara

Naruto- Kakashi

Inuyasha- Shippou

Fruits Basket- Yuki

Gravitation- Hiroshi

Rurouni Kenshin- Kenshin

Yu Yu Hakusho- Kurama

Yu Yu Hakusho- Yusuke

Fruits Basket- Hatsuharu

Juvenile Orion- Shiba

Juvenile Orion- Amou

Juvenile Orion- Itsuki

Gravitation- Ryuichi

Fruits Basket- Kisa

Gundam Wing- Duo

Gundam Wing- Trowa

Naruto- Itachi

Fruits Basket- Hatori

Fruits Basket- Shigure

Yu-Gi-Oh!- Bakura

Gravitation- Noriko

Gravitation- Shuichi

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Tuesday, March 8, 2005
Yay for Banners!
I made another banner for the Kyo-Kun Fan Club! I think I like this one the best...

And my friend showed me a site that had this in it. I think Jou looks so cute there! Then again, Jou is my favorite character in the series. Don't ask...he just is...

This one just looked funny. Bakura's funny.

Oh, and I made two more buttons, still on my button making frenzy here!
Naruto- Naruto

Naruto- Sasuke

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Monday, March 7, 2005
The Last Buttons!!!
I finished the rest of the buttons on my list!! Here they are.
Peach Girl- Momo

Hot Gimmick- Ryouki

Case Closed- Jimmy

Tenchi- Ryoko

Galaxy Angel- Ranpha

Mars- Rei

Fake- Ryo

Suki- Forgot her name...

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More Buttons (again)
Okay, first off, a new kanji for the week! ^-^

Then, more buttons that I got finished! Sadly, I haven't finished them all...
Samurai Deeper Kyo- Kyoshiro

Cowboy Bebop- Spike

Shaman King- Yoh

One Piece- Sanji

R.O.D- Yumiko

Louie the Rune Soldier- Louie

I made some more buttons for DN Angel and a Naruto Button.
Naruto- Naruto

DN Angel- Daisuke

DN Angel- Daisuke

DN Angel- Dark

DN Angel- Satoshi

DN Angel- Krad

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Sunday, March 6, 2005
More Buttons!
I made some more buttons for myself! I'm almost finished with my list. ^-^ Here's the rest of the buttons I got done just now.
Trigun- Vash

Outlaw Star- Gene

Rave Master- Haru

Pilot Candidates- Zero

Digimon- Matt

Juvenile Orion- Kaname

Yu Yu Hakusho- Hiei

Crescent Moon- Mitsuru

Zoids- Bit

Excel Saga- Excel

Rurouni Kenshin- Sanosuke

I made another one for Excel and Sano but I liked the ones on top better.
Excel Saga
Rurouni Kenshin- Sanosuke

I know, I know, I have A LOT of free time...well, what can I say, I like making buttons and banners. ^-^
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Saturday, March 5, 2005
My Buttons
I just went on a button making frenzy...I made a bunch of buttons for myself. Then, after making a few, I decided that I'm gonna make one button for each anime/manga that I have listed at the top. I mean, I AM Queen of I need a variety of buttons. Such logic. -.-
Alright so far, these are the buttons I got.
Full Metal Alchemist- Edward

Gravitation- Eiri

Chrono Crusade- Chrono

.Hack//Legend of the Twilight Bracelet- Shugo

Inuyasha- Inuyasha

Naruto- Sasuke

DN Angel- Daisuke

Gundam Wing- Heero

Yu-Gi-Oh!- Joey

Beyblade- Tyson

Fruits Basket- Kyo

I made another Eiri for the Gravitation one but the one I have out is better. For beyblade, I made Kai but I think that Tyson turned out better.
Gravitation- Eiri

Beyblade- Kai

As for the Kyo-Kun Fan Club, I made one more button. I spent most of my time making the buttons for myself.

And Venomous Kitsune made me some banners.

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Friday, March 4, 2005
Orlando Science Center
I had a field trip today! I went to the Orlando Science Center. It actually wasn't that was pretty fun. Then again, any day out of school is fun for me! ^-^ I did get a slinky from the gift shop though. I only like 1 dollor so I got a small slinky. My teacher said that because only a few people went, and because we were so good, she's letting us drop two of our grades! So, come monday, I'm gonna drop my two lowest grades and maybe my grade will go up to a B...
Anyway, I came home and made another banner for the Kyo-Kun Fan Club! And, two more buttons for the Club!

I'm on a button/banner making frenzy. I feel like making another one...I made another button for myO site. It's a Sasuke button. ^-^ It's been added to the top with the rest of the buttons I made. I made a Sasuke button because I just read a Naruto fanfic and I felt like making one.
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Tuesday, March 1, 2005
Kyo-Kun Fan Club
I made a new banner for the Kyo-Kun Fan Club! I guess I've had a lot of time on my hands so I just keep making stuff! ^-^

Along with that banner, I made a couple of new buttons for my site.

As you can see, I have A LOT of time on my hands...actually, I'm supposed to be doing some projects...uh-oh... -.- I better start doing them...oh, and I almost have 700 visits to my site! It's at 698 right now. ^-^
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Monday, February 28, 2005
New theme, yet again.
I know it's a bit early to make a new theme already but I watched this awesome anime on sunday and I couldn't wait to make it my theme. As you can tell, it's Chrono Crusade! So, I changed my theme to Chrono Crusade, my avatar is Chrono. If you haven't watched it yet, I suggest you do. ^-^ Anyway, new kanji of the week! It's Courage!

Here's some Chrono Crusade pics I found. ^-^

Oh, and I made a new banner for the Kyo-Kun Fan Club. ^-^

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