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Thursday, February 3, 2005
Okay...ignore that last post from yesterday about the Nittle Grasper Club. I've pretty much given up on that. I blame the Shining Collection song...I must've listenined to it 100 times by now...anyway, a new club I just made. Gravitation Club. ^-^

I think this one's much better. Although I know no one will join this one either, I'm still happy to have made it. I got my friends hooked on Gravi. ^-^
Current Mood: Sad that nobody joined my club...
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Wednesday, February 2, 2005
Now, I know nobody, if any, will join this new club I made. I just made it 'cause I was so bored yesterday. No internet = boring. So, here's my club.

Just leave a comment telling me you want to join, I guess...or pm me, that works too.

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Tohma Sprites
Sorry for not updating yesterday! My computer was down the whole day! And to add to that, I'm sick with the flu! The only good part, I get to stay home from school. ^-^ Anywho, here's the Tohma sprites I promised you guys.

They're all so cute! ^-^ Here's a pic of Tohma

Chibi Tohma!

Current Mood: Happy! I got to stay home from school! ^-^
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Monday, January 31, 2005
 which member of nittle grasper are you? click here!
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Noriko Sprites
Alright! The rest of the Noriko sprites today! ^-^ Tomorrow, Tohma! ^-^

They're all so cute! ^-^ Here's a pic of Noriko

Chibi Noriko! ^-^

Current Mood: Still a little pissed that I can't find what I want to buy...but other than that, Happy!
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Sunday, January 30, 2005
Ryuichi Sprites
I think I'll put up the rest of the Ryuichi sprites that I didn't put up yesterday. Tomorrow I'll put up all the Noriko sprites. After that, Tohma sprites.

They're all so cute! ^-^ Here's a pic of Ryuichi.

Chibi Ryuichi! ^-^

Current Mood: Happy! ^-^
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Saturday, January 29, 2005
Nittle Grasper!
Ryuichi Sakuma!

Noriko Ukai!

Tohma Seguchi!

Together, they make...

I found the cutest little sprites of Nittle Grasper and I HAD to put them up. I only put a couple up. There's alot more. ^-^
Here's a pic of Nittle Grasper.

Current Mood: Happy! ^-^
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Monday, January 24, 2005
The mail came and I got my watch and soundtrack today!! YAY!! I'm listening to the soundtrack now! ^-^ As for the watch, I'm wearing it! I have declared myself 'Dark Angel' Alchemist! You know how Ed is 'Full Metal' Alchmeist? Well, I'm 'Dark Angel' Alchemist. So there! ^-^ And I almost have 100 guestbook signings! I have 99! So, one more and it'll be 100! Another yay! ^-^ Oh, and I'm having a difficulty with my Word Perfect right now. It'll be a while before I can get it working enough to type up the rest of the chapters I'm supposed to type. So, be patient!
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Sunday, January 23, 2005
20 Members!
Yay! We've hit the 20 mark! I finally have 20 members in the Kyo-Kun Fan Club! I didn't even think I'd get 4 members let alon 20! Keep joining everyone! ^-^

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I'm glad everyone liked my last post! ^-^ I didn't know that that watch was a rare item for cosplayers...I think the site I found it on has a lot of them. Actually, it DID say 'LIMTED EDITION' and 'RARE' in red right next to it...then again, I didn't really pay attention to that...I brought it for $40. Well, okay, I didn't buy it. My mom did. It was a present to me. My mom and dad got rid of my dog and gave it away while I was a school one day. So, when I came home, he was gone. My mom felt really bad so she offered to buy me that FMA watch I've been wanting for weeks. Although I'd rather have my dog back, at least I got the watch. I'm really the only foolish one in my group of friends that would actually buy a $40 watch. If anyone wants to know where I got all my stuff, I'll tell you. Let's see, I got the first DVD and art box for Gravitation at I got the second-fourth DVD's at I also got the books from there too. I think it was books 3-6. I already had books 1 and 2. The watch and soundtrack I got from the same place. It's called My friend found the watch and told me about. I wanted it to so I bought it. She still hasn't bought it though. Oh, and I took a quiz.
 Joey Wheeler has a crush on you! So, you were able to steal him away from Mai Valentine. Well, Joey may be loud and annoying at times but he really looks out for the people he care about so you're in good hands.
Which Yu Gi Oh character would have a crush on you? (for girls) brought to you by Quizilla
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